The Third Reich

Chapter 1450: Desperate Breakout

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"We lack anti-tank firepower. In previous breakout battles, our brothers tried various breakout tactics, but the effect was very poor." In the command headquarters, Admiral Kilbonos listened to himself The subordinate's report: "The only successful experience is that in Belarus, a force escaped from the swamp against the direction of the Germans."

In the face of Germany's huge armored forces, any breakout battle is destined to be thrilling. There are very few successful examples. Now, the Soviet army has to break through without fuel and anti-tank weapons.

The task is quite daunting.

Admiral Kilbonos gritted his teeth and said: "We have no other way now. We can go out as much as we want." His eyes were fixed on the map, and the Germans' actions were too quick, short. In the time, his side has been divided into six.

The 26th Army, stationed 20 to 30 kilometers north of the town of Zolotonosha, was surrounded by the Germans in the Orzica area.

The 37th and 26th Group Army stationed 40 to 50 kilometers southeast of Kiev, the 21st Army Group stationed in the southeast of Plyakin, the 5th Army stationed in the east of Plyakin, and the 10th Army stationed in the northeast of Kiev. The 37th Army at 15 kilometers and the 37th Army stationed in the Yagogin area.

The entire Southwest Front Army, more than 700,000 troops, was thus divided and surrounded. They could have left here and played their role on a larger stage.

Admiral Kilbonos has no bottom in his heart. Maybe the defense on the west is empty, but they can't break through to the west, otherwise they won't be able to come back again. They can only go east and then east again. Kill a **** road!

"Tonight, the whole army will break through." Admiral Kilbonos said: "Move all our tanks that can be moved, put together the fuel that can be collected, and give it to the tank unit."

After a pause, he continued: "Including our command vehicle, we also contributed."

The fuel supply has been cut off, and they don't have much fuel on hand, so they can only give up the command vehicle. Moreover, to break through the dark night and sit in the command vehicle, it is better to walk on foot, so that the target will be more conspicuous.

Admiral Kilbonos didn't know that tonight was already his last night.

The night was gradually falling. In the dark night, a small transport plane landed on the open space on the outskirts of Kiev. Just after landing, several senior officials waiting on the side hurriedly climbed up.

Brother Timusin’s face was ugly. As a marshal, he felt deeply self-blame for his behavior. After being surrounded, he escaped by plane and left the hundreds of thousands in the encirclement. army.

And Khrushchev does not have his psychological pressure. For Khrushchev, all of this has nothing to do with him. It is purely due to Stalin's mistakes. This self-sufficient person is not worthy to lead the Soviets!

Well, this idea has to be put in my heart and absolutely cannot be expressed.

The plane took off and entered the dark night sky again. As the sound of the engine gradually disappeared, the top commander of the Southwest Front Army had already left.

"Boom, boom!" At this moment, ten thousand cannons blasted in unison.

The Kiev garrison concentrated all the artillery fire, and carried out the first and final bombardment towards the encirclement of Germany.

When the shelling is over, they will begin to break through. Countless soldiers are holding their rifles and bayonets, waiting for the command to charge.

The commander of the Front Army, General Kirbonos, member of the Military Commission Burmistenko, and Chief of Staff Major General Tupikov. The three stood together. They all carried sand submachine guns and wore the same uniform as ordinary soldiers. With the mark of their military rank, at this moment, they are ordinary soldiers.

Beside them, there is a guard composed of dozens of people, all of which are all sand. The front row is holding turntable machine guns. After a while, they will rely on powerful firepower to rush along the opening gap. Get out!

Almost just a minute after one's own artillery fired, in the sky, one rocket after another, headed toward the Soviet artillery position!

The response of the Germans was incredibly fast!

The Cyric organ roared and flew towards the Soviet artillery positions. Soon, their artillery positions blew up. There were explosions everywhere and screams everywhere.

"Charge!" Admiral Kilbonos said, originally intending to let the artillery bombard all the stock of artillery shells. Who would have thought that in a short time, the Germans would fight back, and the Germans The artillery fire was more intensive, leaving almost no time for one's own side to fight back.

The artillery unit was reimbursed, and if they did not charge, it would be too late.

Rush, rush!

A famous Soviet soldier leaped out of his position and ran forward. In the dark, they ran very fast. At the same time, they felt some heat in their bodies.

Infrared is invisible to the naked eye, but it has a thermal effect. When sitting next to the stove, you will feel the heat, which is actually the infrared radiated from the stove.

German infrared headlights have irradiated the invisible infrared rays, illuminating the battlefield, illuminating everyone’s body, and reflecting back In the infrared receiver, you can see clearly Clearly Chu.

"Fire!" Just when the Soviet soldier in the front had reached a distance of 500 meters, suddenly, there was a terrible sound of machine guns from the opposite side.

The sound of a chainsaw, the flames from the muzzle in the distance, and the arc drawn by the tracer in the dark, quickly turned this place into a place of death!

Rows of Soviet soldiers fell screamingly, and the soldiers behind rushed forward with fearlessness. At this moment, they seemed to lose their pain and judgment, as if they were paramecium with simple structure. Know to rush forward!

"Da da da..." In the charge, the Soviet army here also fired back. A group of Soviet soldiers ran and fired with machine guns in their hands. They quickly attracted the attention of the German team.

"Boom, boom!" A few mortar shells flew toward the group of Soviet soldiers. The German gunners actually aimed so accurately in the dark, and the shells exploded precisely among the Soviet soldiers!

Shrapnel was flying.

Admiral Kilbonos fell, the muzzle of the submachine gun in his hand rose, and the last bullet was shot into the sky, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

Burmistenko, a member of the military committee, fell, and a fragment hit him in the abdomen, and all his intestines flowed out. He opened his eyes wide and looked at his intestines without breathing.

The chief of staff, Major General Tupikov, did not fall. He slid his gun to the ground, his body still standing upright, and exhausted all his strength, shouting loudly: "Comrades, rush out! Stalin Comrades are waiting for us!"

A lot of people may have been bored with this kind of battle, so the hero of East China is still abbreviated, so as to save the number of words in the water every day.

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