The Third Reich

Chapter 1632: Consider successor

"Please give me a force, and I will kill all those who try to make trouble." Khrushchev gritted his teeth and said.

"Do you want me to give it to you? Don't you have anyone yourself?" Skolzner continued with disdain.

"Okay, then I will take the people myself." Khrushchev stomped his feet and said to Gulov who was on the side: "Gulov, take your guard and follow me on the street."

When Khrushchev went to the tractor factory, he took his own guard, but after going to the tractor factory, he was controlled. Correspondingly, the guard was also detained, and Rody went with him. Mtsev was also missing.

Now, he needs to take people, first go to slaughter the tractor factory, find out his guards, and then kill all those who try to cause trouble.

This is destined to be a restless night!

Khrushchev took the people and left with a murderous look. Skolzner looked at the remaining pale-faced people and said with a smile: "Being bored, come, let's play cards together."

This big table is just used to play chess and cards, three cards, compared to the size, the easiest, um, sit on the bank and play until dawn.

From Stalingrad, fierce gunfire was heard from time to time.

Wolf den.

The night was getting dark, Cyric returned to the room and saw the dim light, the two little guys had fallen asleep deeply, while Hannah, undressed, was lying aside.

When Cyric opened the door, Hannah woke up with joy in her eyes. She lifted the quilt, almost half-running, and jumped onto Cyric.

Cyric hugged both legs expertly, feeling the temperature of Hannah's body.

"Don't wait for me in the future." Cyric said, "Sleep when it's time to sleep."

"Shhh! Don't wake up the children." Hannah lay on Cyric, enjoying the tenderness of this moment, smelling his body, full of obsession.

"Tomorrow, are you going to Moscow?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, go to Moscow for a military parade," Cyric said.

"Then, can I go with you?"

Cyric did not answer, so Hannah automatically changed the subject: "Are you hungry? How many slices of bread shall I get you?"

"Hannah, Moscow has just come down, and there may be various dangers in it." Cyric said: "I don't want you to face this dangerous situation. It is safer to stay in the wolf den."

"I am not afraid of danger. I am by your side. No matter where I go, I am the most at ease." Hannah said: "I can take care of myself and my children."

While talking, Hannah brought bread and milk. The milk was still warm and just right to drink.

"Hum, hum." At this moment, there was a knock on the door: "Head Sirek, front line telegram."

So Cyric could only look at Hannah with an apologetic smile.

Hannah was considerate and said, "Go ahead, military affairs are important."

Since the start of the war, Cyric has almost lived in a room near the command hall, and rarely comes to the house, although it is separated by a few aisles, but now, having just come back to take a look, it is time to leave.

If he could choose one more time, Cyric definitely didn't want to take this path anymore. It would be a pleasant life to cross the son of a landlord and rich man, take a doggie and molested a good woman.

Cyric returned to the command hall and saw Reinhardt hurriedly.

"Head Cyrek, we found Stalin's trail." Reinhardt gritted his teeth and said: "Zhukov ordered the citizens of Moscow to flee outside the city, which attracted our attention, but in fact, it was led by Beria. The fugitives from Russia took Stalin and left Moscow in a submarine and fled along the river."

This news was made by a captured member of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs. When Stalin was carried on the submarine, he was also a member of the council. However, the space on the submarine was limited and he could only retreat on land. Was arrested.

After multiple confirmations, this news is the most accurate.

The territory of the Soviet Union is vast. The Moskva River and many rivers converge. As long as you run down the river and want to catch it again, it is not easy. After all, although Germany has reached Moscow, it controls the land, and many of the rivers are defenseless. The place.

Let him run away!

If Stalin is captured, the war against the Soviet Union can almost be said to be a total victory. After all, Stalin is the soul of the entire Soviet. Without him, the Soviets would have nothing.

Now, let him run away!

"As long as you find out where Stalin is appearing, you will blast it to the ground!" Cyric said.

Now there is no need to pay attention to humanitarianism. Killing Stalin is the first priority. Let Stalin not go out, wherever he goes, there are thermobaric bombs everywhere, and there are complete ruins.

Let Stalin become the most feared person in the local area, let his foundation completely disappear, no one dares to support him anymore!

Think about it now, although we have achieved great victories in the past, but that Churchill and Stalin are still alive. This is not good news.

Suddenly, Cyric felt his eyelids and began to blink for no reason. His left eye jumped for money and his right eye jumped for disaster. This old saying, Cyrick has always remembered, now his right eye keeps jumping. , Not a good sign.

So, something suddenly came to mind in my mind.

I knew that if Stalin was killed, the Soviet Union would be completely finished. The Americans must also know that if they kill themselves, Germany would have no ability to launch an offensive recently Unlike Hitler's assassination, when Hitler was assassinated. , I immediately stood up. Germany did not cause any chaos, and the battle for revenge began.

That's because when Hitler was alive, he grew up to be Hitler's successor. Starting from the beer hall, he grew up step by step and became Hitler's number one successor.

But now, there is no such person under him.

Reinhardt, Scherner, and Keitel all have only their best side, but they don’t have enough experience to command the whole army, not enough to make everyone admire, and Guderian, Manstein, military He has deep attainments but not much political qualifications.

It seems that I should also consider the issue of successors.

Scherner has followed him the longest and most loyal, but the problem is that Scherner is older than his own age, and he can only be loyal and not cruel. If he wants to lead this huge empire, he must have enough steel in his heart.

Like the history of later generations, Reinhardt should be the most suitable.

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