The Third Reich

Chapter 1507: Reinforcements of the Kalinin Front

The United States is a country of immigrants, and all its citizens are immigrants. Native Indians have been killed and driven away.

Therefore, they come from all corners of the world, speak various accents, and have a common idea of ​​freedom and democracy. Their history is not long, but they have become a powerful country.

Among them, it also includes Japanese, also called Nisi.

In war, how to deal with the immigrants of the enemy country is a very difficult problem, especially in a country like the United States which is composed entirely of immigrants, it is even more difficult.

The attitude of the United States is different. Americans are not too wary of Germans. After all, Germans are the largest immigrant group in the United States, and there are also a group of Germans in the upper ranks of the US military. For example, Eisenhower is German.

However, the Japanese are different.

Although there are constant conflicts with Germany, Germany has only recently started in Iceland, which is a head-on confrontation with the United States, but what about the island countries? As soon as the war started, the island nation attacked Pearl Harbor.

Therefore, the Japanese descent was in a miserable situation and was transferred to the west coast of the United States under strict supervision.

Japanese people are dissatisfied with this situation. They have to show their loyalty, they have to fight blood to prove their innocence, and they have to go to the battlefield!

Originally worried about their loyalty, Roosevelt had an idea and sent them to Europe to defend Moscow!

Now the Soviet Union is going to be over. If the United States does not transfuse blood, then the Soviet Union’s failure is almost inevitable. After the Soviet Union is defeated, Germany will definitely attack the United States with all its strength.

See if the Soviet Union has not fallen, the Germans have hit Iceland.

In this case, the Nissi finally came to the Soviet Union.

After receiving this news, the expression on Stalin's face changed again. There was no dissatisfaction, only a very plain, no matter what, in short, this is also an organizational unit.

He looked at the map: "Now, the German Northern Army is the nearest to us. Transfer these American reinforcements to the north to guard Kalinin."

As long as they are of American nationality, they are all Americans, so American reinforcements are still coming. Now, Stalin does not see this force in his eyes. The entire United States has only 120,000 Nissi, and this time it is here. , There is only one infantry regiment. Although the number is as high as 14,000, no one can afford them.

With Nominkan's experience, they felt that these Nissi must have no combat effectiveness, and they should be sent as cannon fodder. Stalin could also understand Roosevelt's meaning and sent these Nissi for this purpose.

He didn't know that the fighting power of these Nissi really opened their eyes.

"Puff!" A white smoke came out of the train, and it stopped at Kalinin's train station.

The city of Kalinin is located in the western part of the upper Volga river basin and the northern part of the Tver Mountain. The city is located on the main railway and highway lines between Moscow and Saint Petersburg, 160 kilometers northwest of Moscow and 484 kilometers from Saint Petersburg.

The city straddles the banks of the Volga River, with the Ivankov Hydropower Station and Ivankov Reservoir upstream. The Volga River divides the city into two parts from west to east. The city also has the left tributary of the Volga River, the Tvercha River, the right tributary of the Zimaka River.

It has a long history and can be traced back to 1135. It became the capital of the Duchy of Tver in 1247. It was once the center of resistance to Mongol-Tatar invasion and the greatest competitor of the Duchy of Moscow. In 1485, it was incorporated into the Principality of Moscow. From 1796 to 1929, it was the capital of Tver Province.

Since 1935, it has been the capital of the Kalinin region and has been renamed as the city of Kalinin. It was not until the subsequent disintegration of the Soviet Union that the old name was restored.

Now, the guard here is the Kalinin Front.

This front army was formed a month ago in accordance with the instructions of the headquarters of the Supreme Command to unify the command of the troops covering Moscow from the northwest. Jurisdiction over the 22nd, 29th, 30th and 31st Group Army of the Right Wing of the Western Front. The field leadership was rebuilt from the headquarters of the 10th Army of the Reserve.

Since the establishment of the Kalinin Front Army, it has been facing the powerful northern army group of Germany. They rushed in from Petersburg and seemed to be able to eat it all at once.

However, the German offensive was not very violent. Until now, the German striker has appeared on the periphery of the Kalinin city.

On the one hand, because of their layers of resistance, the Germans’ actions were delayed. Due to the large number of waters in the north, it was difficult for the Germans to advance. The bridges along the way were blown up. The Germans asked engineers to build bridges. .

On the other hand, I am afraid that the supply of the Germans is not particularly sufficient. The advancement of the armored forces and the logistic supply are astronomical figures. When the Germans crossed Petersburg, the momentum of the offensive slowed down.

In short, Kalinin is still in the hands of the Soviet Union, but in the suburbs, German strikers have begun to appear.

At this moment, the Kalinin defenders finally ushered in the reinforcements they were looking forward to.

Moscow attaches great importance to the West and the South, because the Germans have the most armored clusters there. Almost all of the newly drawn reserve teams are filled in the West and the South. The reinforcements they have come this time are the long-awaited reinforcements. Up.

When the train stopped, the carriage of the tank car at the back opened. When the soldiers inside jumped down, Vladimir Vasilyevich Kurasov, the chief of staff of the Kalinin Front, came to greet him. , Immediately dumbfounded.

The superior said that it was reinforcements from the United States that had arrived, which made the Kalinin Front Army attach great importance to it and sent him the Chief of Staff of the Front Army to greet Who knows, what came out of it was not a high-level man at all. The big Americans are a group of little dwarfs!

They are about 1.5 meters and the tallest is less than 1.6 meters. The long American-style rifle is placed on them, and the bayonet is higher than their own. They are wearing the American army. The uniforms, obviously, are too big, with armed bands tied up, just like a theater gown.

What kind of reinforcements are there for such a person? Isn't it purely funny?

Curasov’s eyes are full of disappointment. These people seem to be from the island nations of the East. Could the Americans send prisoners of war from the island nations? It's not right. The Americans don't seem to have won any battles. Where can they go to catch these prisoners of war?

Although Curasov was full of disappointment the moment he saw these people, but then, the performance of these soldiers still satisfied him.

They got out of the car, there was no noise, everyone was very quiet. Under the command of the officer, they lined up in the open space in front of the train station. The quality was quite good. They were more disciplined than the troops brought up by the reserve guards. too much.

Then, a lieutenant colonel came down.

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