The Third Reich

Chapter 1637: New Storm Bird

At the beginning, when the Atlantic One passenger plane was developed, there was a landline that was converted into Hitler's head of state. The name of this landline was called Air Force One.

Over the years, with the continuous advancement of technology, the Führer's special plane has been constantly updated, but the name has been retained. Which one is used as the Führer's special plane, which is Air Force One.

Now, Michael slightly announced his mission, which is to shoot down the landline of the German head of state!


There is a sea of ​​joy everywhere. At the Capital International Airport, there was a lot of voices, everyone dressed in festive costumes, waving their right arm, shouting that loud slogan, paying tribute to the head of state!

The head of Führer Cyric, with his wife, slowly boarded the special plane of Air Force One. Just now, he gave a passionate speech, telling the audience at the airport, telling the citizens of Berlin, telling the whole of Germany, the whole of Europe, the whole In the world, Germany has won the war against the Soviet Union. Now, a far-reaching military parade will be held in Moscow!

However, our cause is still not complete. We see that the United States on the other side of the ocean will not sit back and watch the unification of Europe. Those governments in exile and pseudo-regimes are still trying to fight against the beasts. The empire will not be afraid. The hall will beat the opponent upright, and the 4d flag will fly all over the world!

Cyric's speech brought the atmosphere of the audience to a climax. When everyone was waving their right arms, Cyric boarded his special plane and started the trip to Moscow.

Just a few kilometers away from the Capital Airport, in a small broken house, an ordinary farmer turned on his own telegraph. He has been lurking for so many years, waiting for this day, and he would rather risk exposure. Also send this telegram.

Cyric took a special plane to travel, the target is Moscow! Drawing a route from Berlin to Moscow is clearly visible, and it is easy to calculate the exact time based on the speed of the passenger plane.

In the White House, everyone is waiting, waiting for the exciting moment to come.

The single-seater P-51 Mustang fighter jet has only radio communication equipment and has a range of only three to five hundred kilometers. For longer distances, you need to rely on a telegraph machine, and the telegraph needs a dedicated person to operate it, that is, a telegraph. A special command plane will do.

This also means that when the killer action begins, the Mustang fighters take off and will soon lose contact with them. Only after returning home will they report the results, or the German radio station they intercepted will know the news earlier.

"Everything went well, but the two aircraft malfunctioned during takeoff. The enthusiasm of the pilots was very high. This must be an action that will be recorded in history." Arnold said.

Even if he sacrificed his own life, he still had to kill Cyric's special plane. This is the will of every pilot now. They have the consciousness of dedication. Just before takeoff, everyone wrote a will.

Everything will go well. This is what everyone present was expecting. However, after the Mustang fighters left the radio range, they completely lost the news of the 339 Fighter Squadron and could not find any clues. The 339 Fighter Squadron, completely Disappeared.

A field air base in northern Finland.

Finland’s territory is also located in a high latitude zone. Infrastructure construction in such an area is quite resource-intensive and labor-intensive. However, when the Soviets actually flew from the Arctic Circle and bombed the German hinterland in a detour, the Imperial Aviation Department Pay close attention to this area.

Since the Soviets can come from the North Pole, will the Americans come from the Canadian side across from the North Pole?

This is possible. Although the climatic conditions over the Arctic are extremely harsh, they are all in the troposphere. In the higher stratosphere, there is no complicated airflow, which is very conducive to the flight of the aircraft.

In order to prevent the American attack on the opposite side, rapid and efficient operations were carried out here. On the basis of the original runway, the runway was widened and lengthened, for example, the length reached three kilometers, and it was a hardened runway.

Two German night fighter squadrons were deployed here as the first-tier interception net. At the same time, specialized air defense radars were also installed on the nearby hilltops.

At the same time, in the hangar on the other side, some fairly novel fighters are also arranged.

Because it is located in a cold zone at high latitudes, and Finland is already sparsely populated, the fighters deployed here have hardly been discovered by the outside world.

Now, the air defense sirens of the base sounded, and a famous pilot quickly rushed out of the duty room and headed toward the hangar.

Captain Walter Novotny quickly ran into his own fighter plane. This silver fighter plane was completely different from the previous ones.

The entire body is a smooth cylindrical transition, with swept wings, and the bubble-shaped cockpit above it is quite conspicuous.

If you see it at first sight, you will definitely be intimidated by its appearance. It has no propellers, or even an engine at all!

If it is ME262, although there is no propeller, there is a big guy hanging on both ends of the wing. It is easy to think of it as the engine. But this aircraft, the wing is very flat, there is nothing, from the front to the back, it is actually not To the place of the engine!

Although there are things hanging under the sides of the wing, it is a streamlined shape. It cannot be an engine at all. It is shaped like a bomb, but it is definitely not a bomb. It is too bulky. It is an additional auxiliary fuel tank.

After the wing is freed, the auxiliary fuel tank can also be mounted on the wing, which can make the aircraft's range longer.

If you look from the front, you can see that the front is empty.

Yes, the nose of an ordinary aircraft should be equipped with engines and propellers. The engines are on both sides of the fuselage, and the nose should also be a smooth cone. However, the nose of this aircraft is empty and you can see deep inside. The place is not clear.

This aircraft is the latest masterpiece of Dr. Messerschmitt. After the accumulation of ME262 technology, it is a newly created jet fighter!

When Dr. Messerschmitt followed Cyric’s, he completely overturned and used a different structural scheme from the propeller airplane. Only when Dr. Messerschmidt discovered the wisdom of Cyric, this is absolutely Is the most suitable arrangement!

The head is air intake, and the top of the fuselage is a blister-shaped cockpit with a built-in ejection seat. During the flight, the airflow at the head is divided into left and right by the partition in the intake duct. The wing is located forward in the middle of the fuselage, with a sweep angle of 35 degrees, with 4 wing knives, and two auxiliary fuel tanks or bombs can be hung under the wing.

The wings penetrate the fuselage and work with the partitions in the intake duct to divide the intake airflow into four streams. A certain amount of lead is placed in the leading edge of the wing to reduce the requirement for torsional rigidity of the wing.

Through the front nose inlet, it provides thrust to the rear engine. At the end of the engine, the thrust directly drives the entire aircraft to fly. The overheating problem that has been troubled for a long time is simply solved in this way, and there will be no yaw moment.

This aircraft, which had just been finalized last month, was hurriedly produced and equipped with the current 1st Flying Group of the 7th Fighter Wing.

This flying group has participated in the ME262 conversion training before, so it will soon be able to fly this advanced fighter! Due to confidentiality, this aircraft is still numbered ME262, but in private, for the sake of distinction, everyone calls it Storm Bird.

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