The Third Reich

Chapter 1661: Centrifuge

It is the most terrible thing to not be eager to achieve success. Cyrek understands this truth deeply. Now, Germany does not need to hurry up. Germany is already the strongest in this era in all aspects. In contrast, the United States needs talents. Catch up on progress, but it's not that easy to catch up with Germany.

Far North Africa, Libya.

When the war in Europe is in full swing, it is still relatively safe and has not been baptized by the war. At the same time, the main oil producing area of ​​Libya, the Amal Oilfield, has reached its highest production capacity.

Every day, tens of thousands of barrels of oil arrive at the port through oil pipelines, and then export to Europe through the port. This has become one of Germany's main crude oil supply points.

On the oil field, there are kowtow machines everywhere, working day and night, creating a busy scene.

Deeper than the oil field, there is an oasis in the desert. Now, this oasis is under the strict protection of Germany and is a secret weapon research and development base of Germany.

This was the first to be opened up here. When Cyric first opened this place, they were all ridiculed. They thought Cyric must be crazy, and they thought there was something in this barren desert.

As a result, the facts slapped those who saw the jokes and let them know that Cyric is the greatest prophet of this century, and everything he says is correct.

The German base in the desert has always been the biggest secret. Even if someone knows about it, they can’t come in and destroy it. A large number of guards, antiaircraft artillery and fighter jets will cost any invading enemy death and destroy it. Its only ballistic missiles.

Unfortunately, this era is only owned by Germany.

At this time, in the very center of the base, a more massive power station has been established. From the towering chimneys, a faint blue smoke emerges, not the appearance of burning ore.

This is the largest power station in Libya, and the electricity generated is enough for the entire Libya.

Of course, backward Libya does not need so much electricity. Most of the electricity is produced and sold by itself.

On the other side of the base, there is nothing unusual from the outside, but the ground is rumbling all the time, showing that there are huge mechanical equipment underground.

It is actually very easy to engage in underground construction in the desert.

First use an excavator to dig up the sand, then use reinforced concrete to pour out the factory building, and then cover the top with sand. A large centrifuge factory is formed.

This plant only started operation last year and is the next key project in Germany's nuclear program.

At this time, in the factory, Heisenberg, the leader of German atomic physics, was walking around the factory with his assistant Hahn. This is their daily routine.

The hearts of both of them were burning with a fire, a fire of passionate work, a fire of desire for the coming atomic age.

The desert is boring, but they have their own business here, so they can work here for more than ten years. Only when necessary, they will return to Europe, either to buy various materials or to the head of Cyric report.

Germany's atomic program has gone through two important time points. The first is that Heisenberg brought experts and came to Libya to establish a base. At that time, it was based on the nuclear fission equation proposed by Cyric.

When uranium 235 was hard to find, uranium 238 was burned in the reactor to turn it into plutonium 239, so that more and more nuclear materials were burned. Germany’s first atomic bomb was also shaped as a plutonium bomb.

Afterwards, they built a small experimental reactor in Libya, which proved that Cyric’s formula was okay, and the burning furnace was finally born in their hands.

However, with only one small nuclear reactor, it would be too slow to burn enough nuclear materials.

Therefore, in 38 years, Cyrik and Hitler heads of state visited the base. After learning about the difficulties here, they immediately made a decision to build a larger reactor, accelerate the combustion, and obtain nuclear materials!

The power station outside was built at that time, and the plutonium-239 burned there can put the production of the atomic bomb on the agenda.

At that time, after some serious consideration, Heisenberg agreed to a plan to detonate a nuclear bomb within four years.

Counting from 38 years to 42 years, the test explosion of nuclear bombs was the fastest.

(There are a lot of memorable mushroom bombs in the front. Huadong Zhixiong thought he was procrastinating. Later, he flipped forward. In Chapter 298, it was made clear that it detonated in 42 years. , You can look forward and take a look.)

After the large-scale nuclear reactor was built, suddenly, Heisenberg discovered that there was a new problem.

Nuclear reactors are built to burn out nuclear materials. However, it would be too wasteful to burn nuclear So when designing, this is a huge power station, and enough electricity.

Now, electricity is also available. Let's start with the uranium bomb project!

In nature, uranium-238 accounts for more than 98%, and uranium-235 is prone to fission. Therefore, in order to reduce the difficulty, Cyric proposed to burn uranium-238 into plutonium-239 This is the plutonium bomb.

At the same time, there is another way, which is to use the principle of centrifugal motion to separate two isotopes with different atomic weights, just like the principle of throwing water out of a washing machine spin-drying bucket, and throwing uranium-238 outside. , The remaining in the center is uranium-235.

This requires repeated centrifugation and a large amount of ore.

Now, these conditions are met. As Germany has occupied the entire Europe, it has obtained a large amount of uranium ore. At the same time, when the power station here is established, there will be sufficient power supply to provide stable energy for the centrifuge.

Coupled with the improvement of the empire’s finances, after the euroization of Europe, all wealth was concentrated in Germany, and one billion euros of funds were once again allocated and injected into the current project. It can be said that there is nothing missing.

Standing in front of the huge centrifuge, listening to the rumbling sound inside, both of them were emotional.

The war in Europe is over, the Soviet Union has been conquered, and the United States is left. We must speed up!

They are not worried that the United States will create it first, but they are worried that they have not yet created it and the war is over. If this is the case, they have been busy for so many years, and they are all in vain. I am afraid that their future use is to develop new planets or even interstellar. It's too nonsense to use it again during the war? 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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