The Third Reich

Chapter 1684: Island country stand aside

The scene was quite spectacular. On the dark and calm island, suddenly, a huge fireball appeared out of thin air. When this fireball appeared, the night turned into daytime, and the strong light was enough to cause temporary blindness of human eyes.

This fireball quickly spread out, crushing everything wherever it went.

On the way, the fighter planes were squeezed into fragments at the moment they contacted the fireball. Then, the fuel inside was also burned and turned into new fireballs.

The air wave spread outwards, and when it reached the sea, a series of turbulent waves were quickly set off on the sea. The waves were tens of meters high, and all the ships docking in the harbor were overturned.

The fireball occupies the sky over the entire island almost instantly, a black mushroom cloud rises high, the sea water is vaporized, and a stream of white smoke emerges.

No one can survive this kind of attack. When the explosion sounded at the first moment, the Pheasant Fifty-Six and the pilot in front of them, surrounded in the mist of the explosion, almost instantly turned into a high temperature of thousands of degrees. The ashes, the entire plane also joined the burning.

Then, the powerful shock wave crushed everything on the ground. Other aircraft, personnel, and those hiding in the building could not survive. When the shock wave passed, the entire island was wiped out.

At this time, in the B-29 bomber group returning in the sky, someone witnessed the huge fireball behind, as if it was burning on the ocean. Their hearts were also extremely excited. This bombing, finally It succeeded!

Midway Island, after the islanders tried to occupy here, as an unsinkable aircraft carrier used to control the entire Pacific Ocean and block the U.S. Navy in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. In this way, the island country can easily go south to Southeast Asia and gain the benefits of the entire Southeast Asia.

The islanders almost succeeded. After they landed on Midway Island, they built a base here and stationed fighter planes. They tossed for more than a month, which brought tremendous pressure to the US Navy, so that they even attacked the transportation of islanders. The boat is struggling.

Now, as the bomb exploded, Midway Island was finally wiped out. No island defender can survive. After dawn, the beauty will step on here again.

This way of capturing islands is quite barbaric and quite effective.

The bombing in the Pacific seems to be just a small operation, but it has brought great gains to the United States. From then on, the United States no longer has to worry about threats in the Pacific.

Almost all the capital ships of the island navy have been lost. Now, even the base of Midway Island has been lost. The balance of war is tilted towards the United States!

In the White House, the top Americans who have been waiting are extremely excited after receiving this news.

"After blowing up Midway Island, we no longer need to take the islanders seriously. Although we cannot bomb the island country on a large scale, we can also defend the Pacific Ocean. Now our navy can fully respond to the German threat." Nimitz's voice is very high.

As a general guarding the Pacific, Nimitz was under great pressure, especially after the loss of Midway Island. Nimitz hardly had a good night's sleep. Now, finally, the threat of the island nation has disappeared.

"Yes, the islanders no longer have the means to control the ocean. We can temporarily put the island nation aside and fully respond to the German threat." Marshall also concluded.

In the past, the islanders were the most prestigious. There were several attack aircraft carriers, enough to launch a raid, such as Pearl Harbor. However, after several naval battles, all the islanders’ aircraft carriers sank, and the rest were **** aircraft carriers. The Southeast Asia is dangling, forget it, if you come to the Pacific to find the United States for a decisive battle, it is absolutely nonsense.

Midway Island, a turning point in the Pacific War, the new weapons played a big role in promoting the war!

"However, we can't just let the island countries go by themselves." Arnold said: "If we use China as a base, we can fly to the island country to bomb the mainland. Moreover, we have also begun to develop aerial refueling technology. Our B-29 passes through the air. After refueling, you can meet the round trip from Hawaii to the island country."

In the old days, bombing the mainland of an island country was a very difficult task. An aircraft carrier was needed to carry the B-25. It took off in the waters near the island country. Once it was discovered by the island’s huge fleet, it had to take off early.

At that time, how did the U.S. Navy survive? It actually had to go around the island country.

Now it is finally not used.

The navy of the island nation was destroyed by most of its elite in naval battles, but the U.S. Navy grew up.

Now, the U.S. Navy no longer regards the island navy as an enemy, and the aviation force can still trouble the islanders at any time.

The B-29 has a fairly long range and can take off from the China Theater, and On the other hand, they have also developed aerial refueling technology. Refuel the B-29. In this way, the B-29's range can be greatly extended and intercontinental flight can be realized!

Although it was prepared for the bombing of the mainland of Europe, it is good to bring it in advance and let the islanders try it.

Roosevelt nodded: "Our main threat is still Germany. Our greatest advantage is the sea. Germany will not rely on armored soldiers to win as on the European continent. As long as we maimed the German naval power, we can never fail."

Just like now, if the island country’s navy is maimed, the island country will lose its combat effectiveness. If the German navy is also maimed, then the Germans’ cross-sea landing is just a dream.

Roosevelt was confident that although the East Coast of the United States suffered a severe blow, as long as the ice aircraft carrier's plan can be steadily advanced and results are achieved as soon as possible, he has the hope of victory!

"Our surprise attack in the direction of Europe, don't know what happened?" Roosevelt looked at the map on the wall. The attack on Midway Island was just a small-scale bombing. It bombed shipyards along the coast of Europe and destroyed the European shipbuilding industry. , Is what Roosevelt looks forward to most.

"There is no news yet." Arnold said.

As soon as his words fell, he saw an assistant holding a telegram and hurried over: "Emergency intelligence, the Greenland base suffered a sudden German air strike, and suffered heavy losses."

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

This is the case every time. In order to bomb Europe, our side secretly deployed bombers on Greenland. Just after the deployment, they were attacked by the Germans?

Where there is such a coincidence, it must be another omission in the intelligence system! 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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