The Third Reich

Chapter 1509: After the shelling

Among the German Three Route Army, the North Route Army is the weakest. Their main force is the 4th Armored Army, with less than 3,000 tanks. Compared with the Central Route Army, even less than half.

At the same time, the number of advanced Tiger tanks in the Northern Army Corps is quite small, most of which are Panther 3 tanks. After all, this is the largest production tank in Germany, and its off-road performance is quite good.

If it hadn't been blocked by rivers, they would have advanced into Moscow long ago, and now they still have the advantage. Among the three-way army, they are only more than a hundred kilometers away from Moscow.

Just lay down Kalinin and Moscow is in sight!

The battle for Kalinin has been fought for three days. They have been eroding the position of the Soviets little by little. Although it was difficult to advance, the final victory must belong to them. Now they can already see the city of Kalinin. Up.

After the shelling, the tank troops will start again.

Foremost, Heinz von Westhagen, the battalion commander of the 47th Armored Battalion of the 6th Armored Division, was sitting in front of the tank, leaning his back against the turret, and holding the barrel with one arm. , Holding a piece of grass in the other hand, chewing in his mouth, the taste of grass roots is sour.

"I heard that after taking down Kalinin, we may not attack Moscow directly." Next to him, the gunner Brandt said.

At this time, the sound of guns in the distance was still rumbling, and the artillery coverage would continue for ten minutes. This was their shortest break before the attack.

"What? Do you think you want to be the first to rush into Moscow?" Westhagen said: "Who doesn't? But we have to obey orders and focus on the overall situation. We are not the first to rush into Moscow. In Moscow, we are going to encircle, eat, and even capture Stalin alive."

As the battalion commander, Westhagen, a soldier from the old Juncker family, is very far-sighted, and even more unconditionally executes orders to his superiors.

The Central Route Army captured Belarus and created a brilliant record. The South Route Army captured Ukraine and, with the reinforcement of the Central Route Army, ate the Kiev defenders, creating a brilliant record of encircling and annihilating more than 700,000 Soviet troops.

Where is the Northern Army? It can be said that from the start of the war to the present, there are almost no bright spots.

It rushed through the three Baltic countries in one breath because these three countries were too weak and were not of the same grade at all. When they met Petersburg, they did not do anything, and the Air Force directly wiped Petersburg off the earth.

Later, they stumbled all the way to the bottom of Moscow. If they want to win honor to the Northern Army, they should be the first to rush into Moscow.

However, they must consider the overall situation, and it is more important for the North Route Army to go behind Moscow.

The sun was shining on the tank, and the steel tank actually had a hint of warmth, which made people extremely comfortable. The smoke from the distance was blown by the wind, and finally, the sound of the gun stopped.

"Attention, prepare for two minutes, and then proceed to the enemy's position!"

All the laziness just now disappeared without a trace. Everyone got into the tank excitedly, and the tanks started booming.

The crawler swayed slowly, crushing the black soil of Russia, moving forward!

As soon as the sound of the cannon is over, go up!

Aiken is only 1.5 meters away. In the narrow trenches, he is quite agile. The wide US military uniform has not become a burden to him. He has tied his trousers, stepped on military boots, and ran in a gust of wind.

In his hand, he was carrying a cylindrical object.

Along the way, people kept casting strange glances.

After the German shelling was over, a famous defending soldier got up, shaking the dust on his body, shaking his head vigorously, his ears buzzed, and he couldn't hear anything.

A figure shook in front of him, and one person ran past like a gust of wind.

"Who?" someone kept asking.

"Reinforce the friendly forces here."

Although someone was answering, they couldn't speak the language, and their ears were still roaring, and they couldn't hear what the other party said. In this way, a well-known reinforcement army got through the trenches and got to the front of the position.

Many trenches were blasted open, the space was larger, and some were blocked. They had to quickly get out of the trenches, bypass this section, and then jump into the trenches in front, and just like that, they left their positions. The forefront of the company has advanced hundreds of meters.

This is the firefighting zone. At this time, the smoke from the shelling had not dissipated, so the person on the opposite side did not see clearly. Aiken expertly got into a cannonball pit before he stopped.

He took a few breaths, and then began to install the bazooka he brought with him.

"Hey, Carl, come up quickly." He poked his head out of the crater and shouted behind him, "You pig head that speaks bad English."

Then, the guy he called the pig's head crawled in, with five M6 rockets on his back, panting tired, and still did not forget to quarrel with Aiken: "You are a dead brain, you will not carry it yourself. One?"

"Nonsense, the division of labor is like this, who made you inaccurate in training and can only be my deputy?"

"If it weren't for the battlefield, I would really want to punch you." Carl cursed as he began to reload Aiken.

This is not a contradiction between the two, but a contradiction between the entire army.

The 442nd Infantry Regiment, of course, is not monolithic, just like any army There are internal contradictions. For example, my country's southern and northern soldiers, urban and rural soldiers, have deep contradictions.

In the 442 regiment, it was also divided into two factions.

Japanese descent are widely distributed in the United States, and those who later acquired American citizenship mainly settled in Hawaii, while those who acquired American citizenship first have multiplied in the United States, mainly in the continental United States.

In this way, they were divided into one group from Hawaii, and the "Second" from the continental United States as one group. The second people called those from Hawaii as "pig heads who speak crappy English" because their pronunciation also carries the island national bird. The tone of the language is difficult to change, and the people from Hawaii responded to the "seconds" who were "dead-headed" because they were from Hawaii and felt that they had more advantages in business and other aspects, while the brains on the mainland were stupid.

In this way, the two factions often fight in the camp for this.

Aiken came from the mainland, and I didn't like Karl for all his life and death. Although the two were in a combat team, they had done several battles.

Now, the two are still fighting, Carl still stuffed Aiken with the M6 ​​rocket, and then said: "Be punctual, don't waste it, I don't want to die without a battle."

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