The Third Reich

Chapter 1485: Control landing

In the tower, Commander Ike also looked at the plane in a trance. As an American, he himself has a kind of self-confidence that the United States is the most powerful. However, compared with the Germans, the level of science and technology in the United States seems to have always Lost.

"The water reconnaissance aircraft enters the runway, takes off for reconnaissance, and the flight course remains unchanged." Ike said.

He stood in front of the glass tower of the tower, watching the airliner slowly rolling away, and frowned: "What's the matter? Is the pilot a novice this time? Why didn't he slide to the tarmac?"

After landing, this passenger plane came towards the tower, which made Ike even more strange. The pilot must be a novice?

"Ground crew, take command of this plane." Ike said.

Just as Ike shouted, he frowned suddenly, something was wrong, the painting of this plane seemed a little strange, what was going on?

"Block that plane, don't let it rush here!" Ike suddenly shouted. For an air base, the tower is the most important.

On the ground, a few ground crews hurried away, but the plane slid over and ignored them at all. They could only evade quickly to avoid being hit.

"Stop, stop, you parked in the wrong place!" The ground crew shouted loudly, and then they saw the airliner stopped.

The cabin door opened quickly, and after that, the heavily armed men jumped out of it. They had a 6.8mm assault rifle in their hands. The moment they jumped down, they opened fire violently at the ground crew.

"Da da da da." The bullet flew towards the ground crew. Several American ground crews fell. Until now, everyone understands what happened. No, the Germans are coming up!

The Germans drove a passenger plane, pretending to be their own plane, landed at their own airport, and then came down a large number of armed men!

This is simply hitting their weakness!

This is not a major military base. Only the aviation troops are stationed here to guard this company, that is, a company with a strength of about a hundred men. They are still holding rifles from the First World War, which is symbolic. As transferred from the local National Guard, their training level is also the worst.

If the Germans were to launch an offensive, they would definitely come to bomb this place. They were definitely not sending ground troops. Therefore, the base was equipped with some antiaircraft artillery, while the ordinary infantry was of poor level.

This large passenger plane can carry more than two hundred people. Now, they jumped out of the passenger plane like wolves, and rushed towards all points.

The commander with Scarface also jumped down. Like other soldiers, he held an assault rifle in his hand. There were three drums in the bullet pocket on his chest, and there were a few grenade hanging on his butt. He shouted He shouted: "Quickly, control all places according to the plan to create conditions for the entry of follow-up troops!"

If the Germans want to attack Iceland, they will definitely hit the capital first, just like when the British landed in Iceland. No one thought that the Germans would land at the Keflavik base on the Cape Recha Peninsula!

The first group that arrived was only a special forces unit on a passenger plane. After they got off, they were like wolves and quickly controlled the vital points of the entire base.

Scarface led a team and rushed into the tower quickly. As long as he met an American along the way, he would just sweep it down without talking!

"Da da da!" The bullets got closer and closer, and Ike in the tower was panicked. The people inside, at most, could not resist with a pistol. What should I do?

While he was still hesitating, a row of bullet holes appeared in the door behind them. Amidst the sound of bullets shooting, the screams of guards outside could be heard.

"Hey!" Scarface took the lead, kicked off the broken door, rushed in, and shouted in English: "Don't move, raise your hand!"

Had it not been for protecting the equipment in the tower, Scarface would have abruptly all of them. Now, with his shout, everyone including Ike quickly raised their hands.

They are scared!

The fiercest battle broke out on the antiaircraft artillery positions in the east.

Because there was no battle alert, there were no full-staffed AA gunners on the AA gun position. There were only five or six soldiers on guard. When the battle broke out here, these soldiers immediately took action.

"Quick, quick!" Several soldiers jumped on the antiaircraft artillery and turned the high and low planes quickly.

In order to achieve the role of air defense at any time, these antiaircraft guns are almost always in a high elevation angle state, aiming at the east, where the most attacked position is, and now they need to turn flat and need to turn half a circle.

Several people were spinning vigorously, hoping to adjust the anti-aircraft artillery to a level combat state as soon as possible to fight the Germans here.

The Germans can't make it for the time being. They get off the plane and walk almost on two legs. Even if it is a trot all the way, it takes time to come over!

During this time, they can definitely do it!

After the ammunition box was opened, a soldier had begun to load the ammunition. At this time, the Germans were still thousands of meters away from them.

Get ready for the shells!

Several soldiers started calibration and used high-explosive bombs to kill ground infantry. The scene was very pleasing to the eye!

However, at this moment, several HS129 aircraft have flown in!

They did not come from the east, but from the they came from the aircraft carrier! They drilled through the mountains along the coast, and appeared almost straight away in a rather concealed manner.

As a qualified sweeper, these planes arrived at the right time. At this time, the anti-aircraft artillery had been leveled, and they wanted to rise again, it was not that easy!

"Tom tom, tom tom tom." 40mm shells shot out from the nose, amid black smoke, one shell after another flew on the ground, and the antiaircraft artillery position here immediately entered a sea of ​​flames.

After many battles, Germany has formed a closely coordinated tactic in the landing operation. Facing the sea of ​​fire on the antiaircraft artillery position, the soldiers of the special forces gave their thumbs up to the sky.

Their task is to control this place as the main landing field.

The Americans deployed a large amount of firepower against the sea in Reykjavik. It is very dangerous to land directly there, but it is much easier to land here, because the Americans would never think of it.

The Germans actually left the distance and went here to land? This is not in line with common sense! At the same time, they didn't expect that the Germans would come to Iceland to open up a battlefield at a time when they were fighting the Soviet Union.

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