The Third Reich

Chapter 845: Kill all Indians

Punch, punch, punch!

The Italian soldiers burst into action and rushed towards the British position. At this time, they didn't know that the Indians were on the opposite side. The enemy's position was right in front of them. As long as they rushed up, it was victory!

There were people falling down continuously, and they had no more attention at this time. They only knew to charge forward. At the same time, the submachine guns in their hands were constantly firing.

All of them were automatic weapons, and they had a strong suppressive force. The opposing position was quickly suppressed and they couldn't raise their heads. Then, they rushed into the trenches of the opponent!

It's that simple!

The sound of the submachine gun sounded constantly. In the short-handed combat of the trenches, the submachine gun is the most suitable equipment. This is the experience gained from the beginning of World War I.

Now, the Italian soldiers are even more powerful.

Donatello was holding his submachine gun and continuously pouring firepower. He had already killed the two soldiers on the opposite side. He could see clearly by the light when he opened fire.

The other party did not wear a military cap, his head was surrounded by a piece of white cloth. At the same time, his skin was darker. These people are Indians!

"It's an Indian soldier!" Donatello shouted loudly: "Let's kill all these Indians!"

There has never been a battle that has been fought so smoothly. As Italian soldiers, they most often fight when they are weak and run when they are strong. They are obviously regular troops, and they fought like guerrillas.

But tonight, they played very enjoyable, they took the initiative to attack, they occupied the opponent's position, they are constantly destroying the enemy, this feeling, that is from the bottom of my heart a kind of pride as a soldier, this kind of pride , There has never been before.

It turns out that he can fight like the Germans!

"Da!" Just as he yelled, an Indian soldier had already pounced on him! He pulled the trigger, but the gun did not sound, only the sound of the spring and the firing pin inside.

No, the bullet is gone!

Automatic weapons are very comfortable to use, but its firepower depends on the magazine, and the number of bullets in it is limited after all.

Damn it!

He could have easily wiped out the opponent, but now, he has no bullets, and he has no time to reach out and fill the magazine from behind him because the opponent has already pounced on it!

The opponent was using a British Lee Enfield rifle, with a bayonet of tens of centimeters in front of the muzzle. At this time, the opponent was holding a spear in both hands and stabbing it fiercely!

At this time, Donatello's mind was blank, with only one word printed, death.

He has a submachine gun in his hand, which is less than half the length of the opponent, and he can't fight the opponent at all. Now, due to the sudden occurrence, his body has become stiff, and he has forgotten the basic action of avoiding, just watch it like this The opponent stabbed over.

The bayonet is about to pierce his body. When the bayonet is drawn out, countless blood will be sprayed out. After that, he will slowly die in the blood. This process is very painful.

At this moment, suddenly, in the light of the exchange of fire, a figure flashed out.

It was the disfigured German major!

I saw the German major turned sideways, coming from the side, his left hand grabbed the opponent's barrel, his right hand was so skillfully moved, the bayonet on it was removed!

The Indian soldier hesitated and wanted to withdraw the gun, but the German major's figure was quicker. He pulled hard with his left hand, and the Indian soldier's body followed suit. Then, he held the bayonet in his right backhand and used it as a dagger. To the opponent's throat.

In the dark night sky, under the light of the crossfire, this bayonet was so eye-catching, Donatello watched the bayonet pass by, and blood was coming out of the opponent’s neck, if it was a broken water pipe. Blood spurted out.

Not only did the German major cut his throat, he also cut off the main artery on the side, absolutely not dragging his feet, and he did it in one go.

This action is really pleasing to the eye. It turns out that this kind of hand-to-hand combat is also beautiful.

Throwing away the bayonet, the German major skillfully took out the drum from the bullet bag on his chest with his right hand, pulled the rifle straddling his side forward, and reloaded the bullet.

Just now, he found out that the situation here was abnormal and wanted to help, but his drums were actually burned out, and it was too late to change to a new drum, so he took the risk of fighting melee.

If it is an elite British soldier, maybe he is still in danger, but it is too easy to deal with this kind of Indian soldier.

Donatello watched all this, the German major, saved his life!

"Major, my life will be yours from now on!" Donatello said, "I owe you my life!"

"Stop talking nonsense, change the magazine, and continue fighting!" The German major ignored him. What did the mother-in-law and mother do on the battlefield! Every second determines life and death, and it can't be delayed!

Donatello watched the German major change the drum, and then the assault rifle in his hand continued to fire, killing the two machine gunners hidden in the distance, and then went to help the troubled Italian soldier on the side.

This is the real warrior! Donatello mustered up the courage to be such a soldier as a soldier!

When he walked from the gate of the ghost gate, Donatello suddenly found that he was not afraid of anything anymore. He was holding a submachine gun and rushed into the Indian soldiers.

What are you afraid of! No weapons? The teeth can kill the enemy!

Now Donatello has deeply understood the words of the German major.

The entire battlefield was fought very fiercely.

Relying on a sudden attack and close hand-to-hand combat, the Indian army's position was eroded bit by At the same time, news of a sneak attack here also spread to the Montgomery headquarters.

At this time, Montgomery is reviewing the battle during the day while deploying tomorrow's mission.

"Our Sherman tank still cannot block the German tank guns. Therefore, I suggest that we pile sandbags in front of the tank to increase protection." Montgomery said.

The tanks supported by the Americans lost most of them in one day today, and tomorrow, they need to continue fighting!

Therefore, we must learn from experience and then make improvements.

Originally, the Americans patted their chests and said that the armor of this tank was thick enough. The 30-ton tank was absolutely against the sky. As a result, it still couldn't hold it!

What to do then? Of course, it is to continue to increase the protective power. It is impossible to temporarily increase the armor of the tank. Just use the soil method and add sandbags in front!

"Our tank guns can't penetrate the German tanks either." The commander of the tank unit on the side continued, extremely depressed.

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