The Third Reich

Chapter 825: British production Panther III

Sir Dex is no stranger to the container ship Cyric said.

A few years ago, Germany ordered a batch of new container ships designed by them from the Newport News Shipbuilding Company of the United States. Moreover, the demand is still quite large, with only 20 ships at a time!

The orders for these ships made the American shipbuilding company overjoyed. After the ships were built, many people looked sideways. What kind of container ship? This shows that the aircraft carrier is good?

This kind of thing is the **** carrier that Cyric advocates most. It has a small investment, quick results, can be transported, and can fight wars. In addition to not resisting sinking, it is almost an all-rounder at sea.

After these ships arrived, they almost really acted as container ships, transporting all kinds of goods, but they were able to carry fighters at any time for combat.

Now, it is enough for Germany to have a few main aircraft carriers, but when Germany and the United States conflict, there will be long sea routes that need to be protected. At this time, the advantages of **** aircraft carriers are reflected.

According to Cyric, this kind of **** aircraft carrier needs at least fifty ships!

Now, German shipyards are building large warships for Germany. The latest Hindenburg class has started. This kind of warship with a full load of 70,000 tons of displacement will become the overlord in the Atlantic.

German shipyards are full of orders, and French shipyards are used to build second-tier battleships, such as various light battleships, cruisers, destroyers, and so on.

And British shipyards will also be launched, large landing ships, **** aircraft carriers, etc., will be built in batches in Britain!

With military orders, shipyards will flourish and a large number of jobs will be promoted. In this way, the British economy will be better. After all, the German occupation is for assimilation, not for enslavement. In the end, Cyric appeared. The situation of an ideal unified Europe.

Of course, in the middle, there will be various emergencies, for example, saboteurs will make trouble in the shipyard. Such people who go against the historical trend will eventually be crushed!

Cyric's inspection trip in the UK was fully arranged. In the morning, he visited the largest private shipyard in the UK. In the afternoon, he came to the Nuffield Company, which is the production plant of Crusader tanks.

Not everyone bowed their heads to Edward VIII. For example, the head of Nuffield Company was a staunch anti-German. After King George VI left the British mainland, the head of this company, many technicians, Then disappeared, missing.

Therefore, when Cyric arrived, there were only a few workers here, and the ground was full of diamond-shaped crusader tank turrets.

"We will re-start here as soon as possible and produce tanks for the Empire." Although Edward VIII has been on the throne for half a month, it is impossible to master everything here. When he saw all this, he also felt Very embarrassing.

There are people in the empire who don't know how to promote!

"Since the person in charge here has disappeared, then simply, the factory here should be nationalized." Cyric is very ambitious: "We will send managers to manage this factory, and at the same time, we will recruit more Technical workers come, here, we will produce the latest Panther 3 tank."

Any tank designed by the British is backward. The Crusaders tanks were beaten all over in North Africa to find teeth. Therefore, Cyric decided to stop the production of these chicken ribs and switch to the latest German Panther 3 tank!

Nationalized, it is owned by the United Kingdom, but the entire factory is managed by Germans, and at most some taxes are imposed on the United Kingdom.

The Panther 3 tank is currently the most advanced tank on the battlefield. The German army has a large demand for this tank. Therefore, in addition to France, the British arsenal will also produce this type of tank. tank.

At the same time, this also means that the German arsenal can finally free up production capacity to prepare for the production of newer Tiger tanks.

Since the current Panther 3 tank is already sufficient to gain an advantage in the entire war, the heavier Tiger tank has always been under development. After a year of testing and improvement this year, it is now quite mature. Have the conditions for mass production.

After the production of the Panther 3 tank in the UK, the tiger tank in Germany will also start simultaneous production, and Germany will always maintain the advantage of the armored force.

Compared with the prototype, the weight of the Tiger tank has further increased, reaching about 60 tons, which is almost a limit. At the same time, relying on the diesel engine enhanced to 780 horsepower, the maneuverability of the Tiger tank is fairly good.

The target of this tank is not Western Europe, but the Soviet Union. This is a gift tailored by Germany to the Soviet Union. It specifically restrains the heavy tanks of the Soviet Union and constitutes an absolute advantage over the T-34 and his like.

"As for the existing tank, improve the chassis and become a self-propelled artillery." Cyric continued.

Just like in France, those chassis that have already been produced cannot be wasted. Therefore, as for modification, as an assault gun or a self-propelled artillery, it is a good choice to continue to use the residual heat or export.

As he walked, he said that although Cyric was already the head of state, the memory of his previous life made him well aware of these weapons and the opinions he gave were the most appropriate.

Suddenly, Cyric's footsteps stopped, and he saw a corner of the workshop, the pile of tank guns on the shelf that had not yet been installed.

17-pounder British proudest tank gun in World War II! In the Battle of London, once appeared in the British troops.

This gun was actually developed two years earlier than in history, showing that it has changed history!

This kind of gun is not inferior to the German 75mm gun, but unfortunately it appeared too late and the number is scarce, making this kind of gun not famous in this era.

At the same time, the output is small, and the ammunition is also small. Germany does not need to be equipped with this kind of thing. It is the kingly way to let the British Royal Arms Factory produce its own 88mm gun.

So, how to deal with these guns? Cyric already had an idea in his mind.

Along the way, looking at it all the way, although it is stuck in shutdown, it is not a big deal for Germany. On the contrary, it is more suitable for German transformation and re-production.

When he walked out of the factory, the sky outside was dimmed, and Cyric saw his foreign minister, rushing in.

"Head Cyric, the Americans responded to us."

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