The Third Reich

Chapter 1628: Save Khrushchev

"It seems that I can only go there." Sergeyev said: "The chief of staff of the group army, Major General Krylov, I know him and I don’t know him very well. Now, I use national justice to speak. He, as long as he agrees to stand up, Stalingrad will be saved."

As a military representative, Sergeyev certainly has a background. Among the senior officials of the military region, he thought carefully about it, and the relationship with Krylov should be the closest.

You can't wait any longer. If you delay it, it will be detrimental to your side. Now the army below is panicked and must quickly stabilize order.

This Khrushchev, it is cold or hot, Sergeyev gave Khrushchev a fierce look: "As long as Major General Krylov can agree, then Khrushchev, go to hell. Up."

Here in Khrushchev, it was a waste of words. After so long delay, now, as long as you persuade others, why do you want Khrushchev?

Anyway, in this matter today, the head was tied to the belt of the trousers, and he had already spared it. A surrender like Khrushchev should die!

Although Khrushchev’s face was ugly, it did not stop him. Compared with the people in front of him, Khrushchev’s heart was very clear. If other officers wanted to move, they would have acted long ago. No one responded to them. It is enough to explain the attitude of the officer.

Perhaps the soldiers at the front can hold the belief that they must die, but the senior commanders are selfish, and there is no need to be buried for the Soviet Union, especially in this situation.

At the same time, Khrushchev's eyes were turning straight and thinking about the way to get out.

"Hey." Just when Sergeyev walked to the door, suddenly the door was pushed open. Outside, a worker ran in breathlessly and shouted loudly, "No. No, it's not good. A large number of German troops appeared outside the city, with tanks everywhere!"

The German army actually appeared?

Until now, Germany has traveled all over Europe, but it has not suffered a defeat. This has become the pressure of everyone. With the defeat of Moscow, any army directly facing the German army will feel heavy pressure.

They can defeat the Turks with tenacious perseverance, but if they fight the Germans, there is no hope.

"Everyone, it's not too late to let me go." Khrushchev said: "My heart is actually as painful as you are, but when the news of the occupation of Moscow came through, I knew that we had lost. After this war, we continue to resist now. We only become burning ashes under the German bomb. We cannot change this history. Accept our fate, surrender is the only way."

The German army has already moved out of the city, and the general offensive on Stalingrad is about to begin. It will either be destroyed or surrendered. Did these guys in front of you really decide to be buried in the Soviets?

Hearing Khrushchev’s words, suddenly Mikhailov rushed over, and his hands squeezed Khrushchev’s neck vigorously: "If you die, you will die. What's so terrible about death? Surrender to death, this is the most cowardly behavior, you short fat guy, aren't you afraid of death? Then let you die first!"

Anyway, Khrushchev intends to go all the way to the dark. Mikhailov disregarded the overall situation at this time, and killed Khrushchev with such a bad breath, this coward!

Lao Maozi is the fighting nation that is least afraid of death. How could a scum like Khrushchev come out!

At this moment, Mikhailov was extremely angry. His two hands, like large pliers, grabbed Khrushchev’s neck. In just a few seconds, Khrushchev’s face turned red. , Tongue sticking out from the mouth, there was a whining sound inside, and the body was shaking vigorously, but the arm was tied to the chair and couldn't move at all.

"Don't stop me, let me kill him!" Mikhailov shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at this side, at Mikhailov who was crazy, at this brutal scene, no one came to stop it.

No one noticed the situation outside the door.

At the door, when Morris poked his head out, he couldn't believe his eyes, luck was really good.

The door is open, there is no one outside, and the attention of people in the room is concentrated in the middle. If you don't go in at this time, when will you wait?

"Charge!" Morris yelled, and then, holding his assault rifle, he strode in and shouted inward: "All raise your hands, don't move, whoever moves will kill anyone!"

Morris does not speak Russian, but since the war, the other side has known a few words, and now he is speaking in bad Russian.

Sergeyev was the first to react. He approached the door, and when he turned his head, he saw the heavily armed troops outside. Intuitively, he wanted to draw the pistol from his waist immediately.

Unfortunately, before his hand reached out, Morris's gun fired.

"Da da." With a short burst of fire, Sergeyev's body retreated two steps, and the blood splashed on the bodies of other people around him, and then he fell back weakly.

The crowd discovered the German soldiers rushing in. They had controlled the situation and no one dared to move. The Germans would shoot at any time. Sergeyev, who was still twitching on the ground, was a living example.

Morris walked over a few steps, kicked Mikhailov away: "Go away!"

Khrushchev in the chair was almost pinched and had cerebral ischemia, and was about to pass into a Before losing consciousness, he saw the angry German soldier.

It's really time to come!

"I'm Khrushchev, save me, I have surrendered!" Khrushchev's voice is not high, but with joy, sure enough, it is good to follow the Germans, know that something is wrong, come right away saved. Look at the Soviets again, my son is in an accident, and Laozi is unmoved. It's really abnormal.

Morris ignored him, first took out a photo and compared it with the person in front of him: "Yes, it's him."

When saving people, the basic skills of special forces must be clearly understood. They have spent a lot of hard work and may have to sacrifice a few more. Only after the rescue was found that the rescue was not the goal, it would be too sad.

Now that it was Khrushchev, Morris stepped forward and broke the rope that bound him with a saber. The task was half completed, and it was time to take him away.

At this moment, a noisy sound came from outside.

"Quickly, surround here and kill the Germans!" The loud voice was from Bondarenko, the captain of the Workers' Self-Defense Force.

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