The Third Reich

Chapter 70: The contradiction is irreconcilable

"Don't forget that I have millions of stormtroopers and all key positions are occupied by my people. If Adolf is reasonable, we will solve the problem calmly. Otherwise, I intend to use force! This is not for myself, but It's for our revolution." Roma said angrily when he came out of the meeting room.

   At this time, Roma was in anger. At this time, the object of his confession was the Minister of Foreign Affairs Constantine von Neuwright.

   Newright is a professional diplomat. He was the German ambassador to the UK two years ago. After Hitler came to power, he appointed him as Minister of Foreign Affairs. This was also a way to confuse Hindenburg. Hitler used the same people.

   The Minister of Foreign Affairs does not have any real power, just expressing some opinions.

   And, as a smart diplomat, of course he knows how to judge the situation. Now, Roma's words have entered Newlet's ears, and it will not take a few hours to reach Hitler's ears.

   Newright comforted Rom, and Rom left in a huff.

   arrived at the headquarters of the stormtrooper, but Roma was still angry.

Roma now feels that the contradiction between Hitler and Hitler is getting bigger and bigger. The contradiction between the two is not only due to the problem of the defense forces, but also because of their different conceptions of the country. !

In Roma's eyes, the current high-level society is almost all reactionary. Roma resists zbism and advocates nationalization of major industrial enterprises, expansion of workers' control rights, confiscation of old aristocratic property and redistribution, and social equality .

   After all, Hitler's Workers' Party is under the banner of shism!

   Because Hitler did not do everything thoroughly, Roma even proposed a "second revolution" against the "reactionaries"!

   Facts have proved that Roma was too naive, and Hitler could gain power. In addition to relying on the Workers’ Party, it relied more on business figures, that is, big capitalists!

  Rome’s claims made them feel uneasy, and Hitler quickly assured the business community that there would be no second revolution.

   So Roma was disappointed with Hitler.

   At the beginning, Roma was also very ideal, and wanted to work with Hitler to realize his ideals, but now, social reforms have not followed Roma's ideas!

   If Hitler was still prime minister before, with Hindenburg on his head, and could not let go, then Hitler is now the president!

   Hitler is the supreme ruler of this country, Hitler has absolute power!

  Rome and Hitler had serious differences on how to govern this country!

Now, returning to his territory, Rom looked at his confidant Hines beside him, and couldn't help but continue to complain: "Adolf is going to betray us. He is fighting fiercely with the gangsters, and only believes in the generals of East Prussia! Adolf used to be my student, he learned military knowledge from me. Unfortunately, Adolf is still a civilian, a pen, a dreamer, and a petty bourgeoisie in his bones."

   Roma speaks without going through the brain, and he says whatever he wants! He didn't know, these words soon reached Hitler's ears!

   "This Roma is really too much!" After hearing these words, Hitler suddenly slapped the table with anger!

   Rohm, Hitler's closest comrade-in-arms, Rohm followed Hitler closely when the beer hall rioted!

   Hitler will not forget that in every speech, the stormtroopers will do their best to protect his safety, and the stormtroopers will destroy the speeches of other political parties.

   Once, Hitler attached great importance to the stormtroopers!

   But now, Roma actually publicly opposed him!

   Hitler is nostalgic.

   In the First World War, Hitler once braved the bullets to bring his comrades back and obtain the rank of corporal. He was not afraid of death.

   Hitler is not a person who is addicted to power as life, his purpose is to fight for Germany for life, this is a very pure purpose! To realize this ideal, he must be dictatorial!

   But now, when faced with Roma's almost rebellious words, Hitler is still very contradictory.

   "Sirek, what should I do?" Hitler said to the most trusted man in front of him.

   Cyric is almost the same as Hitler, not greedy for power, working wholeheartedly for the strength of Germany, and more importantly, Cyric's absolute loyalty to Hitler!

   Now, Hitler faced his own problem and asked Cyric for his opinion.

   For Cyric, this is certainly not difficult to answer!

   "President, you also know the character of Roma. He is careless and unconcealed. He is what he wants to say, but it doesn't mean that he really thinks like this in his heart." Cyric said.

   Cyric did not fall into trouble, and what he said was quite objective, which made Hitler very satisfied.

Now, Himmler and Heinrich are almost all talking bad things about Roma. Those rebellious words just now were collected by Himmler, in Himmler’s Luo The rebellion is a certainty.

   Just one answer made Cyric more valued by Hitler. Whatever Cyric does, the starting point is not for himself, but for this country!

   "But Roma's desire for power is too great." Cyric continued. Although he would not directly say that Roma rebelled, he certainly knew that Hitler had judgment in his heart, but Cyric had to analyze the current situation clearly.

   "Rome has always hoped that the stormtroopers will become the regular army of Germany and replace the defense forces." Cyric said: "This contradiction is not adjustable."

  The key to the contradiction is the positioning of the stormtrooper! Roma, want to be Minister of Defense! And Hitler would never watch such a thing happen!

   Now Hitler still values ​​the Juncker regiment very seriously. For Hitler, the Junker regiment is the core and soul of the German army. Hitler knows exactly what the stormtrooper under him is!

   Stormtroopers are Hitler's tools for seizing power. After Hitler has seized power, the importance of the stormtroopers has greatly declined. It is absolutely impossible to replace the defense forces!

   Now, Hitler is in a dilemma, what Cyric said is the most critical point!

"So, I personally suggest that our stormtrooper should be reduced drastically, and it is enough to leave a few hundred symbolic people in the end. Perhaps you should have a good talk with Roma. This is related to the future of Germany. The basic pattern of the battle.” Cyric said: “Marshal Hindenburg, he must be watching from behind.”

   Hitler suddenly understood that if the stormtroopers are not cut, it is absolutely impossible to obtain the true support of the army! Now, Hitler needs the absolute allegiance of the army!

   Always sacrifice!

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