The Third Reich

Chapter 1563: V-four modified missile

Shipyards can only be distributed along the coast. It is impossible for the Americans to transfer industry to the inland like the Soviet Union, at least not for the shipbuilding industry. What is better is that the Americans are now a big new aircraft carrier, outfitting. The outfitting, the shipbuilding hull, which has not yet been fully commissioned, is the best opportunity to fight.


Although it is already summer, the climate in Iceland is still cool, the highest will not exceed 20 degrees, it is the most suitable weather.

At the same time, because Iceland is located at high latitudes, in summer, the day will be very long and the night will be quite short.

In the capital of Iceland, one hundred kilometers west of Reykjavík, on the flat ground between a platform of cols, at this time, it is busy.

This is a fixed launch position.

The previous V-2 missiles were only ten meters in length, and could be easily dragged forward by a trailer, and could be shot up at any time. However, as the length of the missile continues to increase, it will be a lot of trouble to launch maneuvering.

Now in Germany, the chassis of the mouse tank is being used as a chassis for mobile launches. At the same time, many fixed launch positions on the ground are also being built.

The so-called fixed launch positions are those that cannot be moved. At the same time, in order to avoid enemy strikes, these fixed launch positions are all in the form of silos.

Usually, after the manhole cover is closed, there is nothing to see. At the same time, the manhole cover can also carry a large-yield bomb attack. That is to say, if the Americans brazenly dispatch bombers or even use naval guns to shoot at close range. The launch position can also resist.

At the same time, anti-aircraft artillery positions are deployed on the mountain peaks on both sides. It is not so easy for the Americans to bomb.

The bombing of aircraft must first enter the bombing route, aim at the target, and fly straight. Now this is a basin. After they entered, they couldn't find the target at all. When they found the target, they had already flown.

Here is the best launch position.

When it is built as a silo, there are more problems. The biggest problem is how to discharge the gas during launch. It is necessary to design a complicated diversion device.

German engineers overcame various problems. In less than a month, twenty underground silos were built here, and progress is absolutely rapid.

At the same time, a final assembly workshop hidden in the forest was built right next to the launch site. Missile parts transported from the Empire were assembled in the final assembly workshop and transported to the launch silo here for launch. It's efficient.

After the initial production, as long as the supply of parts is sufficient, they can produce 20 missiles a day.

Just supply the continuous launch of missiles.

At this time, in the wooden command room in the corner of the launch site, Colonel Wald Dornberg, the head of the Iceland missile base, gave a loud order: "Attention, two hours of preparation, target, Norfolk, Newport News Shipyard. North latitude: 36°54' West longitude: 76°18'."

Colonel Dornberg was also a military figure in the early establishment of the V-2 missile. At that time, he was just a small captain. Now, he has grown to be the commander of the missile force in charge of a base. At the same time, his missiles , Are also the latest V-4 improved version.

The test firing of the V-4 missile was completed not long ago. At that time, the first live ammunition was aimed at Odessa and bombed the Soviets.

The V-4 missile is the latest missile in Germany. Compared with the previous V-2, the biggest difference is the second-stage rocket. At the same time, almost all of them use mature technology. The first-stage rocket is three V-2 rocket engines in parallel. In the current situation, the second-stage rocket is a single V-2 engine, so the progress is very rapid. As long as it can overcome the difficulty of the second-stage rocket’s aerial separation, it is considered a success. At the same time, the application of electronic computers makes the design of this missile great. For simplicity, optimize the trajectory.

Even so, it is only possible to reach a range of 2,500 kilometers. It is not enough to reach the United States.

At this time, Cyric proposed a simple and effective method, that is, to reduce the weight of the warhead and increase the fuel tank, thereby increasing the range.

In later generations, Iraq did it like this. Iraq only had Scud missiles, which could not hit Israel and the Saudi capital Riyadh at all. At that time, Iraq used a very simple method of three bombs and two bombs to double the range. The Scud missile was disassembled and the fuel tank was used by the other two missiles, thereby increasing the range.

At the same time, the weight of the warhead was reduced to only 190 kg, and the Scud with a range of only 300 kilometers was successfully transformed into a Hussein missile with a range of 600 kilometers.

Under the current circumstances, the development of brand-new missiles and engines with greater thrust needs to be carried out in an orderly manner, and it is definitely not something that can be solved in a short while.

So can only continue to think of ways to increase the fuel tank and reduce the weight of the warhead from the V-4. Because of the advanced electronic computer, the improved design, and the computer simulation are all very smooth. From one ton to five hundred kilograms, at the same time an additional five-meter-long missile body was added, and the trajectory was re-optimized. The maximum range of this missile reached five thousand kilometers.

It can threaten major cities on the west coast of the United States. Now, it's time for it to show off.

After receiving the order, the missile soldiers in the base immediately prepared nervously.

This batch of missiles only came off the production line yesterday and then entered the underground silos. Now, in the underground silos, officers and soldiers wearing gas masks have entered the initial launch procedure to refuel the missiles.

After becoming a silo, refueling is easier. Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is highly toxic, and nitric acid is strongly corrosive. Fueling is the most dangerous in the launch process, and it is also irreversible. Once the filling is completed, the missile must be shot out.

Strictly following the rules is a prerequisite for ensuring safety.

At the same time, next to the command room, a large machine began to make a humming sound. When it was working, even the indicator light on the side was dimmed.

If you want to carry out any attack, you have to count the firing elements. In an attack such as naval guns, you only need to shoot the command instrument. Constantly adjust, and finally you can hit with good luck.

However, when the ballistic missile is launched, it won't work. A few hundred kilometers away, it can't be seen at all, and complicated ballistic calculations are required. In the past, only mechanical shooting directors could be used, with large errors.

It's different now.

When the first computer in Germany was manufactured, the technicians certainly did not stop. The first one was just a starting point.

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