The Third Reich

Chapter 1652: Bright sword

"What is coming to us now is the most secret weapon of the empire. This is the first time it has appeared in front of everyone. In the army of the empire, only a few high-level commanders know its existence, that is, we The 14th ballistic missile unit!"

The ballistic missile, Germany's most secret ballistic missile, has actually been pulled out? Khrushchev's eyes were wide open. Compared to the shock that Junker-390 gave him, this ballistic missile is more powerful.

No matter how high a strategic bomber flies, it is an aircraft, and it is likely to be intercepted. As long as the corresponding high-altitude fighter is developed, it can be intercepted. It is said that the latest American P-51 will be greatly strengthened. In order to achieve high-altitude performance, it will be more and more difficult to walk in the future if it is completely dependent on high-altitude and high-speed penetration.

Bombers can deal with it, but ballistic missiles have no possibility of confrontation.

No weapon can intercept it! The only countermeasure is to develop corresponding weapons. After more than ten years of research and development in Germany, almost all the rocket experts around the world have been dug over. After repeated failures, and Cyric’s constant reminders, it was finally Bring out the weapon in front of you.

From short-range ballistic missiles, to medium-range, long-range, and finally to ballistic missiles, from the initial liquid oxygen that is not easy to prepare to the current unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and nitric acid, Germany has taken firm steps step by step.

Fighting the United States is not the end of the German rocket industry. The vast expanse of space is the ultimate goal of Cyrenk.

But now is the first step in the Long March.

"This missile uses the mouse tank chassis as a transport and launch vehicle, which greatly increases the maneuverability of the missile. It can be launched from various preset positions, or after a long journey, appear in any position at any time. Mobility."

The narrator began a detailed explanation of this weapon, whether it is true or not, not only to show Germany's powerful weapon development level, but also to confuse the Americans across the ocean.

Germany’s future main battle tank is the Tiger King tank that needs to be improved on the basis of the Tiger tank. The mouse tank is always experimental. Tanks over 100 tons cannot meet the needs of various roads on the battlefield. , It is too heavy.

It can be said that they are pretending to confuse the other party. If the Americans fully develop the corresponding model of this tank, they will be taken into the ditch. When they wait on the battlefield, bad mechanical problems and road conditions will cause them constant trouble. German attack aircraft can easily destroy them from the top.

However, the chassis of the mouse tank is very useful. After several years of development, this all-electric drive chassis program has become mature. Its huge load capacity and its unique off-road ability have become various The best vehicle for weapons.

Bear the brunt of the ballistic missiles!

After all, the body of the mouse tank is not long enough, so when the missile is placed on top of the body, it has to be extended forward and backward. Now, the entire missile is wrapped in camouflage netting, making it impossible to see everything inside.

"On the top of the car body is our newly developed V-6 rocket. This rocket uses the latest German technology and has a range of 10,000 kilometers."

By the time the above missile was introduced, there were only a few words, for fear of leaking too many secrets.

Up to now, the farthest model of the German ballistic missile is actually an improved version of the V-4. In order to reach the United States, it was designed to reduce the load weight and increase the fuel tank on the basis of the original V-4 model. An emergency product.

Sure enough, the Americans were scared. The industry on the coastline of the eastern United States was forced to start moving to the west. Germany achieved its strategic goal.

In fact, this is only an emergency. The V-2 rocket engine is used in parallel with the two-stage rocket. The V-4 missile is already the limit. The latest V-6 rocket is realized by using a larger new rocket engine. , The thrust of one engine is equivalent to the thrust of four V-2s.

This rocket is still under development and has not been finalized yet to equip troops. However, does anyone know?

This time it is Liangjian. Tell the Americans that when I hit you, I used this kind of weapon, and in the future, I will hit it whenever I want!

"When it flies thousands of kilometers, or even tens of thousands of kilometers, before falling above the target, the speed is as high as Mach 20, just like a meteor falling to the ground, and it can destroy a village the size of a village just by impact. The goal, and our technical staff, has developed various special warheads for it."

A weapon of great power, ballistic missiles!

Seeing his own ballistic missile force coming, Cyric was also full of emotion.

Of course Cyric knows that only models are driving now, but Cyric knows that the launch time of this missile is just around the corner.

In later generations, the United States can use carrots in one hand and stick in the other to show off everywhere and become the world's policeman. However, some small countries, such as North Korea, dare not provoke them.

It is because North Korea has ballistic missiles and atomic bombs. The Americans only dare to point fingers, but have never really moved. In front of the hooligans, they must be more hooligans than the other side.

Ballistic missiles are a weapon that has become a rogue capital.

German technology is strictly confidential. Advanced gyroscopes, rocket engines, and heat treatment for re-entry into the atmosphere are all brand-new topics. They were developed by German technicians after countless failures. In a short time, Americans don't want to catch up!

With the end of the Moscow battle, Germany’s main target has been placed on the United States. Choosing to shine the sword in the Moscow military parade is to tell the Americans that if you are optimistic, I can beat you whenever I want to beat you. !

If you are acquainted, you, the shameless old lame who ran for the president for the third time, quickly surrender, and you can continue to enjoy yourself in the presidential chair, otherwise, just wait to be beaten up!

The navy did not accept inspections. This is not a future generation. The navy can pull a few missiles with cars to make up the number. Only the army and air force, as well as the secret missile force, are enough.

The grand military parade, the swarming army, and the majestic chariots constantly passed by, and it took almost an hour to complete the split military parade.

Next, it was Cyric's speech.

At this time, the passing teams gathered in the open space in front of the Red Square. Everyone’s eyes were looking at the heads of state on the podium. Through the live broadcast of the camera, there were also countless people in front of the TV watching the whole scene. What will the world's most domineering man say?

"Let the flag of the Third Reich fly in every corner of the world." Cyric came up and immediately entered the climax state: "Long live the great Germany!"

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