The Third Reich

Chapter 1642: Special train

In later generations, up to the Korean battlefield, there were a large number of propeller planes from World War II. The Americans thought it was enough to rely on the advantage of numbers. As a result, when the MiG-15 of the Volunteer Army emerged, those propeller planes were all instantly available. It was outdated, only to be killed. Therefore, the Americans quickly took out the F-86, making the Korean War a contest for the large-scale use of jets.

And now, it is only during the Second World War. Due to Cyric’s journey, the top European aircraft engineers, materials experts, and R&D investment regardless of cost have finally been brought to Stormbird, which is very close to the MiG-15. Of fighters entered service early.

In front of this kind of aircraft, everything is scum.

Now, in front of the huge stormbird fleet, Mustang fighters are reduced to slaughter lambs.

I saw a fighter jet with a hot air jet from its tail tumbling up and down in the air, chasing the propeller fighter in front. The scene was like an eagle chasing a chicken.

The jets behind fired from time to time, sometimes they would hit the air, and sometimes they would accurately hit the target aircraft. The target aircraft dropped with heavy smoke, and even exploded directly in the volley. Three 20mm guns together Fire, the firepower is too fierce.

Only ten minutes have passed, and the sky has cleared again. Every jet pilot is looking for his opponent aggressively, but looking around, there is nothing to see except his own jet.

None of the enemy planes escaped.

If at the very beginning, the German fighters attacked, they would flee in all directions. Maybe they could escape one or two, but Michael decided to continue the attack and completely buried them all. Since they were already out of the distance of the radio call, the rear I don't know anything about what happened to them.

Even if there are parachuting pilots, they will freeze to death in less than an hour on the icy sea in the Arctic Circle. This is the terrible part of the Arctic route. If you want to go from here, you must have the consciousness of death!

Germany's first large-scale jet interception operation ended silently.

On the vast land, the master who dominates the world is moving towards Moscow.

The train made a rhythmic sound and sat on the train. Somehow, Cyric suddenly missed the high-speed rail of future generations. If there is an efficient rail transit, it would be great!

Yes, Cyric went to Moscow this time by taking a special train. The scene of the trip in Berlin was just a fool, and even no one would know whether the person in Berlin was Cyrill. Gram himself.

At this time, in front of Cyric, Reinhardt, who is in charge of the Empire’s intelligence system, is reporting to Cyric: "In fact, long ago, we had already deciphered the Americans’ codes, and we also knew that the Americans tried in vain. Intercept your landline plane, so we simply plan to intercept and kill the American formation in the air."

"In order to achieve the purpose of deceiving Americans, we deliberately adopted the simplest encoding method. Americans thought they had deciphered our password. In fact, our frequency-hopping radio stations can transform countless possibilities at any time, such as beating ones. The frequency bands are messy, and the Americans simply cannot decipher it."

FM radio is the most difficult radio signal to be deciphered, because its changes are impermanent, and even in later generations, it is the most confidential.

This is also a technology that Cyric has been vigorously researching shortly after coming to this era. In the history of World War II, Germany suffered from the risk of password leakage. Several large-scale operations failed because of password leakage. , Now of course it will not repeat the same mistakes.

Cyric nodded: "After conquering the Soviet Union, the United States is our last enemy. Now, the Americans will definitely use all means to delay our cross-sea attacks. Our intelligence system has a heavy responsibility. ."

Originally, Cyric planned to travel by special plane, but after discovering the actions of the Americans, he temporarily decided to change to special trains to ensure maximum safety. After all, there may be too many problems with the plane, and security work may be in place. something wrong.

Cyric values ​​his own safety, which is a despicable tactic that Americans will often use in the future.

"Also, in Stalingrad, Khrushchev used the coldest blood to kill thousands of workers at the Stalingrad Tractor Factory." Reinhardt continued to report.

Khrushchev had already expressed to the whole city that he would surrender to Germany, and the army did not move, but the people from the tractor factory actually tricked Khrushchev into imprisonment.

This made Khrushchev quite angry. At the same time, he just changed his master to show his loyalty. Of course, he has to show his usefulness to the master.

From this point of view, Khrushchev is clever, he knows that his role in Germany is to be a butcher knife, and he can do it.

When Khrushchev killed his own people at the beginning, Khrushchev would never be merciless. Now, in order to show his loyalty and also because the people in the tractor factory are too hateful, Khrushchev killed him without Scruples.

The workers in the workshop that day must have known that there was a bomb there, but they didn’t remind themselves that they were all damned. Later, the workers picked up guns and fired tanks and wanted to kill themselves. Damn it!

Khrushchev led people to kill thousands of people in the tractor factory. The tractor factory was bloody, and at the same time, Khrushchev's new political road was paved.

Hearing what Reinhardt said, the others were dissatisfied.

"This guy is simply a mad dog. Such a person can betray the red doctrine he has believed in for decades at any time. After that, he can betray us at any time." Keitel said in a contemptuous tone.

Such a person has nothing right or wrong, and can do everything for himself.

"Also, in Stalingrad, there are tens of thousands of Soviet troops who lay down their weapons and surrendered to us. What should we do with these troops? Should we send them all to our mines?"

"They surrendered on their own initiative, and were treated the same as those prisoners of war?"

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Cyrek said lightly: "I have a good idea. The appointment of Khrushchev will be announced after the Moscow military parade. As for now, let Khrushchev go to our Moscow. Let’s go to the military parade and find him a prominent place so that people all over the world can see that as long as you obey us, there will be a future."

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