The Third Reich

Chapter 1531: Bomb bridge

The equipment of the American artillery is basically motorized, and it is towed by American-made IWC trucks. Anyway, this 105mm howitzer is not very heavy.

At this time, the artillerymen were sitting on the truck, their eyes still staring at the sky nervously.

They were originally deployed to the position, but did not fire. Now they withdrew from the position without firing a shot.

It's not that they are timid, they just want to protect these cannons and provide better artillery support for them. The HS129 attack aircraft flying overhead is really terrible. Once they fire, they will become the target of those attack aircraft. .

Fortunately, the attack aircraft only wanted to attack the Soviet position, especially to kill the soldiers who were hiding in the crater and preparing to ambush, but they did not find them secretly withdrawn.

At this moment, they are in a heavy mood, everyone knows what the ending will be on the front line, but now, no matter how many reasons they have, they are always deserters.

They abandoned their companions, and they withdrew alone.

The battalion's 12 artillery pieces and other support vehicles, a total of 22 trucks, retreated to the rear. On the front truck, the driver could clearly see the bridge over the river in the distance.

At this moment, all of a sudden, in the sky behind him, there was the scream of a sharp engine, and all of them suddenly felt a chill in their back.

"Drive off the highway and enter the grove!"

On the side of the highway, there was a forest of birch trees. Just after hearing the roar of the plane, all the pilots were quick-eyed and hugged the steering wheel hard. The IWC truck drove off the highway and instantly bumped up.

Quick, quick, you must enter the woods before the opponent's plane is found!

The horrified artillery raised their heads to look up at the sky. Now they are familiar with the various German airplanes. It is the terrible HS129 that flew in. The two engines on both sides of the wings, the iconic front of the nose The 40mm cannons are so clear, this German attack aircraft reveals a violent aesthetic.

Rough-skinned, small-caliber light weapons are useless at all to shoot at this kind of aircraft. On the contrary, once they are discovered by this kind of attack aircraft, they will end up miserably. This kind of attack opportunity shoots frantically at the ground, like a harvester. In the same way, all the lives on the ground are harvested, and the cannon under the terrible nose can even open the tank directly.

If you find your own convoy, the opponent just lowers the nose and shoots a shuttle of 40mm high-explosive shells, and you will be completely destroyed. It is really terrible.

Fortunately, the several HS129s that flew did not seem to have noticed them, and they seemed to be blind to them. They flew over their heads. When the plane flew by, everyone saw the midline of the aircraft. That huge bomb.

"No, they went to blow up the bridge!" At this moment, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion suddenly reacted, and the Germans were really too scheming.

Once the Germans blow up the bridge here, the troops that are still defending in the north of the city will not be able to escape. They will all be eaten by the Germans. This is the idea the Germans made!

"Quickly, radio, send a report, inform the headquarters that the Germans are going to blow up the bridge!"

When they came here, they were equipped with a radio station produced by the Soviet Union, with the same cryptographic mechanism, and they could directly communicate with their superiors. At the same time, the telegraph soldiers were one of the few in the army who could speak Russian.

Just before the telegraph soldiers set up the radio, the HS129 attack aircraft had already begun to dive toward the bridge.

There is an infantry squad guarding the bridge head. Their more function is to prevent deserters. Soldiers who have not ordered can not retreat. Now, when the attack planes in the sky dive down, everyone is holding their own. The rifle shot into the sky in vain.


When HS129 was pulled up again, billowing black smoke appeared from the bridge below, and the middle part completely collapsed. The fierce water flow instantly swept away the rest.

The bridge was blown off!

There are a total of four bridges across the river. The HS129 attack aircraft went along the river and blew up the bridges in an orderly manner.

As soon as the bridge was broken, the soldiers still fighting in front were in a state of being surrounded. Under the attack of the German tanks, they had no other way to go except death and surrender.

At the same time, the 442 Infantry Regiment that had originally planned to withdraw was unable to complete the scheduled mission due to the bombing of the bridge. They could not return to the main city, and they would usher in their own annihilation.


When receiving the news, Konev's face was extremely ugly in an instant.

Konev planned to blow up the bridge, but definitely not now.

Let the 442 Infantry Regiment retreat and deploy defenses along the river bank, especially their artillery battalion. They can bombard the German team on the opposite side with artillery fire at any time, preventing them from crossing the river, thus extending their holding time.

And now, they have not yet withdrawn, and the bridge was blown up by the Germans!

In addition to the fact that the troops needed by one's side did not retreat, there were even more terrifying things.

Don't the Germans plan to cross the river? Did the Germans not intend to occupy the city of Kalinin? Of course not, if the Germans want to attack Moscow, they must take down Kalinin.

Now that the Germans have blown up the bridges on the river, there is only one possibility. The Germans must have started from the lower reaches of the river!

Our side guards against the Germans, originally intending to rely on this river as a moat, but now, once the Germans rushed over from the east of our side, our side could not defend it at all.

The fortifications on the streets are also arranged to the north. Moreover, the youth in the city have just started, and there is no specific deployment. If the Germans rushed up, Kalinin would definitely not be able to defend it!

As if to confirm his conjecture, at this moment, there was a terrible shelling sound from the east of the city.

"Germans, the Germans are coming from the east!" The shocking news was sent back to the headquarters in an instant.

The Kalinin front is not manpowered enough.

It is not that Moscow does not pay much attention to Kalinin, but because Moscow is also limited in manpower. Those who can be sent out are all sent out. They are tight in all directions. Transferring the new force of US reinforcements to Kalinin is already the biggest concern to Kalinin. Supported.

Due to lack of troops, Konev had to deploy his main force in the north to engage in a tug-of-war with the Germans. At the same time, he called on citizens in the city to take action to jointly defend the city. However, they were concentrated in the north, east and south of the city. Quite empty.

What are the Germans waiting for these days? Of course, it's not just grilling armor, but also military deployment!

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