The Third Reich

Chapter 1593: Machine gun and machine gun

Not everyone can withstand the test. Historically, harsh military regulations have greatly reduced the number of apostasy in the later Soviet operations. At the same time, it was because of the success of the Moscow Defense War that they instilled confidence.

But now, Moscow is about to fall into ruins, and the Soviet edifice will be overthrown. At this time, of course there will be some unsteady people who will join the new camp.

Stalin's cruelty can scare people, or they can scare people away.

Leonid is one of them.

Leonid desperately wanted to escape, and now, Varisi behind, was chasing him, as long as he dared to surrender, he must be killed.

For this reason, Varisi even ignored the German fighter planes flying above his head. For him, the traitor was the most intolerable. The P-39 fighter jet followed Leonid with a graceful gliding line. The closer.

In the air chase, the aircraft behind has an advantage. Even if the speed of the two sides is the same, the aircraft behind can cut the radius to shorten the distance. Now the trajectory of Varisi is just the shortest route.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and Varisi slowly approached and approached with anger in his eyes, and then he pressed the button on the joystick.

"Tom Tom Tom!" A 37mm cannon on the nose of the aircraft fired. Several shells flew towards the target with fierce murderous intent. As long as one hit, the aircraft could blow up a large hole.

At the same time, this gun has only 30 rounds of ammunition, so it must be used sparingly when firing. Varisi can't hold it down all the time. Although it is cool, the shells will be gone in an instant.

At this moment, Leonid actually pulled the rod and kicked the rudder, the plane turned to the right, and successfully avoided a few shells.

The trajectory of the 37mm gun was originally a bit curved. If you want to hit, you can only fire close to it. Just now, Varisi was more anxious and missed.

Switch to machine gun! Varisi quickly adjusted his weapon switch **** to select the wing machine gun.

The P-39's firepower is powerful. In addition to the 37mm gun, there are four 7.62mm machine guns on the wings. After Varisi quickly adjusted it, he continued to fire.

He wants to save some machine guns, and the machine guns are no longer needed. Four machine guns with 4,000 rounds of ammunition are enough to form a dense rain of ammunition.

At this moment, there were only traitors in Varisi's vision, and he wanted to kill him!

The dense bullets formed a terrible metal storm. One after another, yellow-orange-orange 7.62mm warheads flew towards the target.

Leonid felt his plane trembling feebly in the storm, and a row of bullets hit his tail wing, instantly smashing his tail wing.

Then, a row of bullet holes appeared on the rear fuselage. As long as Varisi continued to pull the control lever, the intensive bullet rain could hit the cab and shot Leonid on the seat.

Just when Leonid was frightened, the German fighter plane finally arrived.

Until now, if Major Weissenberg could not guess what happened, he would be too slow.

Obviously, this is chasing and killing traitors. The plane in front is probably trying to defect, so of course he has to deal with the fighter plane in the back without hesitation.

Dooping down again from the air, Major Weissenberg's plane easily chased behind Varisi.

German fighters have unified their weapons and equipment very early.

In World War II, aircraft in many countries still used machine guns as their main air combat weapon, but the caliber of the machine guns was too small, so there were often hundreds of bullet holes dragged by the aircraft, and they finally flew back unscathed.

The power of machine guns is already insufficient, so using machine guns as the main weapon of fighter jets will not be as powerful as you want, and you have to use aviation guns.

The larger the caliber of the air gun, the greater the power, but this will cause other problems. The first is the small amount of ammunition. For example, a 37 mm air gun has only dozens of rounds. It is the curved trajectory. The larger the caliber of the shell, the more curved when going out. After all, the barrel cannot be too long.

Therefore, taking into account comprehensive considerations, a 20mm cannon should be more appropriate. At the same time, on the other hand, it is also because Germany’s air-to-air missiles have been steadily developed. Although they are still primitive, the sky in the future must be air-to-air missiles. Yes, there is no need for a particularly large-caliber aircraft gun.

20mm is just right.

The current FW190 uses the Mauser MG151/2020 mm aerial cannon. This aerial cannon is the main weapon of the aviation force. As Major Wiesenberg presses the button, while the fuselage is shaking, each 20mm cannon The high-explosive bomb flew toward the target.

"Boom!" An artillery shell successfully hit the P-39's tail, instantly smashing the vertical tail in half. It was only at this time that Varisi realized that he had made a serious mistake.

In air combat, you must closely watch the surrounding airspace and attack your target yourself. At the same time, you can easily become the target of others.

Therefore, formation tactics are mainly used now. When the pilot of the lead plane attacks the target, the wingman must help the lead plane guard the airspace behind the plane to prevent the enemy from attacking.

But now, Varisi is only in a single attack mode. In order to shoot down the traitor, he temporarily ignored the German planes, and was attacked by the German planes.

The vertical tail of the tail was blown off by half. In an instant, Varisi felt that the fuselage was out of control. He firmly held the control stick and the fighter flew slowly. He wanted to try to maintain the balance of the aircraft. At that time, needless to say the target of the attack It would be nice if he could fly back.

P-39 was like a wild horse running out of rein, Varisi's whole body was trembling, and he managed to control the plane. At this time, the terrible sound of machine guns rang out again.

"Tom tom, tom tom tom!" A flame appeared from the nose of the FW190 fighter. After a short correction, 20 mm shells flew toward the target again.

"Boom!" Unable to withstand another blow, the plane was suddenly blown up in the air. It turned into a huge fireball, rolling down and falling.

A result!

Major Weissenberg was so happy that he finally killed one.

In front, the fighter that was being pursued was still flying steadily, as if it was waiting for Major Weissenberg.

As a result, Major Weissenberg slowly approached the P-39. When the two planes were flying side by side, he could see the Soviet pilot on one side from the cockpit, and the other side also saw him, showing a flattery. Smile, so he shook the wing, pointed his finger into the distance, and told him to fly with me!

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