The Third Reich

Chapter 1688: Mexican Petroleum

It is not possible to use military means directly. It is absolutely okay to use some other methods. For Reinhardt, subverting a country's political power and stimulating domestic emotions has long been easy.

Shifting his attention from the European battlefield, Reinhardt now has to focus all his attention on Mexico.

Well, there are many ways to provoke their conflicts. Now, Mexico has succumbed under the force of the Americans and dare not get too hot with Germany, but this is obviously impossible for long.

Just as the conspiracy against Mexico was set up in the wolf den, a meeting had just ended on the other side of the ocean, in the northernmost country of Latin America.

The United Mexican States, a federal republic in North America, borders the United States to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the south and west, the Caribbean Sea to the southeast, and Belize and Guatemala to the east, and the Gulf of Mexico to the east.

With an area of ​​nearly 2 million square kilometers, it is the fifth largest country in the Americas and the fourteenth largest in the world.

Mexico is one of the ancient civilization centers of the American Indians. The world-famous Olmec culture, Toltec culture, Teotihuacan culture, Zapotec culture, Mayan civilization and Aztec civilization were bred here, and the latter became the pre-Columbian civilization. The Aztec Empire, the largest country in North America during the period.

Originally, Mexico had a broader territory, but in the US-Mexico war of the last century, it was annexed by the Americans. As an ancient country, the Mexicans look to the north, knowing that it is impossible to return.

Now, in the capital of Mexico City, in the presidential palace, the current President of Mexico, Manuel Avila Camacho, is looking at his close assistant, Miguel Aleman Valdes, with a face It was a wry smile.

Camacho is a soldier. He was born on April 24, 1897 in Tesiyoulan, Puebla. Joined Carranza's army in 1915, served as a lieutenant, and was finally promoted to general. From 1937 to 1940, he served as Minister of Defense in the government headed by President Lazaro Cardenas. Nominated by the ruling Mexican Revolutionary Party in 1940, he was elected President of Mexico.

Although he is a soldier, he does not have too much seriousness and iron-bloodedness. On the contrary, he is known for being gentle. During his tenure, he reconciled with the Catholic Church, promoted gentle internal policies, added schools and hospitals, and advocated the development of society. Security laws, support limited social reforms. He reconciled with the United States and resolved the long-term dispute between the two countries in oil property issues, allowing Mexico to use the opportunity of World War II to achieve economic development.

Compared with him, his assistant Valdes was a literati, but he was a man of ideas. In later generations, when Camacho went down, Valdes took over as president and reformed the former radical society. , Have stopped.

Now, the two have just sent away the US ambassador to Mexico.

The Americans are somewhat dissatisfied with Mexico's statement.

"Now, Germany's goal is to occupy the entire world. Europe has fallen. The Americas are Germany's final goal. The Germans want to enslave us. Until now, Mexico is still ridiculously propagating to maintain neutrality!" The words of the American ambassador seemed to sound in my ears: "Mexico must immediately declare war on Germany, mobilize the army, and participate in this great war! Don't look at Germany's aggressiveness now, the Germans will surely fail in the end! "

The aggressiveness of the American ambassador, and the Ribbentrop whom they secretly met a few days ago, are simply two extremes. Ribbentrop gave people the feeling of being gentle and elegant.

Americans must be crazy.

Why did Mexico go to war? This is a war that has nothing to do with Mexico.

Germany wants to use Mexico’s land as a springboard, but Mexico will not agree. Now, the United States wants to force Mexico to declare war on Germany, and Mexico will not.

"The Americans will not give up so much." Valdes said: "They will definitely make a fuss about oil and force us to make concessions."

Oil is Mexico’s wealth, but, like other colonies, oil has always been monopolized by foreign oil monopolies, mainly the British and American oil giants.

The British and Americans monopolized the Mexican oil industry, supported value puppets, plundered land, and cruelly exploited the vast number of working people. However, the Mexicans have stood up!

In order to get rid of the economic exploitation of foreign monopoly organizations and safeguard national sovereignty, on March 18, 1938, the Cardenas government announced that the

The entire oil industry of the oil company was nationalized and its capital was repaid in ten years.

Of course, this Mexican action was met with fierce opposition from the US and British imperialists. They adopted measures such as economic blockade and diplomatic pressure in an effort to force the Mexican government to withdraw. The domestic reactionary forces also instigated sabotage, burning oil wells, and undermining nationalization. And also broke out Zedillo's rebellion.

But Mexico persevered. On May 13, 938, Mexico broke off diplomatic relations with Britain and then quelled the domestic rebellion. government

Relying on people's donations, a special fund was set up to repay the capital of foreign companies, while at the same time using contradictions between imperialists to sell oil to Germany, Italy, and Japan.

The government handed over all the assets of the nationalized foreign companies to "Petro Mexico" for management. The nationalization of oil won.

However, the Americans have always refused to admit this. In the eyes of the Americans, such actions by Mexico are rebellious. Now, the Americans are even more aggressive, trying to force Mexico to make concessions.

For example, it agreed to the nationalization of Mexico’s oil in stages, but Mexico must declare war on Germany, and even dispatch troops to participate in this war. Then, what should Mexico do?

Historically, Mexico remained neutral in World War I. In World War II, it declared war on the Axis powers. It even dispatched an air force to fight on the Pacific battlefield and became a post-war capital.

Now, the situation is different. As a small country, neutrality is the best choice.

Hearing what Valdes said, Camacho also nodded helplessly. Yes, this time the US ambassador left in a rage. The next step is definitely to continue to make a fuss about oil.

"We must safeguard our oil interests." Camacho said: "This is the most meaningful move made by President Cardenas for our country. It is related to the future of our Mexico!"

Core interests cannot be exchanged. In the future, I am afraid that I will drift away from the United States. However, Camacho also does not want to rely on Germany, just like Turkey.

What Mexico needs is stability, development, not war. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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