The Third Reich

Chapter 90: Other means

   The big plane certainly cannot make all kinds of maneuvers. If it really dives and bombs, when it is pulled up, it must disintegrate!

   This performance during the day really gave Hitler an infinite shock. Now, when he heard Cyrek talking about large bombers, Hitler thought of this important question. Can he dive?

   Now, there are actually large bombers, such as the Soviet TB-3, which entered service in 32 years! After the release of this large four-engine aircraft, the entire West was shocked!

After   , the Americans speeded up and developed the B-17!

   Only now, Hitler doesn't catch a cold with these things, can't dive and bomb, what's the point?

"This kind of large bomber is all-rounder." Cyric said: "In addition to horizontal bombing, it can also transport a large number of airborne troops for long-distance flight, and even airborne tanks. When we hit Britain in the future, this Plant a plane, you can come in handy!"


  TB-3 can carry paratroopers!

   Hitler nodded. Cyric’s words ignited Hitler’s dream to conquer the European continent and the opposite Britain!

The meeting lasted until the early hours of the morning. For several hours, Cyrenk put forward a lot of insights to the navy and air force. After this meeting, the German navy and air force began to move fast in the right direction. !

   The German war machine is moving forward step by step!

   After the meeting was over, the others left, and Cyric and Hitler continued to have an in-depth exchange.

   "If we want to win the next war, we must win in military technology." Cyric said: "In addition to our own efforts, we also need a series of other means."

Hearing Cyric’s words, Hitler’s eyes lit up: "Cyric, are you referring to aircraft carriers? It seems that only the drawings of the island country Akagi are not enough. We also need British aircraft carrier drawings. , I will tell Heinrich to do this."

   Now, a consensus has been reached on the development of the German navy and the development of aircraft carriers. Of course Hitler has taken it seriously! Of course, it is obviously impossible to obtain aircraft carrier drawings through technical exchange like Cyric did. There is only another way, using spies!

Cyric nodded, then followed, and shook his head: "More than that, I went to the UK this time and found some scientists in the UK who have considerable potential. For the sake of our German technological development, these people shouldn’t stay there. United Kingdom."

   Cyric's words made Hitler interested: "Cyric, tell me, who is there?"

   Assassinated British technologists to delay the development of British technology! This method is actually not good, especially, once it is discovered by the British side, if the same method is adopted, it is also a great threat to Germany.

   However, if you set up now, you can do it quietly within a few years, and you won’t have to be surprised!

   In the UK, there are really not many that make Cyrek attractive.

   For example, now, Cyric only thought of three people who had to deal with Germany.

  I just came back and I was busy with this sea-air showdown. Cyrek had not reported the matter. Now, taking advantage of Hitler's high spirits, Cyrek and Hitler had made a report.

   Turing, Fleming, Mitchell!

   Among them, Turing is the **** scholar, cryptographer and artificial intelligence expert. He was the leader of the German cryptographer during World War II. Such a guy must never stay!

   Fleming is the inventor of penicillin. A few years ago, Fleming published a research paper on the bactericidal effect of mold culture in the British Journal of Experimental Pathology, but it was not noticed.

   Although he discovered penicillin, he was unable to invent a technique for purifying penicillin himself, so that the drug has not been used for more than ten years.

   In history, until 1939, the Australian Walter Flory in the UK and Paulis Chann, born in Germany, purified penicillin and successfully used it for patients in 1941.

   Bring Fleming to Germany, and the government has invested in encouragement, and the mass production of penicillin can be realized as soon as possible! However, this technology must be kept secret!

   As for the last one, Mitchell, that was the designer of the Spitfire. Now, although Rolls-Royce has been smashed and the Merlin engine has been lost, what has happened to history? No one knows, what if another company comes up with a suitable engine?

   So, just get rid of the talented aircraft designer!

In fact, although many advanced weapons and equipment are inevitable for scientific and technological progress, talented designers still play a big role in them. For example, without Koshkin, they would not With the great T-34, without Kartsev, there would be no T-72.

  With three to five years of layout, it would be difficult for the British to find out with these three people!

   Hitler nodded quickly to Cyric’s proposal and handed it to Himmler to handle it. At this time, the sky was already bright.

   "Hannah?" When he opened the door, Cyric saw Hannah sitting in a chair in the corridor outside, already asleep.

   In her hand, she held a military coat.

   Obviously, Hannah was afraid of Cyric's cold, so she specially sent her to Cyric. Seeing Hannah's appearance, Cyric was moved.

   In the struggle to strengthen this country and avoid future bad luck, Cyric almost forgets that he is here and is not alone. There is already a woman who has given him a family.

   Cyric took off his military uniform and lightly covered Hannah's body.

   It seemed to feel the warmth, Hannah's eyes opened. When she saw Cyric, she was immediately happy: "Cyric, are you finished?"

   Cyric nodded: "Hannah, you don't have to wait so stupidly in the future. Be careful that you are freezing."

Hannah’s hand slung Cyric’s arm, and leaned her head against Cyric’s warm chest: "Cyric, you are everything to me. I will follow you wherever you go. It’s good to wait for you outside even if you can’t attend your meeting.”

   For such an infatuated woman, Cyric had no other words, and held her tightly in his arms.

   "By the way, Cyric, my father kept saying, I want to talk to you when it is convenient." At this moment, Hannah suddenly remembered something.

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