The Third Reich

Chapter 1500: Bloody conflict

"What happened in the city?" At this time, with the start of the German tank troops, they had already reached the outskirts of Reykjavik. It was just because it was dark that they had not rashly launched an offensive action, and they planned to attack after dawn. .

German tanks have advanced night vision devices, which can only be seen clearly. For example, they must not be able to tell the difference between Americans and Icelanders. Therefore, if they rush in, they may accidentally injure the Icelanders.

Germany is not afraid of accidental injury, but in a country like Iceland, you must be careful, because the Germans play the banner of rescue, and they are here to rescue their compatriots in Iceland.

If the Icelanders are killed by fire, they may become invaders.

Although Iceland has a small population, it is full of mountains. Once these Icelanders hide in the mountains, they keep running out to fight guerrillas, which is enough for Germany to have a headache. No matter what period, guerrillas are the most difficult to deal with. Looking at Afghanistan in later generations, it will be clear that the Soviet Union cannot conquer, and the United States cannot conquer, because it is a mountainous area, and Iceland is worse than there.

With this kind of thinking, they did not take advantage of the night to attack, and planned to rush in after dawn tomorrow, and give the Americans one more night.

Who knows, at this time, there was chaos in the city.

This made Haldgen, the commander of the 6th Marine Division, curious about it. What happened?

By his side, Lucas, the commander of the air assault regiment, had an expression of joy on his face: "It is also necessary to say that the people of Iceland must have learned that we are coming, and an uprising against the US army broke out in advance. We simply took advantage of this opportunity and rushed in!"

Rush in?

Hardergen gritted his teeth. In the daytime today, they were ashamed. They were leaning on tanks and armored vehicles and were blocked by a group of infantry for most of the day. If it weren't for the air assault regiment to descend from the rear and arrange the encirclement, maybe they were The task of completely annihilating the 1st American Marine Division has not yet been completed, and the liberation of Iceland before dark has become an empty talk and has to wait until tomorrow.

But now, there is actually chaos inside, what should we do at this time?

Rush in?

"Please ask Lieutenant General Marshal." Haldgen said.

He must be cautious.

The telegram returned soon, and Lieutenant General Marshal had only one word, victory!

"Enter the city, be careful, don't accidentally injure the Icelanders, and play our flag!" Haldgen shouted loudly, striding towards his tank.

At this time, slogans were hung outside their tanks, and several propaganda vehicles accompanying the troops also warmed up the high-power loudspeakers, ready to speak in fluent Icelandic.

"Squad leader, squad leader, what should I do?" In the street fortifications on Piccadilly Circus, the machine gunner was holding his machine gun and looking at the pedestrians swarming in front of him, wondering what to do.

The name of this Piccadilly Circus is a street in London. It originally had its original name, but it is quite confusing. In order to quickly grasp the entire city, the British occupying forces simply replaced all the streets here with English names. It is convenient for them to operate, and the maps are printed like this.

In fact, just this action has made many Icelandic citizens dissatisfied. The street where I have been living since childhood was changed as soon as people said it was renamed. Whose place is this?

Since the arrival of the occupying forces, they have done nothing good and have not brought them any benefit. On the contrary, there have been many bad things. These American and British soldiers have nothing to do and can't control the guy in their crotch, and they will harm the citizens' girls.

Some even secretly carried them to the barracks in the name of falling in love. This made the citizens resentful, but they did nothing. These resentments reached the extreme, and they finally broke out tonight. .

Even the prime minister of his side has been put under house arrest and controlled. What do Americans want to do?

Before, they didn't dare, but now they are going to fight it out. Anyway, there is a German army outside!

"Hey, don't come close, this is a military restricted zone." The squad leader shouted anxiously, but it was a pity that the other party could not understand the English he spoke.

The crowd was still moving forward, and suddenly, someone in the crowd bent over, picked up the stone on the ground, and threw it hard.

"American, get out!"

"Let go of our prime minister!"

When the first stone flew, the second and the third one followed. On the machine gun positions on this side, the American soldiers originally planned to evade. Without orders, they did not want to cause bloodshed with the citizens of Iceland.

However, at this moment, the situation has changed.

As long as people who grow in cold regions are very savage, just look at their chest hair. Now, throwing stones is no longer satisfied. Some people just picked up their harpoons and threw them violently. past.

Harpoon? Yes, Iceland is primarily fishery. At the same time, they are not big fishing boats, but small sampans. Harpoons are very common.

"Pop!" The harpoon pierced accurately on the sandbag in front of the machine gun fortification, and the wooden handle at the back was still shaking. It was only a dozen centimeters away from the machine gunner's head!

If the machine gunner is not eye-stricken and quick-handed, he has just been pierced in his head. Looking at the dangling wooden handle, the machine gunner felt that his brain was empty.

The gunner's fingers finally pulled the trigger.

"Da da da." The machine gun bullet shot past, sweeping a large area of ​​people in front of him in an instant.

"Asshole, who made you shoot!" the squad leader yelled, "Stop shooting!"

The trigger of the gun is set to require a certain amount of force to be pulled. In fact, it could have been done very easily, but there is a risk of accidental fire.

When people are tense, they will involuntarily increase their strength.

The machine gunner at this time was too nervous, and once the machine gun rang, he became even more nervous. He couldn't even hear the slogan to stop shooting. He watched the person in front of him fall down a large piece, and the bullet chain was still there. It moved with a splash.

The Icelanders were still falling, and the remaining people were drilling around. They never dreamed that these Americans would dare to shoot at unarmed civilians.

Yes, it was unarmed, and the harpoon in his hand was thrown out.

"Stop!" The squad leader kicked the machine gunner and the machine gun stopped shooting. At this time, hundreds of people were already lying down in front of him. The squad leader looked at the corpse in front of him, and the screams of no dead people suddenly felt in his heart. Han, it's trouble now.

At this moment, at the end of the street, there was a rumbling roar.

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