The Third Reich

Chapter 1672: Sky fortress

Aiming is not simple. To shoot a cannon in the sky, it requires skill.

Like artillery on the ground, the first is ranging. In tank soldiers, the range is calculated by the width of the opposite tank in its sight. According to known data, it is compared with the width of the sight. , According to the principle of perspective, you can know the distance.

Therefore, if the opposite is an unknown tank and does not know the width, it may be measured incorrectly.

In the sky, fighter pilots also need to measure distances. They do not know how far they are at a glance. Fighter pilots also measure distances in this way, usually with wingspan.

For a known fighter, the width of the wingspan is determined. If the fighter is behind, it needs to be calculated manually. Now, the B-29 is of course automated.

On the sight, there is a special device for setting the wingspan of the enemy aircraft. As long as the target model is determined, the enemy aircraft’s wingspan is estimated and set according to the manual or visually, and then the size of the front sight aperture is adjusted, and the central fire control The system can automatically calculate the distance, and make shooting compensation according to the target's speed, distance, angle and speed of the self-machine.

Yes, shooting compensation is very important, because in the air, the trajectory is curved, and at the same time, both sides are in fierce movement. If there is no advance amount, then the shot will definitely not be hit, and all have to be shot.

Now, on the sight of the remote control turret, Deckers carefully followed the previous training to operate, one by one, the outline of the target aircraft was getting bigger and bigger.

"Fire!" Deckers shouted loudly. Then, his left hand pressed the metal piece on the left ratchet that was opened 30 degrees, which was the last safety switch, and then his right hand pressed the button.

"Da da da." In an instant, the front and rear turrets on the back of the fuselage all fired!

If in normal times, the front turret is controlled by the bombardier, but now the aircraft has entered the bombing route, the bombardier needs to concentrate on bombing, so the front turret is operated by the main gunner.

Two turrets and four 12.7 mm machine guns fired into the sky together, and countless bullets formed a firepower net in the sky.

Not only their aircraft, at this time, almost twelve aircraft, the upper turrets fired into the sky together, and the top forty-eight 12.7 mm machine guns were firing violently into the sky.

Takahashi, who rushed down first, immediately realized that the situation was not good. Just to pursue the accuracy of the hit, he did not fire at a long distance, because the 20mm cannon has fierce firepower but not much ammunition. If If he keeps shooting, he will soon be finished, he must be close, striving for a hit.

Now, he knows that the trouble is big, the following is almost like a hedgehog!

Forty cases fired at the sky. What a spectacular scene? In short, in the eyes of the pilots, there is a rain of death, and no one can get in without getting back.

At the same time that the upper part fired, the lower turret also fired.

It was originally intended to carry out a sneak attack from below, but now, the 48 machine guns below are also firing violently below. The entire B-29 flying formation is almost like a flying fortress, protected on all sides. In fact, there are hardly any dead ends!

Yes, there are no dead ends. Any plane that breaks in will be shot in riddles, dragging black smoke down.

This is the last life-saving technique of the bomber formation.

The previous light bomber had at most a rear machine gun, which had many dead spots. However, when it evolved into a huge bomber, the number of gun positions on the fuselage would increase, which greatly enhanced the protection capabilities. Just like now.

Even if they don’t use fighter jets to **** them, they can protect themselves by relying on themselves, the B-29, worthy of its title of flying fortress!

There are flying machine gun bullets everywhere, airtight, even if it can't shoot down the enemy plane, it is enough to make the opponent retreat, as long as you hold on for a few minutes, they will complete the task!

Unfortunately, what they met was an island nation.

If they are Germans, they will definitely choose to give up, because Germans have received education and will not use their lives to win victory if they are not a last resort. The price is too great, they must protect their lives, the empire Need them.

However, the islanders are different. The islanders have a stick in their brains. Once they know something, they will never be afraid of death.

"Long live the Emperor!" In fact, only a second has passed. After Takahashi swooped down, the opponent opened fire in an attempt to expel them. In an instant, Takahashi made his own choice.

Don't be afraid of these even if it is a collision, we must knock them down!

These bombers went to bomb their own base. Even if one bomber successfully dropped a bomb, they would suffer heavy losses. A bomb on the runway would prevent them from taking off.

They will never compromise. At the same time, they have the opportunity to intercept only this time. Once the two sides cross each other and they catch up again, the other party must start dropping bombs!

Takahashi shouted loudly, and at the same time, operating his fighter plane continued to dive without fear.

Behind him, other bombers also dived one by one!

There was sparks from the front propeller, it was the propeller flying the bullet, and the opponent's shooting was really too accurate!

I will not fall behind!

Takahashi's hand pressed on the joystick, and in the shock of the dive, he pressed the shooting button.

"Tom tom tom." A flame burst out from his shaft cannon, and he was sure that this blow would definitely make a hit!

At this moment, his nose suddenly shook, and then a black smoke came out from the front.

No, a bullet passed through the propeller and hit his engine, interrupting the oil circuit!

The BF109 is sturdy, and it depends on where it is hit. The fuselage, wings, and bullet holes can withstand it, even if it is a fuel tank, because it has autism technology.

However, the engine of the nose is different. It is impossible to use thick armor to protect the engine to dissipate heat. Now, the fuel pipe was hit, and the high-grade fuel splashed on the supercharger, which immediately burst into flames. .

"Go to hell, Yankee!" Takahashi shouted loudly. From the middle of the flame, he aimed at the position of the opponent's bomber and continued to dive down. At this moment, he was not afraid of anything. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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