The Third Reich

Chapter 1573: Transport submarine

For the Soviets, the transportation of materials mainly relies on railways, but Tiksi does not have railways. It can be said that Tiksi mainly provides a temporary stop for ships on the Arctic route.

Although the Soviet Union has a vast land, it is the European part that is really inhabited. Most of the Far East is simply not suitable for human habitation.

Therefore, the transportation of materials in Sokolovka base seems to be a problem, for example, aviation fuel.

The Soviets were not short of fuel, but when the oil base was bombed, it became extremely difficult to obtain fuel. Ordinary fighter jets don’t have enough fuel, and even alcohol is used instead. As for bombers, they need dozens of tons of fuel.

At present, a B-29 bomber needs more than ten tons of fuel for one flight, and the entire flight regiment now has twenty bombers, which requires two to three hundred tons of fuel. If it is to fly five times a month, at least Thousands of tons of fuel!

Even if they were a strategic bomber force, they would have to worry about fuel at this time.

Standing next to the small town of Sokolovka, looking at the sea in the distance, the cold sea breeze was blowing like a knife on his face, Lieber's eyes still carried sadness.

"What's the matter? No confidence?" At this moment, the head of the team came over and asked him.

No one likes to stay in this desolate place, there are no bustling cities around, no enthusiastic Russian girls, and there are just aunts in the nearby villages, which makes it difficult to adapt.

But more, it is a kind of worry, this kind of worry covers everyone.

The aspects of worry are different. For the most part, can the Soviets persist to the end? The little one said, what about the fuel?

"Yes, every time we fly, the fuel consumption is huge." Lieber said: "Can we continue here for a long time?"

Just as he finished speaking, he saw that something strange appeared on the sea in the distance. The sea was rippling, spreading continuously from the middle to the sides.

A dark thing seems to be emerging from under the sea. Could it be a whale?

After this big guy slowly floated up, finally, Liebo could see clearly that this is a submarine!

"Look, our fuel is here." Vassilzje said with a smile: "Go, take a look."

This is a C-class submarine. The main submarine of the Soviet Navy.

This is a diesel-electric submarine with a full load and displacement of more than 1,000 tons. It was designed in March 1934 by the Soviet Union and a Dutch company. As the mother type is a batch of Type A submarines from Germany. From the completion of the design to the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union produced a total of 27 submarines.

Throughout World War II, the Soviet Navy did not play a major role. Now, the Soviet Union's Northern Fleet is blocked at home, while the Baltic Fleet and Black Sea Fleet have been wiped out. Only the Pacific Fleet in the Far East is left, almost unattended. What is lossless is some loss in the escort.

The Pacific Fleet in the Far East has 91 submarines of various types. There are seven C-class submarines. Now, these submarines are all used for one thing.


The use of submarines for transportation is not an accident. The Soviet Union withdrew the female sniper Lyudmila and used submarines. Germany intercepted Spanish gold and transported it by submarines.

The German submarine has a large displacement and can transport a lot, but the Soviet Union is different. This one-thousand-ton submarine has modified the front torpedo bays and can only transport 300 tons of aviation fuel at a time.

The Germans used submarines to carry out ambushes, causing heavy losses to the Soviet Union, and almost all surface transportation was interrupted. At this time, the Soviets actually figured out this way, using submarines to transport supplies!

The seven C-class submarines of the Pacific Fleet are all used to transport fuel from Alaska in the United States to Tiksi. If they are transported twice a month, they can transport 4,000 tons of aviation fuel. So, come to Sokolovka base. That said, fuel is no longer a problem!

At this time, the submarine has already floated, and it belongs to an absolutely safe area. The German submarine cannot move near the port. At the same time, even if the German finds it is transported by the submarine, they will be in good condition. In this era, submarine It can only be used to deal with surface ships, and it cannot engage in submarine confrontation underwater.

Throughout World War II, the results of the submarine sinking the submarine were in a floating state. When there is no snorkel, the submarine is buoyant most of the time and only dives when it is attacking.

At this time, the submarine finally arrived at the base after a long underwater voyage. Just after it surfaced, the hatch opened, and a submarine soldier was breathing the air outside, extremely intoxicated.

"Finally I can float up. It's really uncomfortable to be underwater." The sailor breathed greedily, and couldn't help but sigh.

It's too uncomfortable.

The secret of the German submarine's snorkel has not been concealed for too long. Soviet submarines have also begun to use the snorkel. During their transportation, they have almost always been underwater.

Even if there is a vent tube, it can't stop the growing smell.

In the past, there was only the smell of diesel in the submarine. Forget it, forbearance was enough. But now, they transport high-grade aviation gasoline, which volatilizes even more.

The smell inside is unbearable.

"The route ahead is normal, and we are about to reach the mooring pier." At this time, the sailor was acting as a watchman at the same time. He shouted loudly below, and at the same time, waved with the people on the shore.

"Welcome to you." Soon, when he arrived at the pier, Vassilzjege shouted: "You are too timely."

At this time, this base has not been supplemented with any aviation fuel. The arrival of this submarine will give them the capital to start immediately.

"We want to hurry too." At this moment, a bearded captain also came out from below: "When we get to the shore, we have to come up first, take a breath of air, and then smoke a cigarette. Both. Suffocated."

Lieber looked at the submarine leaning on the pier next to the base, and had a new understanding of the location here. It can be transported by sea to transport American reinforcements, or through inland water transport to transport equipment from the inland. At the same time, don't worry about being discovered by the Germans, the layout here is too clever.

At this time, the submarine soldiers filed out, and the fuel pipeline of the base had not been laid. Several tank trucks drove over and began to pump oil from the submarine.

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