The Third Reich

Chapter 1503: Empire not allowed

What to build an airport, what aquatic product processing plant, these are secondary, for a country that focuses on fisheries, fishing scope, fishing resources, that is the most important.

There are a large number of high-quality fish in the seas around Iceland, but until now, there is no suitable law to protect Iceland’s fishery resources. Icelanders can go fishing. At the same time, British fishing boats, Norwegian fishing boats, etc. You can go to the sea near them to fish.

In later generations, the conflict between Iceland and the United Kingdom was also due to this. British fishing boats ran into the seas of Iceland to fish, which triggered many sea confrontations. The small Icelandic fishery ship ran into the British frigate just to defend itself. Power.

Cyric comes from a later generation, and knows best what Iceland needs. The previous ones are foreshadowing, and the last one is the big killer.

Under German governance, there has been a trend of unification in Europe. Under this circumstance, it is only natural for Germany to divide the fishing ranges of various countries. As long as Germany is divided, who would dare to defy?

Without state protection, do ordinary fishermen dare to illegally cross the border to fish?

Hearing Ribbentrop’s words, the eyes of the two of them widened, and all their fatigue disappeared. Hermann said, “Yes, it’s time to clarify our fishing range long ago to avoid being stolen. catch."

Not only in later generations, even in previous history, the history of Icelanders' struggles almost always started with foreign fishing boats.

They are eager to protect their own interests.

Seeing the performance of the two, Ribbentrop knew that he was once again guessed by the head of Cyric. As long as the Icelanders were to divide their fishing grounds, the Icelanders would definitely be grateful.

"Thanks to Germany for supporting us. We will support all German policies with both hands." Hermann said.

When Ribbentrop took out the area divided by the fishing grounds, they were excited, just as they needed. Now, look at the British fishing boats, dare you dare to cross the border to fish!

At that time, it is enough to directly file a complaint with Germany, depending on how Germany can deal with them.

"Yes, we are willing to implement all German policies in Europe, including the use of the euro." Anadez also said.

The trend of European unification has become more and more obvious. An intuitive phenomenon is the continuous expansion of the euro zone. For a small Iceland, issuing its own currency is still a big burden. Directly adopting the European unified currency will benefit. More, it can be more convenient and effective in fishery trade. Both parties use the same currency, so there is no exchange rate trouble.

These are all they can think of, but they still missed one.

"We still have a small request." Ribbentrop said: "I hope you can withdraw the previous declaration, continue to recognize the identity of Icelandic King Christian X, and restore it to the state of 1918. Iceland is the Kingdom of Denmark. Dependent sovereign state."

These words stunned the two in an instant.

Iceland is a small country with a small population, so in history, it has not been independent for a long time. Specifically, it did not officially declare its independence until 1944. Before that, it had been a vassal of other countries.

After several changes of hands, before the Danish-Norwegian partition of the United Kingdom under the Kiel Agreement in 1814, Iceland was a colony of the Norwegian King and later became a subject of Denmark.

However, Denmark continues to decline and it is difficult to maintain absolute control over Iceland. Therefore, Icelanders continue to strive for autonomy.

In 1874, the Danish government granted limited autonomy to Iceland. In 1918, Denmark and Iceland signed a joint bill. Denmark recognized the Kingdom of Iceland as a sovereign state attached to the Kingdom of Denmark. Since then, Iceland has further gained independence and sovereignty similar to a protectorate in internal affairs, and Denmark has retained power in diplomacy and defense.

At the same time, King Christian X of Denmark is also King of Iceland.

This was a matter of days when Germany launched the European war and destroyed England and France.

Seeing the destruction of its sovereign state, Iceland immediately realized that the opportunity had arrived. The Icelandic Parliament announced that the Icelandic government would withdraw the power of Iceland's diplomatic and other affairs from the King of Denmark. In this way, it is almost a sign of Iceland's independence, and it is only a referendum.

Icelanders do not want to continue to be ruled by Denmark, they want to be completely independent.

However, Germany does not allow it.

The reason is simple. Germany has to plan ahead. Germany has to set a rule and a standard. It can’t be independent casually. The Empire will not allow it.

In later generations, after the end of World War II, the strength of the old British and French countries was greatly weakened. Seeing this opportunity, the colonies immediately moved their minds and continued to achieve independence. In the end, all became independent countries.

They are happy, what good is it for Germany? As an important source of raw materials and dumping of cheap industrial products, Africa has a great effect on the empire. They must not have any signs of independence. This is an iron law.

Now, it’s from Iceland.

Denmark hasn't perished yet. Besides, even if Denmark perishes, these powers in Iceland should be directly under the jurisdiction of Germany.

Denmark was occupied by Germany and soon became Germany's "cooperative country." It belongs to the same second echelon as England and France, and the first echelon is the servant nations like Italy, Spain and Romania.

Danish King Christian X refused to go abroad for asylum and chose to stay with his subjects. Through the mediation of the king, Denmark was able to maintain a high degree of autonomy among the occupying powers of Nazi Germany.

This guy, who is absolutely in the heart of Cao Ying, is a typical two-faced faction. Under his instruction, the Danish ambassador to the United States Henrik Kaufman organized the Free Denmark Movement and handed over Iceland and the Faroe Islands to the Allied Powers while demanding The entire Danish merchant fleet has 1.2 million deadweight tons and more than 50,000 well-trained sailors to assist the Allied forces.

But now it's different, as the general trend is, he should be able to know how to choose. Under German surveillance, the flames of the underground movement in Denmark have long been extinguished.

And now, Germany is doing this to give Christian X a reassurance. Following Germany, Germany will not treat Denmark badly. Look, the power of Iceland is not what Germany wants you to return.

This will of course embarrass the Icelanders. The Germans give Iceland a big cake in terms of fishing range. Of course, the Icelanders have to make concessions on other issues.

If the Icelanders disagree, then Germany doesn't mind putting pressure on the Icelanders on the fishing range.

After a long time, Herman nodded: "Okay, we accept."

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