The Third Reich

Chapter 1589: hopeless

In the past few days, Yakov experienced complicated ideological struggles in his heart. Originally, his will was firm. Although he had a father-son relationship with Stalin, he did not have much family affection, but for him, the Soviets were noble. great.

Until he saw everything here, the Poles here were killed innocently. This will not be the Germans framing them, only the Soviets themselves.

As a result, the building of faith collapsed suddenly.

Then, the German commissioner took Yakov to look around. After several years of development, these German occupied territories, France, Britain, have undergone earth-shaking changes, and life is much better than before. People there I didn't mention the previous government again, I only felt satisfied with the current life.

Then, I saw the Soviet territories occupied by Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, these territories are now undergoing infrastructure construction, roads from scratch, the whole country looks completely new.

Therefore, Yakov’s inner balance is slowly turning to Germany. As long as you have read history, you will know that any empire has times when it is strong and when it collapses. The collapse of the empire is also for the next new one. The times are foreshadowing.

If these are not enough, then look at the black history of the Moscow government, look at the black history of Stalin, and nothing else, it is only a great purge, a blow to the Trotskyists, which is enough to show that although Stalin held high the banner of Bolshevik, in fact It is already an absolute dictatorship.

A few days later, Yakov experienced a painful struggle in his heart, and now, just before coming, Goebbels put his heart in him.

The people of Moscow should know the truth. Since they have been unable to survive the blow, they should bravely come out. Now, under Stalin’s coercion, asking them to die for the Soviet Union is simply too much to be seen directly. .

Yakov must stand up and do his best for the lives of Moscow citizens.

If another twenty or thirty years pass, Yakov may be able to realize the sword behind it, but now, I have to say that Yakov, who is still politically retarded, has been brainwashed by Germany successfully, with a rescue. The lofty and great ideals of the citizens of Moscow. He wants to call on the citizens of Moscow to stop observing Stalin's orders and resist it. It is time to come out. It is the most important thing to save lives.

If it's street fighting, you can bravely go into the fight, that's okay, but now, it's just being slaughtered unilaterally, and such tragedies shouldn't have happened.

If Yakov said it in front of Stalin, Stalin would have swallowed everything as long as he stared, and now, even if he said it to the camera, I thought it might be Stalin, Jako The husband also dared not look up.

Over the years, Stalin has long had a kind of majesty without anger.

"I don't have such a son!" At this time, in the Kremlin, watching the picture on the TV presented by Germany, Stalin was already furious.

If there is only a sound, it can be said to be slander. Now that there are even images, the facts have been confirmed. His own son has rebelled against the Soviets!

Stalin's face was quite ugly. He did not expect that in just one day, the Soviets would have been shaken by storm.

In the old days, although there were constant failures and loss of land, there was at least hope. As long as we persisted until the winter, there was a possibility of counterattack.

However, there is no hope now.

Because of the Ural Industrial Zone, it has been bombed out.

When the news of Tagil came up, Stalin was furious, and he knew he was hit.

The Germans kept talking about bombing Moscow. As a result, they had to mobilize all their high-altitude fighter jets around Moscow, so that German bombers could drive straight in and bomb their rear industrial areas.

Such a terrifying bomb, as long as one explosion can shut down a factory for several months, if there are five, the factory will be completely destroyed and there is no possibility of resuming production.

The bad news came one after another. The tank factory in Nizhny Tagil was bombed, and the other factories were also issued death notices by German reconnaissance planes. But in Moscow, we can only stare at it, even if it is now transferred. There was no time for the fighter to go back.

In history, when the war on the Western Front was stalemate, the Ural Industrial Zone in the rear was quite safe, because the main German forces were tactical bombers, the largest being medium-range bombers like Junker-88, which could not break through the defense at all. Go into the Soviet hinterland for bombing.

But now, the Germans' large strategic bombers can easily bomb the Soviet Union's hinterland. Because of the altitude problem, it is difficult to defend themselves. The Germans actually made the Soviet Union lose its final confidence in one day.

Stalin's arm trembled involuntarily, and at the same time, under him, the others were pale.

This battle cannot go on!

What should we do now?

Maybe it’s not too late for peace talks. With the current line of fire as the national boundary, all the territories to the west will be given to the Germans, leaving at least half of the Soviet Union’s territory, and then letting the Germans and the Americans fight, so that we can nourish ourselves. Accumulate sharp.

Or, immediately break through, retreat, take the main force, break away from the encirclement of the Germans, and head This is the Eastern European Plain. It is very easy to advance the mechanized forces, as long as you head east, to the Central Siberian Plateau, Entering the mountains, the German armored forces can't be used, and oneself can continue to persevere.

At least staying in Moscow for now is a dead move.

Even if it was in the air-raid shelter below and escaped the bombing of the Germans, how could it persist? When they return to the ground, they are all flat, and there is not even a fortification. Then, besides heroic sacrifice, what will end?

Everyone understands these truths, but no one dares to say that whoever says he is unlucky, even if Stalin agrees, there will be no good end to the first proposal, after all, Stalin will settle accounts afterwards.

"Comrade Stalin." At this moment, the captain of Stalin's guard walked in with a grim face: "I just received a call from the Air Force Command of the Moscow Military Region. A pilot of the 32nd Guard Aviation Regiment took off privately, intending When he surrendered to the enemy, the regiment’s commander took off personally and went to pursue it."

The 32nd Guards Aviation Regiment? Those present frowned again. They all knew that the head of the regiment was Vasily Joseph Djugashvili (Stalin).

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