The Third Reich

Chapter 1626: Special operations mission

"Good luck to you." The call from the towing plane in front of the radio came from the radio. With this sound, the steel rope to be towed in front suddenly loosened.

The gliders, like kites, continue to fly forward in the sky.

In every glider, there are soldiers of the Griffin Special Forces who are waiting in full battle. They have to train at least once a month for such operations, and they have long been accustomed to it.

Completely trust your own pilot.

The airplane is unpowered and can only glide slowly by relying on the advantage of altitude. At the same time, the pilot must find the landing field as soon as possible and slide down on the most suitable trajectory.

The huge Me321 giant glider, like a bloated hippopotamus, glides in the air. The pilots have already seen the river beach in the distance. This is their best place to land.

"Attention, there are five minutes before landing, and get ready to land." The pilot shouted loudly.

The landing of the glider is thrilling every time. Although the structure is steel tube and strong enough, every time it lands, it almost falls apart. For them, the landing is the first serious test.

Everyone leaned on the handrail next to them, preparing for the terrible impact.

Morris’s face was painted in camouflage, his hands firmly grasped the handrails, his body was constantly shaking with the bumps of the glider, thinking that when he was a new fighter, he followed Skoll By Zine's side, Skorzeny filled him with courage with wine, and now he is a mature veteran.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the final silence, waiting until after landing, is the beginning of their battle.

Most of the gliders are equipped with a Panther 2 tank in the middle. After all, they are fighting a tough battle this time. However, not all gliders carry this equipment. Morris is in the glider. His men, a company, more than 100 people, this glider is enough to carry.

"Attention, there is one minute to land."

The posture of the fuselage continued to tilt, and the pilot relied on the resistance of the fuselage to quickly reduce the speed of the aircraft, and then headed towards the river beach with a graceful glide line.

For airborne troops, the choice of landing site is very important. If they fall into the ambush of the opponent, it is quite dangerous. In the history of World War II, every airborne operation was almost always a crisis.

However, compared with direct parachute landing, the risk of glider landing is greatly reduced. If they encounter anti-aircraft artillery on the ground, they can avoid it. If they encounter an ambush by ground troops, they only need to fall on the ground, the main battle tank Will teach the enemy how to behave.

It is precisely because of the powerful strategic bombers that they can drag these powerful tanks, and it is precisely because of the tanks that their airborne troops have terrible combat effectiveness.

There was a slight impact sound from the fuselage. This was a perfect landing. The wheel slid more than ten meters on the river beach, and stopped because of the huge resistance.

Behind, a group of gliders, like a flock of flying birds, came densely toward the river beach.

"Quick, get off the plane, get ready to fight!" Morris greeted his subordinates.

Ordinary parachute landing will waste a lot of time to regroup after landing, because after parachuting, the landing point is not under your control, but the glider is different. It can land at a fixed point, which is quite beneficial to the assembly of troops.

They must assemble quickly, form a battle formation, head towards Stalingrad, and come pretending to be the main force of Germany.

The tanks are driven from the glider. The diesel-powered engine gives them good endurance. For the time being, there is no need to worry about the fuel problem, and they can almost stick to the arrival of the Southern Army from Kharkov.

"What? A new situation?" Just before Morris landed, the first Skorzene's plane had already landed on the riverbank. As he greeted the troops, the radio operator received the latest update. Telegram.

As they flew to Stalingrad, a new situation emerged in the city.

The intelligence personnel who were originally responsible for giving Khrushchev the lead, contacting the German side and discussing the surrender, discovered that Khrushchev was under control after he went to the tractor factory!

Now, the people from the tractor factory contact the headquarters, hoping that the senior military officials will go to the tractor factory to discuss the continued fighting, but these high-ranking officials are throwing rodents, and no one dares to go. I hope the people from the tractor factory will go to the headquarters. contact.

And the people in the tractor factory seemed to be afraid of something and didn't dare to go to the headquarters. In this way, they were temporarily deadlocked.

The people in the tractor factory who controlled Khrushchev did a great job, but they lost time in the next action. They should immediately call on the army and the people to continue the war. This will definitely get the response from the lower level, but they However, in discussions with other military officials, it was deadlocked.

This is not to blame Mikhailov and others, because they are people in the factory, and the troops are two systems.

If Mikhailov declares that he has become the supreme commander of Stalingrad and continues the resistance with the following people, it is not in compliance with the rules. He has not been appointed by a superior, and his orders are invalid and may not be promoted. Open, after all, soldiers are strictly obedient to discipline, and you can't just give them orders by just one person.

Mikhailov can only contact the high-ranking military, Cui Kefu, who is the main battle, has been killed. The others are also full of grass, watching the wind, and no one comes forward. .

The scene is deadlocked, but for Skorzner, now is a good opportunity.

At this time, the sun had already set to the west, and soon it was going to darken.

"The most important thing now is to rescue Khrushchev." Skolzner said: "As long as Khrushchev can get rid of the control of the people leaving the tractor factory, then he will come back and take those people Kill them all, and at the same time, Stalingrad’s surrender can continue. Moreover, this also happens to be our best."

As special forces, what they are good at is definitely not large corps operations, but special operations. This kind of saving lives is simply a must.

Skorzner's hands are already itchy.

Now he is going to command a force of several thousand people, it is impossible for him to go there himself, he has to send a powerful hand to it.

"Morris, come here!" Skolzner shouted loudly: "I have a task for you to take you with me."

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