The Third Reich

Chapter 1605: The barbecue feast is about to begin

Lilia knew that relying on her own, she could not cause damage to the German aircraft behind. After all, her fighter aircraft was lagging behind and the opponent still had the advantage in numbers. Therefore, she could only have a brainstorm. The aircraft was brought to its own air defense position.

The plane behind, tumbling and falling down with black smoke, Lilia was very proud of her heart, she finally killed one and avenged Alexei, and then she tried to shoot down another one by herself!

However, Lilia had no chance. Several FW190 fighters attacked her together. Numerous 20mm artillery shells came from all directions and shot towards her fighters, blasting her plane into the air and exploding.

This is just a small episode in the entire battle. The female Soviet soldiers, in this battle, behaved eloquently.

When Soviet men were on the battlefield, women were in the factory behind, producing weapons and equipment to supply the frontline troops. When their men and their father died in battle, they carried their weapons and wiped away their tears. In a tough battle with the Germans, they are not afraid of sacrifice, they are fearless.

Although the Soviets were only a few decades old, they have been deeply engraved in their minds.

The German tactics are also very simple. Since thought cannot be eliminated, then the carrier of thought should be eliminated.

Just as a Junker-88 bomber blasted the Soviet air base indiscriminately, the huge Junker-290 bomber force finally arrived on the battlefield.

At this time, they lined up in a neat formation at an altitude of 10,000 meters. They also circled a circle and flew from the east. Hundreds of bombers were densely arranged in the sky.

On the bomber, the navigator and bombardier were very concentrated at this time. The previous mission was to blow up the entire city. They only needed to throw the bomb over Moscow. But now, the mission has changed. They need to bomb Moscow. The Soviet soldiers on the ground outside need to be more precise in their bombing.

When looking at Moscow from a distance, the fleet changed from a column to a row, divided into several small formations, and rushed towards its target direction.

"Run, run!" There were shouts everywhere on the ground.

Zhukov's orders reached the various units, and they must leave the trenches and head towards the opposite German position!

As soldiers, they don't need to know why they want to do this. They only need to obey orders. All the army needs is obedience. Now, they certainly know why.

Those bombers did not come to bomb Moscow, but to bomb positions outside Moscow. Such simple positions could not stop the terrible bombs. Their only way to survive was to rush to the German positions. Go up.

Because it is impossible for the Germans' bombs to hit their own positions, and even approaching them is dangerous, so as long as they rush over and get close enough to the Germans, the chance of surviving is greater.

They left the trenches with their rifles and ran forward.

If it was before, when they ran forward in the entire field like this, they would definitely be sifted by the violent machine guns in front, but now, there is nothing in front of them.

The Germans have also retreated. Of course, the Germans were also afraid of being accidentally injured. They secretly left the position, and because the Soviet army was originally defensive, they did not know that there was already a layer of paper in front of them.

It's very simple to pierce.

Lyudmila took the sniper rifle in her hand, threw her legs apart, and ran forward. Next to her was General Zhukov. They almost ran out together. Now, regardless of the rank, they all You must run forward to have a way out.

Behind him, the grenade bag kept rubbing against the skirt. Lyudmila ran a few steps and had to push the skirt back. Lyudmila was actually quite dissatisfied with her own equipment. Just wear pants.

Zhukov’s orders were passed down level by level. Therefore, Lyudmila’s team was the first to receive the order and leave their trenches first. When black spots appeared in the eastern sky, they had already run out. A few kilometers.

Yes, just a few kilometers.

When the bomb falls from the sky, the error will be very large. Even if Germany has advanced bombing equipment, the accuracy is similar to that of the Norton sights in history. Germany does not dare to be surprised. It must be at least five kilometers away. ensure safety.

If you get hit by a bomb in the air by mistake, and you die in one swoop, I am afraid that both the Air Force and the Army's top officials will have to resign.

At this moment, not far away, the retreating German army was watching the Soviet soldiers rushing forward.

"Soviet people, really smart!" At this time, behind a soil slope, in a tall and mighty tank, with the help of a periscope exposed above the soil slope, Hans was looking at the open field ahead.

How can Germany’s most powerful tanks be absent from this most famous war in Europe?

The 502nd heavy tank battalion was recently transferred to the south of Moscow, first participated in the battle of Tula, and now it began to encircle the periphery of Moscow.

For the victory of the Moscow battle, Germany also carried out the maximum mobilization. The North Route Army, the Middle Route Army, and a part of the South Route Army, the German army has gathered more than three million, and surrounded the entire Moscow. In terms of the servant nations above and below, there are more than five million German troops around Moscow.

The Soviet army in the encirclement also has more than one million. This is a battle that is destined to win with more than less.

It depends on the form of victory. Now, it is the most brilliant way.

For the sake of confidentiality, when their entire offensive force began to retreat secretly, no one told them why they had to retreat. After retreating five kilometers, they turned to defense on the new line of defense. At this time, some smart people had already guessed. What has arrived.

I am afraid it is a grand barbecue feast.

And now, when seeing the Soviet army charging outwards, Hans couldn't help but admire the reaction of the Soviets.

The original position was about to become the place of death, and the city behind it was unsafe. In this case, these troops actually chose to charge outward. The courage alone was admirable.

Well, the best way to admire the enemy is to destroy them.

"Attention, prepare to fire." The battalion commander's order came from the radio: "Put it within 500 meters and shoot."

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