The Third Reich

Chapter 1427: Just one action

"The Soviets are exploiting the Volga-Ural oil field on a large scale. Our investigation revealed that at least 30 oil wells are being drilled. At the same time, we can also see that new refineries are also being built nearby. "The pictures taken by the aerial camera were quickly cleaned out. When they got these pictures, everyone was excited.

"Well, it seems that the time is really great now. We are just in time for a large-scale bombing operation!" As the person in charge of this operation, Rommel is in a very good mood: "I think we don't just want To bomb these oil fields and other factories near the Ural Mountains, we must also carry out large-scale and efficient bombing."

In this investigation, flying all the way, not only captured the oilfield situation, but also many newly built factories near the Ural Mountains.

With the continuous advancement of Germany, the Soviet Union made full use of the characteristics of its vast territory and has begun to move some factories to the rear in a planned way. With the help of the United States, these factories have also started to build. This is also an accident. Harvested.

Hearing Rommel’s words, Colonel Helmut Boehler, the head of the bombing force, frowned: "Marshal, we only have twenty Junkers-290s this time. If we want to bomb so many targets. If we do, I’m afraid we won’t be enough once."

This is not to worry about being intercepted by the opponent's aircraft during the second bombing. After all, the Junker-290 has an altitude advantage, and the Soviet high-altitude fighters are not enough to protect Moscow and cannot be mobilized in time.

The main reason is that the target to be bombed is an oil field. After the first bombing, there will definitely be fire everywhere in the oil field, and thick smoke will rise, which will completely cover the target and cause a lot of trouble in the second bombing. , It is not easy to aim at the target.

They have to blow up the oil field completely in one go, and they cannot separate the plane to blow up other factories.

Rommel nodded: "Yes, it seems that to complete this mission, we can only use what kind of weapon to destroy the entire city."

Hearing Rommel’s words, everyone’s faces were filled with excitement: “Marshal, what kind of weapon requires strict approval. If you ask for instructions, maybe we can still get it.”

No one knows the specific reason. Is it too precious, or is it to prevent leaks? In short, after the bombing of Petersburg, they never used this weapon again.

It can be seen that, in the eyes of Führer Cyric, this weapon is used as a strategic weapon.

Exploding oil fields can be considered as a strategic consideration.

From a tactical point of view, if an ordinary bomber is used to blow up an oil field, there will be at least three Junker-290s that can be destroyed by throwing precision guided munitions. If you use that kind of weapon, one is enough. , Enough to destroy an oil field, relying on that terrible shock wave, you can collapse all the oil wells and kill all the oil workers.

Rommel's request quickly reached the wolf den, and at this time, the wolf den was preparing for a new battle.

"The Soviets quickly deployed the defense line behind Smolensk. They would never have thought that our Central Army had an armored group that had already moved south, heading straight for Kiev!"

Since Cyric started to command Germany, every battle has been extremely exciting, and this time, the Central Route Army's southward move is even more impressive.

When Smolensk was defeated, almost everyone would think that the Germans’ goal was to go straight to Moscow. As a result, the powerful Central Route Army split up half of the troops, and the 4,000 tanks of the second armored group in the south. A powerful army of 100,000 has already rolled south.

At this time, the command of the Soviets was still in chaos. They did not discover their own new strategy. When the second armored group arrived in Kiev, it was the end of the millions of defenders in Kiev!

"Now, the Central Route Army is advancing southward at the highest speed. It is expected that they will be able to appear in the east of Kiev the day after tomorrow. Timoshenko thought that the moat of the Dnieper River could stop us, but he didn't know it would be for us. Invalid." Keitel said, he had already admired Cyric's art of conducting.

Cyrek nodded: "Yes, as long as the Kiev defenders are eaten, the Soviets will know that in front of our huge army, the Soviets have no possibility of resistance. For them, surrender is the best. s Choice!"

"Head of Cyric, Marshal Rommel called, requesting the use of thermobaric bombs to attack the oil base in Ural." Just then, Rommel's telegram arrived.


Cyric has always been very cautious about the use of this weapon. One of the important reasons is the fear of leaking secrets. Once the Soviets and Americans have mastered this weapon, it will be a big trouble for Germany. Fortunately, come here at night and throw a few such bombs, and German cities will be in great danger.

Therefore, it cannot be used until it is necessary.

And after the bazooka incident, Cyric's thoughts have begun to slowly change. Now, he is not so scrupulous about the use of new weapons.

Moreover, the time is just right now. They bombed their oil fields, leaving the Soviets facing a shortage of oil, and they were unable to cope with their own encirclement of Kiev.

Since it is going to be fried, it is better to blow it up!

"Yes." Cyric said: "In the past few days, let them take off at high intensity. After blowing up the oil fields, nearby factories, refineries, oil storage tanks, etc., will be blown up for me!"

In this era the Soviets hardly have any strategic oil reserves. Basically, they use as much as they produce, and if they blow it up, they can stop the Soviets' heavy equipment.

If this is the case, it is not enough to just bomb the Volga-Ural oil field. Considering a report by Rommel a few days ago, Cyrek continued: "Let our Libya base transport the newly developed high-speed transportation to Iran. To help Iran cross the Caspian Sea, it's time for the Iranians to do it too. You can't let the Turks bleed forever!"

Now, with the continuous expansion of the German occupation area, the status of the Libyan base has been increasingly reduced, but the degree of confidentiality is still the highest, and the development there is the most powerful.

Among them, it also includes a newly developed high-speed vehicle. With the help of these tools, they can send their vanguard troops. Now the guards on the Baku oil field are quite empty. A small number of vanguard troops can control the oil field. The main task they went up was not to fight, but to prevent oilfield employees from destroying the oilfield. A large number of troops could follow up.

To move their oil fields, simply move together. In this era, without oil, let's see how the Soviets are fighting against their own armored forces!

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