The Third Reich

Chapter 1609: End of the Battle of Moscow

"Bastard, you bastard!" The Italian soldier was so scared that he stomped on Lyudmila's head with another intact leg and wanted to leave quickly. He already knew he was going to die, even though If you leave and run, you absolutely cannot do without the explosive range of the grenade!

His boots slammed on Lyudmila’s head, once, twice, three times... Lyudmila screamed, but refused to let go. Anyway, there are only a few seconds left in his life. She is holding on and waiting.

Five, six, seven...

At this time, the other Italian soldiers on the side had long been on the ground, waiting tremblingly for the loud noise to come, but they felt something was wrong.

It seems that this time has passed a bit long?

When they raised their heads, they saw that the companion was still mechanically stomping on the female soldier's head. The female soldier's hand still persisted, but the grenade on the side had long ceased to smoke!

"Hey, Scott, you idiot." A squad leader shouted, "Put away your hoofs and take the prisoners away."

The soldier named Scott still had no other reaction. He just continued to trample with his big foot until a soldier pulled him away. At this time, the female soldier had been trampled to blood.

"Scott, wake up."

"Flap, pop!" The squad leader came up and slapped him twice before he was awakened. During the war, people would often fall into this terrible state, unable to extricate themselves, this is the nightmare of war.

War will distort the mind.

After two slaps, Scott looked at the female soldier wriggling at his feet, and could no longer control his emotions: "Dare to blow me up, okay, now I will bomb you with a cannon!"

On the front line, the German army is still advancing. In the past, this kind of combat style was quite proficient. To divide and outflank the opponent on the vast plains requires such advancement.

Germany is not advancing fast.

On the one hand, the tank needs to be accompanied by infantry to be absolutely safe, so the speed cannot be fast. On the other hand, the oxygen in the explosion center has been exhausted at this time. If the speed is too fast, they may also enter the oxygen-free zone.

They are like this, as if they were driving the Soviet army, and they were driven in first.

On the plains, there is no danger to defend. When encountering German tank troops, the only way is to withdraw.

Just now because of the rush, almost everyone carried individual equipment. Some people didn't even carry a rifle. They had only one dead end in front of the tank.

When the German tanks advanced, they began to retreat, step by step, step by step, their eyes were wide open, and his legs were trembling involuntarily.

Suddenly, the last soldier felt that his breathing was extremely difficult, as if his neck was stuck by something. He wanted to breathe, but a signal of hypoxia came from his lungs. After breathing for two or three times, he fell heavily on the ground.

One, two, in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people all fell down, just as they encountered gas in an underground mine.

"Can't retreat, there is a dead place!" a person shouted, and he had already reacted.

On his forehead, sweat swishes down, hitting the soil on the ground, and the rifle in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

In the air, the terrible smell of barbecue is still coming.

"Boom boom, boom boom." On the opposite side, the German tanks are constantly approaching. Behind the tanks are a large number of German soldiers with assault rifles. They are standing by, ready to use fierce firepower to kill the Soviet Union in front soldier.

The first soldier dropped the rifle in his hand, followed by the second, third...They raised their hands one after another.

It's not that they don't want to resist, but now they can't resist at all. They can only be slaughtered. Once the Germans' machine gun fires, they will all fall here.

Most of the soldiers chose to surrender, and only a few were eliminated.

The Battle of Moscow actually ended in such a shocking way. History will remember this moment. The Soviet Union gathered almost all its forces and planned to engage in a general war in Moscow. As a result, it turned into a barbecue banquet.

Germany burned to death millions of Soviet soldiers, captured more than 200,000 people, and killed tens of thousands. The battle in Moscow was so fast that it was too fast for people to accept it.

(Can’t help it, just say, the child looks at the small submarine column every day, almost saying that it’s almost too late for you to talk about pulling and pulling the carrot)

In the north, west and south of Moscow, fires and black smoke are burning, indicating that this is a terrible hell. At the same time, in the east of Moscow, Elektrogorsk.

It is not easy to bring hundreds of thousands of Moscow citizens out. The road is not wide enough, and there are not too many vehicles. They walked and leaned on bicycles. In one night, they walked hundreds of kilometers. This is definitely A miracle.

Their striker has already arrived in this town, and behind them, the furthest behind them is in Noginsk.

After daybreak, their migration is destined to be a tragedy. They will definitely be overtaken, surrounded, and captured by the Germans.

But even so, Zhukov's intention has been achieved.

By moving out the citizens of Moscow, you can avoid being attacked by German thermobaric bombs and avoid death. Soldiers can sacrifice for the country. As for civilians, it is impossible to do unnecessary deaths.

So Zhukov ordered them to leave the city. There is only so much Zhukov can do.

This has gone against the wishes of Comrade Stalin.

When the western sky is full of black smoke, even if it is tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers away, you can see it. When you see the scene in the distance, almost all the citizens are sitting on the ground. , Howling and crying.

They couldn't see anything else, they just thought that Moscow was blown up by the Germans. At this time, they all felt inexplicable sadness.

My home is gone.

Next to the citizens, the soldiers did not cry, but their eye circles were flushed. They knew that they were the only survivors. They were ordered to retreat, and the troops who remained there were probably all miserable.

Accompanied by the citizens withdrew, there were four group armies. They were the only remaining fully-organized troops of the Soviets. In particular, they had ten tank divisions. As long as they are still there, the Soviets can still persevere.

Only now, the tank division's situation is not good.

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