The Third Reich

Chapter 1408: The terrible of armed Poles

Below is the AB novel network for you (Chapter 1408 The Terrible Armed Poles)

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These Belarusian People's Liberation Army may be involved with the guerrillas, so their encirclement and suppression will never be clean, but the Poles are different. They will kill the guerrillas and they will definitely not be soft.

They can even slaughter some villages, and the villages slaughtered belong to them!

Since the Germans want to provoke the relationship between the two parties, it is better to let this storm come more violently! Before returning to Poland's own territory, the Poles can only break out of their own world in Belarus!



As the capital of Belarus, Minsk is now the place where a series of recent plans have been implemented. German Propaganda Minister Goebbels and Reinhardt are all based in Minsk.

"The Poles want to organize a road protection team?" Upon receiving this news, both felt a little surprised.

"That's right, those Poles, who have been transferred, are not yet aware of the migration. They actually want to organize an army. This idea is terrible and must be resolutely stopped." On the side, the commander-in-chief of the Belarusian Liberation Army. Lieutenant General Charov said.

After taking refuge in Germany, Kachalov became the commander-in-chief of the Belarusian Liberation Army, and Major General Kirilov became the chief of the general staff. The two were still satisfied with the current situation.

Originally, Belarus could have a good future if it continued to develop in this way, but with an order from Germany, it actually moved those Poles.

Both of them are big heads. Those Poles who come to Belarus will surely cause a disturbance. The German is absolutely uneasy, but the will of Germany is absolutely not to be violated.

Now, the Poles actually want to organize armed forces and re-arm the Poles. Isn't this causing trouble for themselves? Lieutenant General Kacharov is firmly opposed.

After he finished speaking, he hoped that Major General Kirilov on the side would speak with him in opposition. Now Kirilov is the chief of staff of the Belarusian Liberation Army.

However, Kirillov did not speak. Kachalov looked at Kirillov. After a few seconds, he was disappointed. This guy, since becoming the senior commander here, has learned to be a turtle. No matter what, listen to the opinions of the Germans.

Wait, is there something wrong with your opinion?

Sure enough, Reinhardt spoke up: "General Kachalov, what you said just now is biased. Poles have moved to Belarus and become residents of Belarus. Poles must not be regarded as a low-level nation. We in Germany have always advocated equality among all races."

"Yes, yes, I was wrong." Kachalov said quickly.

Since he chose to defect, then Kachalov knew that he could only go one way to the black. If the Soviet Union counterattacked, they might let the Germans go, but they would never let go of the apostles.

"Recently, the guerrillas have made a lot of noise. Our Belarusian Liberation Army has never had a decent record. I think we can consider giving the Poles this authority. Since we have all competed in road construction, then In terms of eliminating the guerrillas, I think we can organize a competition." Goebbels said.

Goebbels' words made Kacharov even more surprised. What is the purpose of the Germans? Is it to turn Belarus into a Polish?

Recently, the guerrillas have been violent, but Kachalov firmly believes that he has enough manpower to completely wipe out the guerrillas.

"We can solve the guerrillas by ourselves." Kachalov said: "I can pledge my life. If it can't be eliminated, I am willing to commit suicide and apologize."

Kachalov has a strategic vision. He knows what will happen if the Poles are armed. Even if he loses his life, he will not let the Poles' conspiracy succeed.

At this time, Kachalov hoped that Major General Kirilov would come to his side, but unfortunately, he still didn't say anything.

"Suicide is fine." Reinhardt said: "If you commit suicide, you will tell Moscow that all those who take refuge in us will end up like this. How will we mobilize other PLA in the future? For example, how will the Ukrainian Liberation Army be formed? General Kachalov, your life is no longer just your own, but the entire empire. You can't say that again in the future!"

Kachalov felt his back soaked, and it was really too difficult to communicate with these Germans. If he didn't pay attention, he would be taken into the ditch.

"Well, in one month, if our Belarusian People's Liberation Army can't eliminate the guerrillas, then we must consider the Poles' proposal." Goebbels finally made the decision: "Within this month, the Polish road guards can only have sabers at most and no heat weapons. If the guerrillas are still raging a month later, we will consider assigning weapons to the Polish road guards. We will never watch those hateful guerrillas continue to destroy our way."

In a month’s time, this was won by Kacharov with his own life. At this time, Major General Kirilov spoke: "Well, we will definitely wipe out these guerrillas completely within this month.’s words are murderous. It’s time to show loyalty to the Germans. The Germans have suspected that their own troops and the guerrillas are in unspeakable collusion. Now Let the blood of the guerrillas prove their loyalty!

Almost at the same time, the guerrillas remaining in Belarus were also discussing countermeasures.

"The Germans want to build a high-grade highway in Belarus. This is entirely in preparation for the invasion of our Soviets. We absolutely cannot make this road successful!" said the guerrilla major.

"Yes, they repair it during the day, and we will blow it up at night." Nekhtyaev also had an excited expression: "Let the Germans know how powerful our guerrillas are. We want to turn Belarus into a huge swamp. Germans cannot pass here!"

"Everyone, you should be able to see the Germans' conspiracy." Unlike their excitement, Labannock carried a worried expression: "The Poles have also come in, and the Germans have migrated to the Poles and let them play. If the Poles win, they will live in the city. In this case, if we blow up the roads, the Poles might succeed."

A very simple question, complicated by the participation of the Poles, Rabanock is worried.

The major captain glanced at him, and said disapprovingly: "This problem is easy to solve. Can we only bomb the Poles for repairs?".

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