The Third Reich

Chapter 1695: Scales of war

The United States tried to use submarines to attack the European shipbuilding industry. They did not choose a port on the German mainland. After all, the defense there is absolutely tight. They just set their targets on other countries.

But they would never have imagined that the Germans actually guessed their plan and carried out key protection of the port, especially in the area of ​​anti-submarine. All kinds of anti-submarine equipment have been staged. In the past few days, they have exploded in various ports. In anti-submarine warfare, American submarines have been constantly hit, either sinking or being captured, but the results of the war are quite small.

Roosevelt's brain was wide open. He wanted to use submarines to attack warships in the harbor to cause heavy losses to the German navy. This plan, just like this, was aborted when it was just implemented.

For the United States, there are still many headaches, not only the failure of the submarine force, but also the problem of Mexico.

"Facts have proven that the United States is a rogue country. They wrote, directed and acted in such a farce. They are simply fooling our Mexico. We will not forgive the Americans!"

At this time, in the crowd gathered in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, a Mexican man wearing a straw hat was shouting to the people below: "The United States tried to use this method to pull us into a terrible war. We will not be fooled. Germany is not our enemy, Europe is our partner, and the Americans are our enemy!"

"Yes, the Americans have seized a lot of our land!"

"Americans, **** it!"

This quickly became the consensus of all Mexicans. At this time, seeing the angry expressions of the people below, the people who spoke were very happy. These guys, really are the most stupid, they can believe whatever they fool.

Such scenes are being staged everywhere. Mexico has become a volcanic crater that erupts at any time.

Whoever stops this trend will be crushed by rolling wheels.

Camacho's eyes are bloodshot. He hasn't rested for the past few days. Now, his assistant Valdes has almost the same expression.

The two felt helpless.

The emotions of the people have been agitated. This is quite terrifying. Once the flames are incited, it will be difficult to put them out. Now, is there only one way to go in Mexico?

"All this makes me feel that it is not so much an American's botched performance as a well-planned conspiracy by the Germans." Valdes said with gritted teeth.

Everything is well grasped. How did the news about that American torpedo leak? German talents are the ultimate beneficiaries of this incident. If the Germans did not disturb them, who would believe it?

Camacho squeezed out the cigarette: "Now, it doesn't matter who is planning behind the scenes, the important thing is how we respond."

In the past few days, the focus of discussion has been this. Under this circumstance, it is no longer possible for Mexico to stay out of the matter. The citizens will not agree, and the United States will not watch. A new war will break out soon.

"Forget it, we have to make a decision." Camacho said: "If we don't conform to the will of the people, we will definitely be overthrown by the people. Since we have nowhere to go, we have to give it a go."

Mexico originally intended to remain neutral, but now it cannot be neutral. With Germany integrating the entire Europe, no matter how you look at it, Germany has a better chance of winning. What's more, Mexico and the United States have had hatred over the years.

Just like the servant nations in Europe, no matter what the situation, they ended up with Germany. After Germany occupied Moscow, the servant nations all got their own benefits. of.

Obeying the strong is the only rule of survival for the weak. Moreover, Germany has promised to return the lost land to Mexico. If this is the case, everyone present will become Mexico’s heroes.

Camacho finally made up his mind.

"Please come, the German ambassador, pay attention, it must be a secret." Camacho said.

The Americans are definitely also watching. Once Mexico falls to Germany, the Americans will definitely come over immediately, destroying Mexico from the land and eliminating hidden dangers. After all, Mexico and the United States are directly bordered. If Mexico falls The threat to Germany is too great for the United States.

Before the Germans have landed in America, they must be careful.

Mexico is going to be loyal to Germany.

The balance of the entire world war has long been tilted to Germany. On one side of the balance are almost all countries in Europe and some countries in the Americas. Now, Mexico is on the other side, and the United States is becoming thinner and thinner on the other side.

Servant nations, opening a new chapter for the empire.

Moscow Via, east of the region.

"Go ahead, keep going." Sitting on a wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, the chubby Khrushchev was in a pretty good He took Stalingrad's defenders and surrendered, and then, It was transported by train to the area east of Moscow and headed east to calm the eastern territories for Germany.

Originally, his troops were almost all infantry, with few cars and very few tanks. After all, they were planning to fight street fighting, but after discovering their weaknesses, Germany gave them some eliminated vehicles, so a small part The soldiers can finally ride in the car.

As for the commander, there are more advanced vehicles, such as this special infantry fighting vehicle.

When he came here, Khrushchev had already carried out a large-scale transformation of the army. Anything that he refused to follow him was washed out by him. I don’t know how many times I have done such things before. To do it, of course, it is simply and neat.

Beside him, another major general also smiled: "The recent advancement has been really smooth. Look, we will be able to enter the Ural Mountains soon."

Rodimtsev, Khrushchev’s loyal servant, went to the tractor yard with Khrushchev, but was controlled, Khrushchev was quickly rescued, but Rodimtsev ate Suffering, when he was, later he also used his own machine gun to get a good shot.

Now, Rodimtsev and Khrushchev are sitting on a wheeled infantry fighting vehicle. This is the temporary command post.

They went all the way and moved quite smoothly. The defenders fled along the way. In fact, the defenders in many places were already emptied in advance. Therefore, they hardly encountered resistance. Now, they can run faster than anyone else. Caught Stalin!

This is a great contribution, and the garrison mission of Moskovia awaits them.

For the sake of speed, Khrushchev organized almost all mechanized equipment together. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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