The Third Reich

Chapter 1454: To Midway Island

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In the Pacific Ocean, the wind and waves are not very strong. The fleet splits the waves, braves the wind and waves, and sails forward.

Rear Admiral Fletcher was standing on the bridge. The Saratoga under his feet looked brand new on the deck. Just when sailing at sea, the sailors painted a thin layer of moisture on the deck. Paint, now, there is a smell of paint wafting across the entire aircraft carrier, Fletcher held on to the railing and looked at his huge fleet.

The island nation’s fleet must be completely destroyed. This naval battle will affect the survival of the US Pacific Fleet!

Fletcher looked at the sea in the distance, fighting on the sea, the first step was to find the enemy, in the vast sea, it is not easy to find the enemy.

The agents in the island country have seen all the navy of the island country dispatched. According to the itinerary, they will reach the sea area about 500 kilometers southwest of Attu Island in the last two days. For the islanders’ carrier aircraft, five More than a hundred kilometers is the normal combat distance.

At the same time, if the island people want to land on Attu Island, they must get closer, even one or two hundred nautical miles, to cover their ships for landing operations, and even some large warships will come closer to the island.

Fletcher turned his head and asked, "How is it? Did our reconnaissance plane find it?"

"No, the reconnaissance plane is still searching nearby, but no islander's fleet was found."

Where did the islanders go? Fletcher felt a little nervous. For the fleet, it is quite dangerous that the enemy cannot be spotted early. Who knows where the enemy will lie in ambush, waiting to encircle and destroy itself?

The islanders have more aircraft carriers than their own. If they are attacked, they might suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this, Fletcher said: "Add more aircraft carrier formation air defense fighters, expand the air defense range to 100 nautical miles, and closely monitor our nearby airspace."

In Fletcher's hunch, it was almost instantaneous to encounter the formation of islanders.

He didn't know, his own wait would be long.

"The Americans are wandering around the Aleutian Islands. They never thought that the target of our attack is Midway Island." Standing on the bridge of the Yamato, Pheasant Fifty-Six looked at its huge formation with pride in his heart. The feeling came to me spontaneously. At this time, I was even more excited when I heard the compliment from the adjutant on the side.

The four main aircraft carriers form a mobile formation, which is in charge of Nanyun Tadao. Their task is not to cover the landing forces, but to fight decisive battles with the US main fleet that may arrive at any time.

The landing is mainly carried out by two **** aircraft carriers and landing ships. The islanders are satisfied with the landing ships produced by Germany. They drove all the way, very smoothly, and the beaches and landings will be unprofitable. Even in their vision, the Americans would not react until their infantry rushed to the beach.

All this, thanks to the reminder of Führer Cyric, he actually knew that the Americans had deciphered their own wireless telegrams. In order to continue to confuse the Americans, the fleet used the original password to communicate. At the same time, after departure, the entire fleet was in radio silence. The state continues to deceive the Americans.

"Yes, as long as we capture Midway Island, we can hold the eastern gate of the Pacific Ocean tightly and keep Americans from the coastline. It's just a pity."

In the second half of the sentence, the pheasant 56 did not say it. It is a pity that the island country has insufficient resources, insufficient industrial production capacity, and a small population. Otherwise, it will be no problem for the island country to occupy the entire East Asia.

Compared with the United States, the island country seems to have no hope of victory. This is also the reason why Pheasant 56 refused to launch a war against the United States. But now, it seems that the situation is developing in the direction of benefiting the island country. Thanks to Germany!

But why do island nations refuse to form an alliance with themselves?

Thinking of this, he did not continue to think about it. The subordinates have already sent a message: "There is still a hundred nautical miles away from Midway Island."

"The aircraft carrier fleet temporarily stopped advancing, and the landing ships and **** warships are advancing at full speed, ready to land on the beach after dark!" Pheasant Fifty-Six shouted.

This operation has been repeatedly discussed in the Department of the Navy. If it is to land during the day, it can be fully supported by the carrier-based aircraft, which can bomb the military base on Midway Island. However, the Americans also It will also react and increase the difficulty of landing.

Therefore, they finally decided to postpone and let the landing ship land after nightfall. In this way, it might even be possible to complete all landing tasks without disturbing the Americans and take the entire Midway Island overnight.

Midway Island is just a coral reef, with a total area of ​​only 5 square kilometers and a circumference of 24 kilometers. Such a projectile land It is enough to have ten landing ships, each carrying 500 For the famous Marine Corps personnel and some internal fire boats, these ten are enough.

The next few ships transported their equipment and supplies, and they were well prepared to deal with the less than two thousand US troops on the island, which was nothing short of meaning.

There is no need to make too much noise at all. The mission focus of our fleet is not to land on Midway Island, but how to respond to the American counterattacks after landing, firmly hold Midway Island, centered on Midway Island, and The Hawaiian Islands launched an offensive, this is the most important.

The entire fleet came to a halt slowly, and at the rear of the formation, ship after ship started to form a new formation, slowly continuing to sail towards the east.

They are the landing fleet escorted by the Fourth Cruiser Team.

Commander Lieutenant Admiral Nobutake Kondo stood on the heavy cruiser Torkai, watching his side gradually leave the aircraft carrier formation, and on the distant sea level, the target island was about to appear.

Reconnaissance aircraft cannot be dispatched. There is a new radar station built by the Americans on the island. Shipborne opportunities are exposed on the radar screen to alert the Americans. They must approach directly and quietly!

Time is slowly passing by. The sun's rays slanted from the west and fell on the sea, pulling the shadows of each warship very long. Soon, the sun will take away the last rays of light. The sea will become dark.

At this moment, the lookout at the top of the mast suddenly discovered something and shouted loudly: "At six o'clock, there is a fishing boat fifteen nautical miles away!"

This was a covert military operation, and the most feared was leaking secrets. Now, just before landing on Midway Island, something unexpected happened.

This fishing boat is running back at full power, and it looks like it wants to go back and report to the US Navy!

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