The Third Reich

Chapter 1681: Anti-attack

It can dive and pitch, and its maximum speed exceeds some fighters. It can also be converted into a night fighter. The Junker-88 is a flying all-rounder.

And now, the Junkers-88 bomber unit was transferred from the German mainland. After resting here for a night, in the early morning, the new task was finally issued.

"Our mission is to bomb the air base in Greenland." Captain Royce looked at the energetic pilots in front of him and said: "In recent times, the Americans have been using Greenland as a springboard. We harassed, the base camp decided to smash this springboard and let us carry out the first bombing, blowing up their aviation base, preventing their air power from taking off and facilitating our subsequent attacks."

Greenland is indeed a scourge. It is located in the North Pole, and it can easily threaten the hinterland of Germany by the Arctic route. Cyrek noticed this risk, so when the Battle of Moscow ended, he immediately made a change. At the same time, It's time to clean up Greenland.

Among other things, the existence of Greenland will seriously threaten Iceland. Germany wants to land across the sea, and Iceland is used as a springboard.

In the past, Greenland did not grow any grass and was not noticed by everyone. But as Germany occupied Iceland, Greenland was built by the United States to build a series of military bases, especially aviation bases that can take off and land heavy bombers. Threat to Germany.

No matter how many radar nets are deployed and how many patrol planes there are, it is impossible to guard the base without leaking. The best defense is offense. As long as the opponent's base is destroyed, it will be done once and for all.

Now, they are going to perform this task.

Each plane carries two tons of sub-munitions. This is the most effective weapon against airstrips. As long as you walk away, the opponent's base will be abandoned.

"Now, let's set off!" Royce yelled loudly, watching his men quickly ran to his plane, Royce also jumped on his twin bomber.

A bomber made a rumbling sound, the engine was started, and at high latitudes, puffs of white smoke emitted.

Then, one after another, rolled off the runway and took off.

Because the distance between Iceland and Greenland is too close, they did not climb, but chose to fly directly above the sea level, which can play a sudden attack.

A brigade of FW190 fighter jets also took off from a nearby runway as an **** aircraft, flying alongside them.

This was a surprise attack. It is very likely that the bomb was thrown over their heads. They still didn't know, but in order to avoid accidents, it is better to have an **** plane.

Dozens of fighter jets and bombers were flying flat on the sea. The glass in the cockpit was tightly closed, and a hint of cold wind came in, blowing on the face like a knife.

This place was originally not suitable for human activities, but now it has become a battlefield for contention. Thinking of this, Royce sighed in his heart.

The flow of glaciers can already be seen on the sea. In summer, some ice blocks on the Arctic ice cap will split and drift south along the ocean currents. These ice blocks pose a great threat to sailing ships. Now, they are like floating islands floating on the sea.

"Attention, we are about to reach Greenland ahead." the navigator shouted.

It was an easy task, and they soon flew to Greenland.

In this era, air search is still very backward.

Unless there is an airborne early warning aircraft that can monitor the ground, detecting ultra-low-altitude targets will always be empty talk. Looking at later generations in the Vietnam War, there will often be cases of sneak attacks on the other air force base, and you can know how unreasonable this is. It's easy.

After flying along the mountains of Greenland for a while, suddenly, a huge air base appeared on the plain between the mountains.

At this time, the tarmac was full of dual-engine bombers. At this time, a famous pilot was walking slowly toward the bomber.

When I saw it, Royce became excited: "Attention, the goal is changed, first bomb those bombers!"

This was definitely a coincidence, but it happened so suddenly that the American bomber unit that was planning to attack was actually attacked by Germany first!

"Attention, the flight mission has been issued, we will take off immediately!" At the base in Greenland, the flight crews sleeping in the flight duty room were awakened by the loud voice.

Just now I was still snoring like thunder, but now I immediately wake up. This is a habit developed in war.

Gruss sat up all of a rubbed his red eyes. Although it seemed to be only a moment of closing his eyes, he still had capital when he was young. In a short period of time, he felt his own The physical strength has recovered, and the whole body is full of vitality.

Next to him, Captain Charlie also woke up, and they walked out of the warm hut together, and were sober when blown by the cool breeze outside.

God, let this **** war end quickly!

Gros was walking towards his plane, and suddenly, he heard a sharp air defense siren over the airport.

"Woo, woo..." With the sound, Gros raised his head and saw the German bomber flying low in the sky. His expression changed instantly: "No, German!"

How come the Germans come here suddenly? This made Gross extremely surprised. At this time, with the sound of the sirens, the entire flight crew was scattered and avoided.

It must be too late to take off. He had to be killed on the runway. After a short period of hesitation, Grouse was about to run to the plane. He thought it was good to hide under the plane.

But at this moment, Charlie grabbed his arm suddenly: "Run into the ditch over there! It's dangerous near the plane!"

He immediately understood that the underside of the aircraft was of course dangerous, because the current aircraft, full of ammunition and fuel, would definitely catch fire and explode once it was bombed, hiding underneath, and the worst death.

And just as they hurriedly avoided, the bombers above their heads had swooped down and dropped bombs.

When the sub-munitions exploded from the air, small steel ball-like bombs spread out, and then, one after another small explosions, one after another, formed a beautiful movement.

The entire base is full of flames.

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