The Third Reich

Chapter 847: Teeth are weapons

Brother, I'm sorry, I don't know if you play dead? Are you lying down?

Donatello almost said this sentence, but he still did not speak, because the Indian soldier on the ground at this time had already exerted his strength.

The opponent was originally lying down, with his hands on his chest and holding the gun. Now Donatello came to pick up the gun, and he was close to the opponent. The opponent suddenly let go of his right hand and waved his fist towards Donat. Luo's head hit!

Donatello lowered his head and hit the helmet heavily. This time, the strength was quite strong, and Donatello felt like he was going to be faint in an instant. If it hits the temple directly, it will definitely be finished. .

But Donatello was in a trance, still using his hand, and just like that, he actually took the gun, after all, the other party released a hand.

However, before Donatello had time to be happy, the opponent's second punch arrived. This punch was even more fierce. Donatello was directly knocked down and lay on his side.

The Indian soldier stood up and rode on Donatello. Then, one hand grasped Donatello's collar, and the other hand kept waving, punching, punching!

Donatello felt his eyes dim and gradually turned blood red. He knew that if he didn't fight back, there would be no chance.

Now the melee is continuing, someone may come to help, or there may not be, anyway, Donatello has to rely on himself!

In the struggle, Donatello's hand fumbled, fumbled, reaching for the opponent's belt, there is a grenade! !

So, without any hesitation, Donatello opened the fuse of the grenade and died together!

I had killed more than a dozen Indian soldiers this night, which was enough!

Then, the grenade snorted, and when asked about the smell of the fuse, the Indian soldier was stunned.

what happened? He lowered his head, saw the smoking grenade, and instantly understood what was happening. This Italian who was about to be beaten to death by himself actually rang the grenade!

He let go of his hand, his mouth screamed in unknown bird language, he reached out to his waist, trying to take out the grenade, and then throw it away.

The grenade is delayed, but he doesn't know whether it will succeed, he just tries his best.

Take it out, it hasn't exploded, and then throw it out!

"Boom!" The Indian soldier was very strong. His grenade flew more than ten meters before it exploded during the fall.

Finally turned the crisis into peace!

The Indian soldier just relaxed, he felt his body and suddenly fell over.

Relying on this opportunity, Donatello suddenly turned over and pressed the Indian soldier under his body. Instead of hitting the opponent's head with his fist, he held the opponent's head with both hands and slammed into the ground!

One, two, three times, the opponent's head also bleeds, but the opponent suddenly exploded with greater strength, and suddenly pulled Donatello's neck over and hit his head hard. Here we are!

This Indian is crazy!

Indians, many times like to carry things with their heads, motorcycles of several hundred kilograms, they can walk with their heads, their heads are stronger, and this suddenly smashed Donatello's head to dizziness, he I feel like I'm going to exhaustion.

The second hit by the Indian made Donatello realize the terrible ethics of the open-hanging nation. He felt that he had no strength, and his eyes gradually blurred.

Then, when the opponent came and bumped for the third time, Donatello's body tilted and his head turned aside. In his dazed vision, he saw the black muddy neck of the Indian. Then, Donatello did not hesitate. In his ears, the words of the day instructor rang, even with his teeth, he can fight!

His teeth were originally fragrant spaghetti, which was his favorite, but now, his teeth bit the unpleasant neck and bit to the side, where there are large arteries.

He heard the sound of skin cracking, he heard the sound of blood vessels breaking, and then, his mouth was occupied by a red liquid that was so foul.

The Indian was frightened, making a sound of Urauula, trying to struggle, but Donatello did not let go. He continued to **** hard, sucking, the hot blood flowing into his mouth, flowing In his stomach, at this moment, he felt exhausted, but his mouth had not been released.

Before losing consciousness, he heard countless footsteps coming from behind, and reinforcements arrived!


The sky was gradually brightening.

"Crunch." A barrel truck used in the field stopped at the Mitria Mountains position. A pair of leather boots stepped on the ground first, and then a tall and handsome German general walked off.

Rommel, after learning that the position here was captured by the Italian army, was quite happy, and despite the obstruction of the adjutants, he came to inspect it himself!

At this time, the battlefield has not been cleaned up yet, and many dead soldiers are still lying there. You can see that the night attack last night was a very tragic battle.

Some were shot and fell, some were stabbed to death with a bayonet, and some were twisted together and remained in the same posture to death. In short, there are all kinds of them.

Seeing this scene, Rommel took off his hat silently.

Once all the achievements are made, this fierce battle will be recorded in history!

Marshal Graziani also got out of the car, watching this scene with a complicated expression on his face.

Are they still his soldiers here? He actually won in hand-to-hand combat, which was unimaginable in the past!

"Marshal, our first infantry division has a casualty rate of more than 40%." Garibaldi whispered beside him.

Four percent! Marshal Graziani was shocked again!

At this moment, Rommel squatted down and he saw the body of an Italian soldier, which was maintaining a posture at this time.

His mouth was on the neck of an Indian soldier, and his mouth was full of blood, and this Indian soldier died of blood loss.

The head of the Italian soldier was torn, and there were shocking wounds everywhere, and one eye was turned out. However, before he died, the soldier was still biting the opponent's neck with his teeth, and killed the opponent!

"This is a brave soldier." Rommel said: "Even in our German army, such a brave soldier deserves an Iron Cross."

His volume was very high. Following his words, the Italian soldiers around had another color in their eyes, a color of light.

At Rommel's feet, the body of the Italian soldier moved slowly.

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