The Third Reich

Chapter 816: Secret visitor

Now that Britain has fallen, those who obeyed Edward VIII are British traitors. As long as they counterattack and return, then these people will be sentenced!

Many of them are nobles. That is to say, when this war is over, a large number of old nobles in Britain will disappear, and at the same time, new nobles will be born!

Just look at the history of Britain. How did the nobility come into being? Almost most of them appeared in the army. Only when they made military exploits for the United Kingdom, they were made aristocrats.

Therefore, many people present will be named nobles and have hereditary titles. Their families will also enjoy the glory and at the same time, they will also gain more wealth.

The assets of the overthrown aristocrats will of course become the new aristocratic class, which is almost beyond doubt.

In this case, everyone’s future looks good. Of course, the premise is that they can survive the war. Churchill proposed this premise, but deliberately missed the other. Then they would have to win. .

Churchill succeeded in invigorating everyone's confidence, and everyone's eyes flashed with a sense of eagerness.

After Churchill's speech was over, King George VI followed and continued to agitate with his fluent words.

"I, King George VI, as the King of England and the sole king of the Windsor family, swear that anyone who is loyal to me and aims to restore the English rivers and mountains and drive away the German invaders will receive the rewards they deserve. People, after the war, will be named nobles, and the existing nobles will be promoted."

King George VI raised his right hand. In the past few years, he has become like a king. After these words, the eyes of those present have become serious.

They also raised their right hands: "We will unite around the king and shed every drop of our blood in order to defeat the Germans and restore the mountains and rivers!"

Aukinlake also raised his right hand and said the same thing, but his eyes were always turning around, showing that his inner activities were also contradictory at this time.

Churchill walked down and patted Aukinlake on the shoulder: "Okinlake, now, I officially promote you to the British Secretary of Defense, responsible for all colonial troops! At the same time, promote your rank to marshal."

The words of Churchill made Aukin Lake a moment of fright, Secretary of Defense? This is simply mentioning several levels!

Moreover, the rank is promoted to marshal! For all soldiers, the marshal is a height that they can't reach, and now, it's near.

"Thanks to the Prime Minister for his promotion." Okinlake said. At this time, he was grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Although Churchill's resume is not good, for example, he has never won a battle, but for so many years, when it comes to playing with power and insight into people's hearts, Churchill is definitely a good hand.

He has successfully captured Okinlake's heart.

Just a few hours ago, Okinlake had just met with a mysterious visitor. The visitor told him that General Hobart hoped that he would lead the army in Egypt and be loyal to Edward VIII!

Regarding General Hobert’s proposal, Aukinleck was in a dilemma. From a logical point of view, he was also unwilling to surrender to Germany. However, generally speaking, the king in London was the object of their allegiance, especially King George VI. , Has been missing.

Moreover, the visitor can tell him that once George VI comes to Egypt, he hopes that he can control George VI and **** him back to the UK. In this case, even if Aukin Lake has done a great job, he will be promoted and crowned, that is for sure.

And now, Churchill has promoted him to the top, Secretary of Defense, what could be bigger than this? That is the Prime Minister.

By Edward VIII's side, this position belonged to Hobert, and he was definitely not his turn.

Churchill was finally relieved. This is a typical rise and fall. Promoting him to Secretary of Defense is a false position. In this way, Montgomery is promoted to the commander-in-chief of the British Army in the Middle East, and this has real power!

He absolutely did not doubt Montgomery's loyalty. Montgomery would rather take his troops to jump across the English Channel than surrender to Germany. This shows his hatred of Germany. It is absolutely impossible for him to obey the Germans and Edward VIII.

After the speech, the banquet began. King George VI held the cup and clinked the cups with everyone. The people below were very moved. Now let them go to the battlefield to die immediately, and they will have absolutely nothing to say.

The banquet lasted more than three hours, and everyone was drunk before it was over.

Aukinlake also drank a few more glasses, a little bit up, he went back to his room dazedly, and saw the man sitting on the sofa, he was shocked, and all the wine woke up.

"John, you haven't left yet?" Aukinlake asked. The man sitting on the sofa was the secret visitor Hobert sent to lobby him!

"General Aukinlake, you are expecting me to leave soon so that I can be loyal to King George VI?" John said slowly, but his tone was cold: "If this is the case, then you are really wrong. Follow George VI. World, what can be the result? Now, with the end of the British war, Germany will definitely mobilize its main force into the desert. If Rommel has five armored divisions, it will be enough to sweep the entire Middle East!"

John seems to know everything, and it is very simple. In fact, it is enough to buy a maid who just served wine at the banquet.

Aukinlake’s mind was turning quickly, filtering what Churchill had just said. Sure enough, he also discovered this The main Germans were fighting against the United Kingdom, when the British mainland was resolved. What will Germany do afterwards? I will definitely transfer the main force to the Middle East, because here is George VI!

They simply couldn't stop the Germans from attacking. Everything that Churchill promised was nothing but a dream!

"General Hobart is wise. He has seen the situation in Europe. For many years, how many monarchs have hoped to unify Europe. Now, Germany has done it." John said: "This is the trend of history. Who hinders? Who Will be crushed by the wheels of history."

"Now, you still have a chance. Please arrest George VI, Churchill and others immediately. In this way, you are still a British hero." John said: "Your future is in your hands. Give you two In hours, if you don’t do it, I’ll have to solve it.”

John stood up, walked out, and when he reached the door, he suddenly turned his head: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that your wife and children in India are all safe now."

In an instant, Au'kinlake's face turned pale, damn, the other party actually dared to threaten him with his wife and children!

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