The Third Reich

Chapter 1561: Khrushchev's arrangement

When Lyudmila opened the order, she was shocked.

To the United States?

At the very beginning, Lyudmila left Odessa with the intention of visiting the United States, to introduce the vigorous battle story that took place on the Soviet battlefield, tell the Soviet Union’s epic battle experience, and to promote the Soviet Union’s determination to win. , So it's easy to get sponsorship.

If the Soviet Union loses confidence, how can the Americans support it?

But the plan could not keep up with the changes. In the end, Lyudmila did not make the trip. After he recovered, Lyudmila entered this female sniper school to fight for the training of Soviet female snipers.

Up to now, in fact, the Soviet Union has begun to show the embarrassment of insufficient manpower. The Soviet Union has not only female snipers, but also female pilots and tankers. As a famous old man, when there are not enough men, women will have to go. !

Especially now, seeing that the Germans are about to come to Moscow, they are preparing to defend Moscow and street fighting. At this time, Lyudmila will actually receive such an order?

The invitations of the Americans are wide-ranging. If only people in the scientific community are invited, then some weasels will give the rooster a New Year greeting. Therefore, they have invited all aspects.

Whether to go or not is a matter for the Soviets. Inviting or not to invite is a matter for the Americans. Now, the Americans have also invited the famous battle heroine, the heroine Lyudmila.

"I'm not going." Lyudmila only took a look and threw the order to the messenger: "Go back and tell Zhukov that if he wants to go to the United States, he can go by himself. At this time, don't want to transfer me. ."

Zhukov is responsible for the defense of Moscow, and all the troops accept his command. Zhukov issued this order.

Only Lyudmila dared to say this directly. Comrade Stalin met Lyudmila personally, and Lyudmila was not afraid of Zhukov.

I don’t even look at when, my life is dedicated to the Soviets. If Moscow falls, I will leave my life here. Go to America!

Similar situations are happening everywhere. Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. Now they will fight even if they resist orders! No one wants to leave Moscow, this is their capital, and they have nowhere to go.

After receiving the news one by one, Stalin also sighed with emotion: "This is our capital. We will coexist and die with Moscow. Don't persuade me. I will never leave Moscow."

Stalin once again reiterated his point of view, even Zhukov can't, no one can let Stalin leave Moscow!

"Yes." Molotov said: "However, for these large numbers of people to go to the United States, they still need someone to lead the team."

It's better to have a leader. Hearing this, Stalin looked at Molotov: "How about you go there?"

What Stalin was talking about was careless, but Molotov heard the murderous aura in it, and Stalin did not leave. Who could be a deserter?

"No, I will not go, but we have a report here that Comrade Khrushchev wants to lead the team." Molotov said.

Khrushchev, at the top of the Soviet Union, can be considered a man of ups and downs. Even if he loses temporarily, he will return to the center of power with a shameless spirit.

In Kiev, after the defeat, he retreated eastward with Timoshenko and continued to organize the war of resistance.

At the beginning Pavlov was defeated and took a gun, but Kiev’s defeat could not be counted as Timoshenko and Khrushchev. When the German Central Route Army went south, no matter who commanded it, it would fight. defeat.

To say that it is responsible, Stalin should be responsible. If he listened to Zhukov’s suggestion and retreated Kiev’s troops to Moscow, then millions of troops would guard Moscow as a copper wall and iron wall. It’s okay to persist until winter. Like now, I racked my brains for the transfer of a local guard

Khrushchev can be regarded as desperate for his old life and persisted for a long time. Seeing his performance, he can indeed arrange an easy job for him.

Let him lead the team and go to the United States. This can also give full play to Khrushchev’s expertise. After all, he is also a political veteran and has rich experience in overseas trips. Let him sign a military order. How many people will be brought out and how many people will be brought back No one will work.

Thinking of this, Stalin almost nodded, and at this moment, the arrival of a telegram seemed like a bolt from the blue, shocking everyone present.

"Stalingrad is about to encounter danger. This morning, Turkish troops have appeared near the Don River."

Turkish army, **** Turkey!

Stalin was very angry, his fists were clenched, this wall of grass, now he dare to ask his own trouble!

At the beginning, the Germans relied on the Baku oil field as a to lure Turkey into the war against the Soviet Union. However, the Turks fought for a long time and did not get any benefits. They were taken advantage of by Persia and occupied. Baku.

The Turks didn't catch anything, of course they didn't want to. At this time, the Germans spoke again and they could continue to fight north. The land they took down was Turkish!

As a result, Turkey continued to work hard, heading for the Soviet territory in the north, and actually climbed over the Caucasus Mountains and advanced to the Don River. It was almost less than a hundred kilometers away from Stalingrad.

This is of course also because the Soviet forces are really tense. When the Baku oil field was occupied, the main force here was wiped out in Armenia, which was actually quite empty.

The Turks traveled all the way to Stalingrad.

Stalingrad, located in the Volga River basin, is also an important industrial city in the Soviet Union. For example, the tractor factory in Stalingrad is continuously producing main battle tanks. Now Stalingrad is facing the threat of the Turks.

I thought that the Germans were mainly fighting against Moscow, and the rest of the Soviet land was temporarily safe. Who would have thought that the **** Turks would appear!

"Never let the Turks tarnish our city!" Zhukov immediately expressed his views.

Fortunately, other cities, Stalingrad, is a city named after a great leader! How could it be defiled by a group of Turks?

"Yes, order the Stalingrad garrison to defend the city." Stalin said: "The Turks must never be occupied."

There are no more troops. Moscow is still nervous. After Stalin said this, he suddenly thought of someone again: "Order Khrushchev to go to Stalingrad, as a political commissar, to supervise the war, who is not good at fighting? Can be killed on the spot!"

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