The Third Reich

Chapter 1552: Katyn Forest

When thinking about this, some people have turned pale, but the nearby Spanish soldiers are looking at them with cold eyes. If anyone dares to move, they will be killed immediately!

As a result, they can only start working.

The shovel is new and it is not easy to dig, but the soil below seems to be very soft.

In the forest, even if there is a clearing here, there will be tree roots passing through, causing the roots below to be staggered, which is quite difficult to dig, but now, it seems that nothing is seen, and the bottom is mud.

Dig, dig down.

Yakov is constantly digging. For him, it doesn’t matter. If the pit is dug, killed and buried here, then no one knows himself, and he won’t use his identity to threaten Stalin. For the Soviet Union, this is actually good news.

So he buried his head and continued digging, with so many people accompanying him, even if buried here, he would not be alone anymore.

Wait, what's that?

Yakov looked up and saw a large number of reporters standing not far away, setting up their cameras one after another.

Something is wrong!

If you plan to shoot yourself and bury it here, it must be done in secret. Why do these reporters come here?

Not only the Germans, but also the British and French. In short, journalists from all over the world seem to have them. It seems that I have been worrying too much. This is not an intention to bury myself at all. There must be something below!

What can be under this forest?

At this moment, Yakov suddenly felt that the shovel under him was shoveling something. He looked down, and it seemed that it was a piece of cloth that had been torn?

"Attention, be careful. After you find something, use a **** to dig slowly." The Spanish soldier shouted, as if they had already received the news.

It turned out to be digging for oneself!

At this time, more than half a meter had been dug down, Yakov's shovel, carefully digging around, and soon, I saw something.

He immediately felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

What he dug was a corpse.

Excavation of corpses is not fun. Even atheists have a natural repulsive mentality. Now, at the urging of Spanish soldiers, they have to continue digging.

Soon, I can no longer use a shovel. I have to use my hands to lift out the remaining soil little by little. Just in the gap of the woods, a huge morgue was dug up.

Who is buried here?

"Bring out the corpses, and put them away!" The Spanish soldiers' order made these prisoners frown. After a long time, they came to work as coolies. Just digging a hole has made them very resistant. , Now they are actually asked to carry the body.

However, no one dared to disobey. After all, the other party’s gun was under his nose, and there were several officials holding their whip. If anyone didn’t do it well, they would be given a whip.

So they started to do it.

Yakov and a prisoner lifted a corpse and walked upwards. When the corpse underneath was exposed, Yakov felt his eyelids beating for a while.

The corpse below, wearing the clothes of a Polish soldier, has no epaulettes. Like him, it belongs to a Polish prisoner of war.

In an instant, he felt that the sky was spinning in his brain, what was going on?

Smolensk was only shot down by the Germans a month ago, but the mass grave where the body was buried was obviously dug up a year or two ago, and the body was also buried at that time.

At that time, the Poles were buried. Who did it?

It's not a German, it can only be its own side, the Soviets did it!

When he got this judgment in his heart, he couldn't believe it. How could this be possible?

No matter when, the slaughter of prisoners is condemned, and here, not only the prisoners of war, but also other people, there are teachers, scholars, government personnel...

At this time, an inconspicuous car stopped. This car looked no different from other Mercedes-Benz cars, but the sound of the heavy and powerful engine when it drove showed that the car was not light.

This is a Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car. There are not many people in Europe that can ride in this car.

The car door opened, and a young officer stood out from inside, with gold glasses on the bridge of his nose, making him more gentle.

Reinhardt, the head of intelligence next to Cyric, his close subordinate, Cyric's trust in him is simply beyond him.

"Report, we have found that there are a large number of dead bodies buried here, all of them are the disappeared Poles." One of the men said, he was also very shocked at this time.

The above told him that there were corpses buried here, and he asked him to come and dig, so he transferred the prisoners. This digging, really dug a mass grave, the Poles here were all captured by the Soviets~ Now, these corpses are ironclad proof of the mountain.

Reinhard nodded, he watched the bodies being carried out, and then looked at the Poles in the nearby cars.

They were found to recognize the corpse.

A trembling old woman with tears in her eyes. With the help of several companions, she walked to the corpse, one after another, and suddenly, she stopped at one of the corpses, she There are all tears in his eyes.

"My son, you were captured by the Soviets two years ago and you lost the news. The Soviets killed you and buried you here!" The old woman cried out immediately: "I told you a long time ago. Please don’t tell your students about the history of Poles. You just didn’t listen. You were captured by the Soviets. I thought that one day, my son, the Soviets killed you!"

Yakov was stunned.

He didn't understand Polish, and he didn't know what the old woman was talking about, but he could see that it was her relatives who died. At the same time, it was not a prisoner of war, not a soldier, but an ordinary civilian.

At the scene, weeping and weeping, people constantly found their relatives, crying bitterly in their corpses, and those who didn't find them were even more dazed. They wanted to find their relatives, but were afraid to find them. What if they were still alive?

Reinhardt stood up, his voice resounding throughout the forest.

"Everyone must have guessed it. Two years ago, the Soviets were here and created the horrifying Katyn tragedy!" Reinhardt said: "The People’s Committee of the Internal Affairs of the Soviet Secret Police was approved by the Soviet Central Political Bureau. , The organized massacre of captured Polish prisoners of war, intellectuals, police and other civil servants. Those chiefs in Moscow, their hands were covered with the blood of innocent Poles!"

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