The Third Reich

Chapter 1686: preventive solution

Wolf den.

It is located in East Prussia. It is summer, and the jungle is lush and green, and you can smell the fresh smell in the reinforced concrete fortifications.

Geographical conditions determine that this place is very suitable as a headquarters for the attack on the Soviet Union. In fact, it was before the attack on the Soviet Union that Cyrek used this place as his base camp.

Now, only a few finishing touches are left in the Soviet battle. At the same time, in order to facilitate the command of the war against the United States, engineers have begun to build the "Wolf Valley" in Magivale, north of Soissons, France a few months ago 2" The base camp is now, and Cyric still likes to stay in the wolf den before it is built there.

Now, daily routine reports are being carried out.

"Our bombing of Greenland went smoothly and successfully destroyed the aviation base. At the same time, we also destroyed a large number of bombers there. According to the photo analysis, the number was about 100." Air Force Commander Richthofen said. .

This was an unexpected gain. In fact, the German intelligence system is not omnipotent. This time, they did not investigate the US bombing plan.

The last time the United States intercepted an accident, the level of confidentiality was increased, the radio password was changed, and the telegram was not used as much as possible. Therefore, this time the information was not leaked at all.

This can only be said that God is indeed blessing Germany.

It happened to hit their bomber, and as a result, their B-29s were all scared back.

Now, upon hearing Richthofen's report, Cyrek frowned.

Greenland, where the sky is cold, was a barren land before. Later, as the conflict with the United States escalated, it started to be used. Now, there are so many bombers?

Is that still necessary? It must have come to bomb Europe!

After Germany bombed the United States many times, the Americans finally started to fight back. They also gathered a large number of bombers, want to bomb their own side?

"If the Americans want to bomb our Berlin like the Soviets, it is absolutely impossible." Aside, Keitel said: "We took off from Britain and Norway and over the North Sea, and they could stop them. There is no other route."

You can see from the map. Britain and Norway are like two arms, encircling the North Sea in the middle. It is not so easy to bomb Germany on the coast of the North Sea.

As long as the Americans are not so stupid, they should be able to think that this is definitely a death-hunting behavior, not to mention the most advanced jet fighters deployed near Berlin, and it is absolutely unambiguous to intercept them quickly.

Cyric nodded: "Yes, Americans are not that stupid. So, what is the goal of Americans?"

Knowing oneself and the enemy, fighting against the United States has never happened before in World War II history. Cyric has no mature battle examples to apply. Everything depends on his wise mind. In these years, Cyric has successfully mastered it. With the various abilities of commanding troops, he now has a keen insight.

The Americans will not be so stupid to go to the German capital to bomb, which means that their capital is also very dangerous. You must know that German missiles can be targeted at their capital.

Americans are smart. Although they have thermobaric bombs, they dare not use them. In Moscow, they have already set an example to the world. As long as they dare to use thermobaric bombs to attack German cities, they will suffer revenge. It must be unacceptable to the enemy.

To put it simply, if Americans dare to strike any city in Germany with thermobaric bombs, then Washington, the capital of the United States, will definitely become ruins. Germany has such a capability.

Therefore, Americans should keep their sights on those military targets with strategic value!

Thinking of this, the answer is already ready.

The Americans wanted to bomb the German fleet, just like the former Scarpa Bay. At that time, Germany's naval strength was far inferior to that of Britain. As a result, a sneak attack on Scarpa Bay successfully maimed the British navy and beat Germany to a level.

Since then, Britain has no longer been able to compete with Germany for maritime hegemony.

Now, the German navy is very powerful and has the ability to land across the sea at any time. If the Americans sneak attack on their own fleet, if they succeed, Germany will temporarily be unable to land across the sea.

The United States has obtained a valuable breathing opportunity.

"If it's our fleet, it's no different from hitting our capital." Naval Commander Raidel said: "Our fleet is mainly deployed along the coast of the North Sea. It is still under absolute protection, and part of it is distributed in the English Channel. The bases along the coast, in short, have layers of protection."

Of course, Raidel will not let his navy suffer heavy losses due to air strikes. The defense of the base is very tight, especially during the daytime, there are reconnaissance planes patrolling hundreds of kilometers outside every day. If a large number of bombers come over , Absolutely can't escape their eyes.

The Americans want to bomb their own fleet, but they do not have that capability.

"Then there is only one last situation left." Cyric said: "What the Americans want to blow up is our shipbuilding industry, especially in Britain, Shipyards in coastal countries."

Destroying the shipbuilding industry is an important way to destroy the enemy’s war potential. Cyric used ballistic missile strikes to destroy the US shipbuilding industry on the Atlantic coast, which greatly prevented the US Navy’s equipment entry process.

Now, I am afraid that the United States has also made this calculation!

The answer is clear. The goal of the Americans is the shipbuilding base on the Atlantic coast.

Because they are directly on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, these shipyards are defensive, even if they are tight, there will be many omissions. Germany cannot protect the entire Atlantic Ocean tightly, especially in southern France and Spain, where the guards are weaker. .

If the Americans explode like this, although they will not hurt their muscles and bones, it will definitely hurt Germany. Those warships under construction will become scrap iron.

Hearing Cyric's analysis, everyone took a breath, yes, this is probably the American goal!

"The fighter forces mobilized from the Eastern Front will be transferred to our Atlantic coast and distributed near factories along the coast. Field radars will be added and the number of reconnaissance planes will be increased." Cyric issued an order: "If the American bombers dare Come, let them come back and forth!"

Now, the war on the Eastern Front is only left to the end. A large number of fighter jets will be vacated from the Eastern Front, just filling the Atlantic coast.

If the Americans dare to come, they will suffer a severe blow. Those fighter lads are still not enjoying themselves!

"Yes." Richthofen said.

Is this arrangement absolutely safe? Cyric's eyelids continued to beat, and he knew that this was definitely not enough. At any time, don't underestimate your opponent. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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