The Third Reich

Chapter 808: Block

The Panamanian cruise liner is an American cruise ship. At this time, it is docking at the pier in Liverpool, and the people preparing to board the ship are crowded on the pier.

In London, when King Edward VIII was sworn in and surrendered to Germany, the British aristocracy first compromised. After all, they wanted to keep their position and even to develop better.

However, not everyone agrees with Germany. There are still some people who can only choose to leave after receiving this amazing news.

At this time, the arrival of a team made this atmosphere even more tense.

"Let's give way, let's give way!" The soldier in the vice seat of the car at the front of the convoy poked out his head and shouted to the front. He even exposed his gun. Under the threat of guns, the soldier in front The man stepped out of a passage.

The convoy drove all the way to the side of the ship, and under layers of escorts, the door of the middle car opened.

Wearing a top hat, pressing his face underneath, King George VI walked out slowly.

Next to him, is his wife, Elizabeth Bowes-Leon.

At this time, Elizabeth's heart was full of ups and downs, and her former love gradually faded away. She already hated the man and the woman.

Now, she wants to accompany her husband, wear a child, leave the British mainland, and embark on the road of wandering, which is also given by the man and the woman!

Elizabeth wore a white gauze, and when she got on the ship, she looked back again and looked at her country, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Kacha!" In a dilapidated building in the distance of the dock, a high-elevated long-focus camera took this shot, and then there was a hurried voice: "Quick, report immediately, the British royal family, take Panama Cruise ship number, leaving the UK!"

The telegraph sound soon sounded in a nearby basement.

"George VI, taking the Panama cruise ship, leaving the British mainland." Ten minutes later, the news reached Paris and reached Cyric.

King George VI, left on a cruise ship!

"This is a good opportunity!" Dunnitz couldn't help but said: "As long as we are on the way, a torpedo can send them to God."

For a long time, Dunnitz has been in charge of the submarines of the German Navy. However, because of the smooth operation of the British campaign, Germany did not carry out particularly large-scale wolf pack tactics. Dunnitz’s submarine forces also received strict orders. It can only be done on British freighters, and it has been confirmed in advance that these freighters are only for weapons and ammunition.

This makes Dunnitz quite dissatisfied, especially, those Americans, can they transport ammunition to the UK in a grand manner? It's really too careful.

Of course, he just dared to complain in private. On the face of it, how dare he question Cyric's decision.

But this time is different. There is George VI on it, Edward VIII has been reset, and Britain can only have one king. Since George VI is unwilling to abdicate, he can only go to another world.

Is there anything more enjoyable than a torpedo?

"No, there are thousands of ordinary people on it, so they can't be implicated." Someone next to him spoke.

A torpedo is easy, but what about the others?

"Those who want to leave the UK are not loyal to Edward VIII at all. It is better for them to die." Dunnitz said. In their eyes, ordinary people's lives are too humble.

The subordinates argued, but Cyric didn't speak.

In fact, there are many ways to solve King George VI. When he knew that King George VI was in Liverpool, he could send special forces there, but Cyric did not do that.

Save some face to the British royal family. After all, George VI was still the king at that time. If the British king was killed directly, ordinary British people would be unacceptable. Resistance would spread and it would be detrimental to German rule.

And now, with the support of Edward VIII coming to power, we should continue to pour dirty water on them, and then continue to exaggerate our own generosity, until everyone thinks that George VI is indeed wrong, and then even if we send them On the guillotine, the people will cheer.

Now, there is no time yet.

It is from this perspective that he did not secretly kill George VI.

When he thought of this, the subordinates' dispute was over. The result of the dispute, of course, was no result, waiting for Cyric's ruling!

"First of all, we need to let the nobles of the House of Lords convict the criminals who fled Britain." Cyric said: "Their fleeing just shows their guilty conscience. They are sinners in Britain! Or leave it to the righteous people. Try it!"

If they don’t surrender or leave, they can only be martyrs, but now that they leave, the hat of treason will be even more dead. This is a wonderful method!

Cyric put forward his point, and everyone immediately expressed admiration.

"As for the Panama cruise ship, guys, think about it, if it were you, would you choose to leave on an American freighter?" Cyric continued.

Up to now, Germany has no precedent for firing on American freighters. So, from this perspective, taking American ships to leave is a very good choice. Especially, there are thousands of ordinary people on the ship, who are hostages. It seems safe to die together.

But What would Germany do if it knew that George VI was on it? In this era, there is nothing that Germany dares not dare to, and no one knows what happened on the long route of the Atlantic Ocean. The ship sinks and can rely on ocean storms!

Cyric's words made everyone even more stunned, and then nodded.

"What we see is not necessarily true." Reinhardt also agreed: "On the surface, George VI went out on a ship, but this may be just a cover for them. In fact, they are most likely It is by plane. We must immediately blockade the surrounding airspace, investigate every passenger plane and transport plane, and prevent King George VI from running away. We must leave it to the people to judge."

Cyric nodded: "Yes, it’s not bad to fly by plane, but they may also take a submarine and order our navy to patrol nearby. Whether it’s in the sky or underwater, don’t let it go. !"

King George VI, it is best to block him and not let him escape. However, the technology of this era is still very backward. If George VI ran away, it would be fine. The world is so big, where can he go?

The whole world will belong to Germany!

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