The Third Reich

Chapter 555: Beach landing


Up to now, the various data of the German Black Panther tanks have been kept confidential. The only exporting country is the island country. After the island country has obtained the tank, if it obtains the treasure, it will not disclose any of its secrets.

Therefore, no one knows how abnormal the German Panther tank is. For example, let’s say nothing else, in terms of endurance, it exceeds 500 kilometers and the engine runs for more than ten hours at idling speed. .

Moreover, when the German special forces came down, they used giant gliders. The huge load capacity of this glider can completely allow it to carry some fuel and ammunition.

They carried them according to the insistence of about three days. Now, the time has been shortened to one day. There is surplus in fuel and ammunition. There is no need to worry about the French war of attrition. This is doomed to failure.

At this time, it is already dusk.

The sea was beating against the landing ship. After more than ten hours of sailing, the huge fleet finally saw the port of Brest.

At this time, Brest had been blown into the sky, black smoke was everywhere, and the whole city was in panic.

Although there were some small episodes during the voyage, they did not affect the entire fleet's voyage, and they started on time.

On the four-thousand-ton tank landing ship, Rear Admiral Ernst Xue Allen held up his binoculars and looked at the distant port. At this time, the entire port was shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun, with a unique beauty.

"Leave the port for the merchant ships behind us, and we will land on the beach!" Major General Ernst said.

The first division of their Marine Corps came here on these tank landing ships. It was the first military force to land, and behind it, there were two divisions with merchant ships.

In contrast, the landing ship does not need to occupy the precious dock space on the port, and simply landed from the beach on one side.

Moreover, this landing is for future exercises.

In the process of landing in Britain in the future, they will not have such good conditions. They will brave the powerful firepower on the shore and land quickly, and landing on the beach is definitely the first choice.

Landing on the beach!

Hearing his order, on the bridge, the bearded captain immediately ordered to inject sea water into the ballast tank behind him and raise the bow!

On the side of the port, the beach on the shore is also a tourist place, and the coast to enjoy the beautiful beach is the most lingering place.

But now, the beach is empty and there are no people anymore. During the war, who would think of playing.

There was only one little French boy, who came out of the slum, was digging crabs on the beach. Although the nearby port was bombarded for a long time, his work could not be hindered. This was his dinner.

Regardless of any country, there are always poor people.

At this time, holding a small shovel, carrying a small bucket, inside is half a bucket of crabs, this kind of small crabs, after returning home, first raise them in fresh water and remove the sand on them, which will be more delicious.

At this moment, he raised his head and looked at the landing ships from a distance, rushing towards the beach on this side.

He was not afraid.

He just stared at it, watching the ship getting bigger and bigger, watching those ships, rushing towards this side.

It’s strange, aren’t those ships afraid of running aground?

In the midst of his attention, the foremost landing ship has rushed up in a whistling manner!

When the rear ballast tank is filled with water and the front is empty, the hull has been tilted up, high in the front and low in the back. In this way, the entire landing ship rushed up towards the beach.

The front hull left the water, washed up on the beach, and continued to rush out for several meters in front of the beach before it stopped.

The hatch in front of the bow opened from both sides, and inside, the sound of the rumbling engine was endless.

The Marine Corps is so domineering. This method of landing in France is the best way for the Marine Corps!

"Buzz, buzz." The tank driver stepped on the accelerator, and the Panther 3 tank rumbled out of it. The gun barrel was high. Their arrival marked a new stage in the battle against France!

One after another.

At this time, they had not yet entered the fighting state, so the tank commanders showed half of their bodies outside. They watched their tanks and drove onto the beaches of France. They were extremely proud.

The Marines are invincible!

Some people also saw the little boy on the beach next to him. At this moment, the little boy was looking at the soldiers with a timid look. He looked at the cross sign on the tank turret, and his two hands were soliciting back and forth. Obviously, I was thinking about something inside.

As the tanks were moving out from the center, the infantrymen were also lining up in two rows, running quickly from both sides to the shore As the Marines, they have done this kind of action countless times. .

On the last tank, Major General Ernst was also very energetic. When his tank drove off the landing ship, he saw the little boy next to him.

"Stop it." For some reason, he suddenly had an idea to communicate with this little boy.

When the tank stopped, the little boy seemed to have plucked up his courage and stepped forward and said, "Do you want to buy these crabs from me? Only 5 stilts will do."

Obviously, this little boy wanted to sell the crab in his hand to these people.

"No need." Ernst dropped two cans of canned food to each other from his side: "Take it, kid, don't worry, good days are coming soon."

Before the Second World War, Germany was a very peculiar country. It belonged to National Socialism. Moreover, it truly realized the prosperity of every household, and ordinary workers could also afford cars.

In other countries, there are still classes, rich people and poor people. France boasts of being the largest country in Europe, and there are still many poor people in it.

Now, when Germany conquered these countries, it will also implement a series of systems in Germany, which is good news for these poor people.

The little boy was holding two cans of cans, and he was full of respect for these people, and he felt so cordial when he looked at the cross on the turret.

Major General Ernst waved goodbye to the little boy, his tank continued to crush the French soil.

Just like the old peasants in the manor, for the common people in France, whoever rules them is the same. The real benefit is the ruling class of this country.

The German system is the most advanced. Let Germany rule the entire Europe. This is the mission God has given to Germany!

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