The Third Reich

Chapter 1634: New proposal

Pretending to be a group of aircraft under review, they were inspected by Moscow together. Then, when the plane flew over the Red Square, it directly dropped the bomb, killing the German head of state on the viewing platform, carrying it, and killing seven or eighty-eight people. other people.

This plan, no matter how you listen to it, seems to be impossible to achieve.

Think about it, too, the German military parade, let your own planes come in, how to listen, how is it like a fantasy, the Germans are so foolish?

"We have deciphered the German radio communication." Roosevelt took another cigarette and said to the person under his hands: "We can imitate their radio communication and mix into their fleet. During the review, there will be bombers. The fleet, our B-29 bomber, looks almost exactly the same as their Junker-290, so as long as the radio communication is normal, we are confident that we can get in."

Deciphering the German radio communications is a major advancement for the US intelligence service. After a long period of hard work, hundreds of telegraph decipherers from the US Strategic Service have finally made a breakthrough recently. The law of their telegram was successfully deciphered.

In this era, there is no identification friend or foe on the plane, and it can only be found by visual inspection, coupled with radio contact, as long as the visual inspection is normal and the radio contact is normal, it should be able to get in.

Hearing Roosevelt's words, Arnold still shook his head: "President Roosevelt, even if we can successfully bomb, do you think our pilots can retreat?"

The people around me frowned upon hearing this. Yes, Arnold's proposal was more objectively considered.

The German fighters surpassed their own bombers in terms of ceiling and speed, and even if they were able to bomb successfully, it was still a mission without return.

Although in order to win the war, as long as this task is dispatched, someone will definitely be willing to do so, but this is different from the mainstream American values.

Although the bombing of Tokyo is very difficult, there is still hope of survival after all, and there is a perfect retreat route, plus God bless, there is still an opportunity for the team to come back, but bombing Moscow, as long as the bomb is dropped, it will undoubtedly die.

The United States advocates freedom and will never actively sacrifice for any glorious and sacred task, because what they value most is the individual's life.

From this perspective, it is inhumane to issue such an order. It is almost essentially the same as the Kamikaze suicide plane before the island nation’s late surrender.

Roosevelt did not speak any more. He also knew that his proposal had problems in this regard. However, the temptation was too great. If one could sacrifice a crew and win a precious breathing opportunity for the entire United States, it would actually be worth it.

In the conference room, I temporarily calmed down. Just when everyone thought that this plan must be abandoned, Roosevelt suddenly spoke again: “If the plan to bomb the sky over Moscow cannot be passed by pretending to be a review fleet, then we simply, in How about ambushing Cyric in the middle of the way when he is on a special plane to Moscow?"

Although Roosevelt was physically disabled, his head was a top-notch helper, and soon came up with an alternative plan.

Cyrenk likes to travel by special plane. After the Atlantic One passenger plane came out that year, he couldn't wait to refit it as his own special plane. Now, when going to Moscow, Cyrenk will definitely take a special plane.

Now that we have deciphered the German radio, we must be able to find information about Cyric’s flight, figure out his flight path, and ambush him halfway!

Since the whole of Europe is already owned by Germany, and the western part of Moscow has been settled down, there will not be many **** fighters around the plane. As long as you dispatch a certain number of fighters, you can successfully ambush him!

This is not a matter of back and forth. After the ambush is over, the fighters can still withdraw.

"This plan is fine." Arnold nodded and agreed: "If we take off from Greenland and take the Arctic route, our latest P-51 Mustang fighter should have enough range to intercept on the line from Berlin to Moscow. In order to avoid the German air defense network, I suggest an ambush over Belarus."

Last time, although the Soviets failed, they took the Arctic route, successfully evaded the German air defense net, and finally bombed the hinterland of Germany, which is still a classic battle.

Now, we can do the same, especially the P-51 Mustang fighter jet, which originally used an engine with only one supercharger. Like other aircraft, its high-altitude performance is not good. Now, it has been quickly tackled by scientific researchers. , Especially with the technical support of engine designers exiled from the United Kingdom, finally came up with a secondary supercharger.

The Mustang’s practical ceiling has reached twelve thousand and eighty. If it adopts the leaping tactics, it can fly higher. It is the main fighter of the United States. Once the Germans want to use the Junker-290 to bomb the United States, the high advantage is already Lost, American fighter planes can intercept them at high altitude.

At the same time, the maximum range of this aircraft is almost 3,000 kilometers. After the auxiliary fuel tank is added, it is still possible to implement this plan successfully.

Even if there is an accident in the middle of and you cannot return to Greenland, you can fly eastward. It is relatively safe in the eastern Ural region, and then return to the United States after landing.

Security has been greatly guaranteed.

This proposal was supported by Arnold. At the same time, everyone else nodded. In this way, the new assassination of the German head of state officially began!

The key to the action is to decipher the German telegram, find the route of the Führer Cyric, and enter the interception area on time!

This important task was handed over to the US Strategic Services Agency, and General Donovan was personally responsible for deciphering the telegram, and deciphering the required intelligence in the dense radio waves.

At the same time, the U.S. Army Air Force quickly transferred its most capable pilots to the Greenland Air Force Base. The 339th fighter squadron was responsible for this mission.

Greenland is located in the Arctic. Snow does not melt all year round. The runway of the airport is always frozen. The harsh conditions are almost a restricted area for humans. However, Major John Michael, the squadron leader of the 339 Fighter Squadron, still took his squadron. , Landed on time to the base in Greenland.

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