The Third Reich

Chapter 1415: Cargo fleet found

When a submarine is navigating underwater, it mainly relies on sonar to search for the surrounding situation, and when it emerges, it can rely on radar. Moreover, the current nuclear-powered submarine has a huge displacement and sufficient space, so it is in the control tower Above, the radar has been deployed long ago, and now after it has surfaced, the radar has also started to search the surrounding sea and air.

For submarines, the most feared are the enemy's surface ships and anti-submarine aircraft, and now with the search radar, various situations can be found as early as possible.

Both radar and sonar were working, searching the surrounding sea, and at the same time, the submarine continued to sail south.

Two hours later, the sky has gradually turned white. In the Arctic Circle, this season is the polar day. If it is at the North Pole, it will always be bright. As time goes by, the polar day will continue to move outward. When the summer solstice is reached, the polar day will pass to the Arctic Circle, which is the largest range that can be expanded.

At this time, the Arctic Circle is not a 24-hour day, but the night is already very short.

The sun is shining obliquely on the Arctic Circle, facing the rising sun, and you can see so many ice floes floating on the water of the Arctic Ocean, and the submarine is sailing between the ice floes.

This submarine was built with full consideration of the robustness of the outer shell. It uses the latest high-strength steel developed by Krupp, which can easily dive to the bottom of the sea to a depth of 300 meters. At the same time, it also takes into account the Arctic environment. .

When needed, it can directly break through the ice layer of the Arctic Ocean and float up, so there is no need to be afraid of the current floating ice even if it hits it.

"You hear low-speed propeller noise." Just then, the sonar soldier first found the target.

The floating ice restricts the signal search of the air-to-sea search radar. After the sonar pointed out the direction, the radar finally caught several obscure reflection highlights.

"Attention, dive to the depth of the periscope and prepare to fight!"

In this area, the ships sailing are all Soviet ships or American ships, and our goal this time is to launch a sneak attack on American merchant ships!

The 6,000-ton nuclear submarine formed a huge vortex on the sea, like a big shark, diving into the sea, leaving only a small periscope on the sea.

Standing in front of the periscope on the control tower, Otto was constantly observing the sea, and at the same time, his own submarine was also sailing forward at a speed of 10 knots.

Due to the use of a seven-blade propeller and the first generation of silencing tiles developed by Germany on the surface, the submarine's quiet performance is quite good. When sailing at a speed of 10 knots, it will not be detected by American sonar equipment at all.

After passing through the ice floes, finally, Otto used his periscope to see the target on the sea in the distance, and suddenly he felt that his breathing was going to be fast.

Aircraft carrier?

The straight-through deck layout and the side bridge must be an aircraft carrier. Unexpectedly, the first time I set sail, I caught such a big guy!

This is a fleet, with more than a dozen cargo ships sailing on the sea. Otto first noticed the aircraft carrier, and when he continued to approach, he could see more clearly.

It is indeed an aircraft carrier, but it is not an attack aircraft carrier with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons. This should be an **** aircraft carrier. However, it is not one. There are three **** aircraft carriers that are sailing with other cargo ships.

In this regard, Otto knows something inside.

At the beginning, Germany ordered a batch of container ships from the Newport News shipyard in the United States. After Germany received them, they were transformed into aircraft carriers, or they could be used as aircraft carriers without modification.

Later, as the relationship with the United States became ill, the Americans suddenly discovered in the Pacific War that they needed a low-cost, reliable **** aircraft carrier. At this time, they found the Newport News Shipyard, and after inspecting it , Nimitz and Roosevelt both agreed, and the Navy placed dozens of orders for mass production of such ships.

This is the American Casablanca-class aircraft carrier.

Prior to this, even light aircraft carriers were converted from combat ships. However, **** aircraft carriers were converted from merchant ships. Therefore, although it is an aircraft carrier with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons, it simply cannot participate in the front line. In combat, there is no armor protection, no advanced damage control, and it looks like an aircraft carrier, but as long as it gets hit, it will be useless.

Therefore, this aircraft carrier is mainly used to **** merchant ships. They are generally deployed in front of the transport fleet, using carrier-based aircraft to detect and attack submarines, or guide surface ships to attack. In addition to escorting, escorting aircraft carriers often play the role of transport ships.

Now, these three **** aircraft carriers, like other cargo ships, are all responsible for transportation.

Manila Bay, the sixth Casablanca-class aircraft carrier.

The steam engine at the rear is rumbling. In the Arctic Ocean, bad weather conditions make everyone be careful.

On the bridge, Ralph Davidson was standing here, looking into the distance with a binoculars.

On the sea, there are constantly floating ice floes, and they should try to avoid those large ice floes to avoid collisions.

Fortunately, there are almost twenty hours of lighting in a day, which allows them to sail almost all the time during the day, but this kind of sailing makes people even more exhausted.

"We are the and are going to fight, but now, we are a sea jeep." At this time, at another position on the bridge, First Officer Mitchell looked at the densely packed deck. The P-39 fighter could not help but start a complaint.

Now, the biggest enemy of the U.S. Navy is the island navy. The island navy is raging in the Pacific Ocean. Even the U.S. Navy evades its edge. Every naval officer is eager to fight, but is not running as a transport ship to transport weapons and ammunition to the Soviets. !

After the Germans took control of the North Sea, the United States even had to venture to open up the Arctic Ocean route, starting from Alaska, all the way along the northern coastal border of the Soviet Union, transporting to the White Sea, and unloading supplies at the nearest place to Moscow.

This role change has made many people uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Ralph turned his head: "Helping the Soviet Union now is our inevitable choice. We must let the Soviet Union persevere and drag the Germans. If the Soviet Union fails, then we will face a two-front battle. The dangerous situation, think about it, we can’t even deal with the island nations now. If we deal with the German navy in the Atlantic, we will undoubtedly lose.”

It takes time for naval violent soldiers. The United States must help the Soviet Union to hold Germany. This concept has now become popular.

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