The Third Reich

Chapter 1528: Skeleton Division Advance

As a leader, you must have an unusual vision, and Stalin can see the way.

There were also German submarines in the past, but they intercepted them on the Arctic route. In order to avoid them, the Soviet Union decided to take the Far East route.

As a result, there are more submarines here, just like the locusts. How do they supply so many submarines? It is absolutely impossible to cross over half of the earth every time, right? Even if the Germans occupied Egypt and took the route of the Middle East, it was not close.

In Asia, there must be a German submarine base. As long as you think about it, it will be clear that this base is absolutely inseparable from the islanders.

After all, in this war, Germany currently does not have any conflicts with the islanders. On the contrary, there are common enemies. Up to now, the two countries have not formed an alliance. There must be deeper reasons. These do not require our own consideration. We only need to infer that the Germans have received help from the islanders, and that is enough.

"In other words, somewhere in the island country, is there a submarine base specially set up by the island country for the Germans?" Kuznetsov reacted.

"Yes, sending our best intelligence personnel must find this submarine base." Stalin said: "As long as this submarine base is killed, then we don't have to worry about the threat of submarines for the time being."

As soon as Stalin's voice fell, an anxious voice came from outside: "Comrade Stalin, Kalinin is in a hurry, Kalinin is in a hurry!"

The German Northern Army's large-scale attack on Kalinin finally began.

As the worst of the Northern Army, they are ashamed of stopping in front of Kalinin. They have waited for a few days recently, on the one hand to install the grille armor, on the other hand, it is also to wait for the army behind.

Finally, the main force was gathered, and the general attack on Kalinin was launched.

Tiger tanks are in the front, and even these tiger tanks can be combined into a triangular offensive camp!

The first to arrive here is the 6th Armored Division of the National Defense Forces. Their main force is the Panther 3 tank. Now, the most powerful force in the entire North Road Legion, the Skeleton Division, is the most powerful force in the charge.

The skeleton division, the third armored division of the SS, is embroidered with a small skeleton on their epaulettes. From this name, this armored division was the team that formed the Waffen SS in the early years. The first division commander was the first one. Kurt Mayer, the commander of the 1 armored regiment.

Kurt is now in charge of commanding the entire 4th Armored Army. The commander of the Skeleton Division is Odor Ike who has stepped up from the bottom.

This armored division was organized in accordance with Guderian’s original vision. An armored division has two armored regiments, and each armored regiment has two armored battalions. Now, the first one is the third armored SS. Regiment, their armored regiment is full of a heavy armored battalion.

Yes, it is a reorganized Tiger tank armored battalion. This battalion has four tank companies, each with 21 Tiger tanks, arranged in two triangular formations.

In this way, one battalion is enough to deploy an assault array of eight tiger tanks. They walk in the front of the army and open a wide offensive surface. As long as they tear a hole in the front, other armored units behind will follow. Pour in.

Just after half an hour of shelling, the entire front position was full of burnt odors. Those buried anti-tank mines were also cleared out by the roar of Cyric’s organs, tiger tanks, It started rumblingly.

They are all draped with additional armor. The pieces of armor on the top are like bricks. At the same time, on the outside of the tank, like other tanks, grille armor is also added, which makes it more weight. Half a ton, but also turned it into a terrible monster.

Now, they are moving rumblingly towards the position of the Soviet army. If the first attack is dominated by tiger tanks, those bazookas will not work at all.

"Captain Colit, it's up to us now." Glevich said to Colit, head of the 442 regiment.

Collit nodded vigorously: "Yes, whether we can hold the line of defense depends on our joint efforts. Don't worry, we will not back down."

Last time, they were surprised to find that those tanks had added a layer of iron fences, which actually blocked their own anti-tank weapons. The confidence they had built up so easily disappeared in an instant.

However, they will never retreat. This is their position. They must fight to the end and write loyalty with their blood and life.

Bazuka has not been transported in large quantities, so now the Soviets have no chance to operate these weapons. They can only be operated by the 442nd Infantry Regiment. At the same time, the comrades in a trench, of course, will not only let these weapons. The Nissi who came from afar sacrificed and they came to reinforce them. As a result, they were beaten and disabled. What are the original guards watching?

Of course it won't work.

They will also fight together.

Some people were holding Molotov cocktails and some were holding cluster grenades. They and the soldiers carrying Bazuka went into the trenches ahead. In the fortifications that were bombed, they waited quietly for the Germans. Come up.

"Damn it, it's a tiger tank." In a crater, Soviet Red Army soldier Kochagin could not help but whisper while looking at the tank unit that was moving.

Panther tanks are already very difficult to deal with, and Tiger tanks are even more difficult. The armor of this tank is quite thick, and its own large-caliber anti-tank guns can’t penetrate it, not to mention these individual soldiers. Of anti-tank weapons.

Even so, you can't shrink back!

He was waiting quietly, the appearance of those tanks became clearer and clearer, creeping in the crater, Kochakin gripped the Molotov cocktail in his hand, and it was time to ignite.

At this moment, he heard a strange and familiar voice, and he was suddenly shocked, no, the Germans are really shameless!

In the sky, a HS129 attack aircraft flew just right over the battlefield.

Each corps is equipped with an aviation force. Although the German Northern Army is the weakest, it is also equipped with the 1st Air Force, commanded by Alfred Keller, and is equipped with more than 1,000 aircraft. And now, for this battle, more than one hundred HS129 sweepers have arrived over the battlefield.

Hidden in the crater, inside the fortifications, it is not easy to be seen by the tanks, but in the sky, in the eyes of the attacker pilots, there are all living targets.

The infantry anti-tank is destined to be a tragedy.

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