The Third Reich

Chapter 804: This is usurped

A ship of more than 8,000 tons slowly approached the port. When the ship stopped, several Americans got off the ship.

"Friends from across the ocean are very welcome." Churchill stepped up and extended his hand to the visitors in front.

U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Omar stretched out his hand to the other party: "I hope we are not too late."

Along the way, they were anxious, and they were also worried about German retaliation.

You know, in a port outside the United States, they directed a play and dunked the Germans with a **** bowl. Then, would the Germans really release the restrictions and open fire on the transport fleet in the Atlantic?

They used two destroyers to **** them, and these two destroyers were also intended to be handed over to the British. They came all the way with trepidation. In order to keep pace, they had to sail at the highest speed.

Fortunately, the Germans did not attack them. The Germans did nothing. The American flag was flying on their ships. Now, the Germans still hold a negative attitude towards a real war with the United States.

This is also the confidence of the United States. The United States blatantly supports the United Kingdom, but Germany dare not declare war on the United States, and dare not act on the American ships. The United States is waiting for this opportunity. If the Germans declare war on the United States, then the United States will support the United Kingdom. There will definitely be more.

Britain’s capital has fallen. If the United States does not provide greater support, will it have to watch Britain surrender? Watching Germany rule all of Europe?

In that case, the United States will definitely be in trouble.

"Let's take a look at the goods first." Churchill said, at this time, he couldn't wait.

The bombing by the Germans made the British industry difficult. Support from across the ocean is very important!

With the ship docking, the stevedores have begun to move the goods quickly, and the first thing to move out is the whole box of cans!

With the siege of the Germans, the local food in the UK gradually became tense. When they saw the canned food, many people began to swallow.

Churchill was unmoved. He cared more about weapons than food. If there were no weapons that he needed urgently, then Britain would still not be able to carry it!

What about weapons? Especially tanks?

As if he knew his expectation, the rumbling of the engine came from the stern of the cargo ship.

The riveted car body, narrow tracks, tall car body, and a cannon in front of it, and on top of the car body is a rather small turret. When the tank came in, Chu Gilton was disappointed.

"Didn't we provide you with drawings and ask you to manufacture them in accordance with the heavy infantry tanks we designed?" Churchill asked.

The tank in front of us is the main US M3 Grant tank. This type of tank has been behind almost from birth, and it cannot compete with the German main tank.

Britain is facing a major threat. Their tank design is also rapidly improving its indicators. Now the main one is the A22 infantry tank. The design weight of this tank is as high as 40 tons, which is comparable to the German tanks.

In later generations, this tank was named Churchill, and more than 5,000 vehicles were produced throughout World War II.

Now, even though they designed it, they couldn't produce it because the factory was bombed. For this reason, Churchill quickly provided all the design drawings to the United States, hoping that the United States would rush to produce them with their strong industrial production capacity.

From the slow passage of the Leasing Act by the U.S. Congress, their factories were enough to produce such tanks, but who would have thought that this kind of junk would come in?

Churchill was quite speechless.

"Our tank production department refused to produce British-designed tanks, thinking that this tank had poor maneuverability and could not meet the requirements at all. Especially the use of two gasoline engines would lead to poor reliability. Therefore, we did not follow Your drawings will be produced." Omar, who is in charge of the delivery, said: "This first batch is still our M3 tank, but the next batch may be the updated M4 tank we designed, the next batch of tanks. , It can definitely fight against the German main tank."

next batch? When the next batch arrives, how much area is left in the UK? I am afraid Liverpool has also fallen!

It was even worse at Churchillton.

But he can't complain. After all, this is provided by the United States. If there is no United States, then the United Kingdom does not need to expect to stick to it.

Churchill can only express his gratitude: "Thank you very much for your support. I hope that our next batch of tanks can be sent as soon as possible."

Just after saying this, Churchill saw his adjutant rushing over. He said to Churchill: "Prime Minister, Your Majesty the King is summoned urgently."

"I'm sorry, I need to go back." Churchill apologized to his American friend, then asked the surrounding officers to do the equipment reception work, and then hurried back to the city.

"Wow! Bang!" When he went back, he heard the sound of something falling in the room. When he heard this sound, Churchillton frowned. What happened?

Although His Majesty the King stutters, and although His Majesty does not want to be a king, King George VI has always faced it with firm belief. At this critical juncture, King George VI was not discouraged.

Now, this behavior is bad, indicating that he has lost control of his emotions?

"What's the matter?" he asked Lord Cherwell who came to meet him.

"The Duke of Windsor has arrived in London. He was sworn in as the king at Buckingham Palace. He is the supreme leader of the country. At the same time, he announced that the whole of Britain would surrender to Germany."

When he heard this, in an instant, Churchill felt the world go round and round. God, why did you test the people of Great Britain in this way?

"Traitor, scum! The people of the Windsor family, how, can, compromise, and bow, how, can, surrender to Germany, surrender!" Because of the anger, the words of George VI made it even worse. , Almost just jump out one by one.

King George VI was angry.

He didn't want this throne. It was his brother who abdicated and he had to come up. But now, his brother has taken the throne again.

He disagrees, he absolutely cannot agree! The Germans bombed British cities and invaded British territory. Now, his brother has directly surrendered the Germans!

"The Duke of Windsor, this is usurping the throne, and we absolutely cannot let him succeed." Churchill walked in and said loudly: "We are going to hold a meeting immediately to challenge the Duke of Windsor!"

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