The Third Reich

Chapter 929: Keep attacking

For FW190, any fighter of this era is pale and weak in front of it, and it is just a unilateral massacre.

And now, its prey is not a lightweight fighter, just a slow attack aircraft!

At the same time, their attack plan is also very simple. Dive attack, pull up, and then dive again. The opponent can only be beaten, or run away, and there is no chance to fight back.

Especially, when diving down from the air, Werner saw those slow planes. There was no machine gunner in the back seat, and there was a blind spot behind!

This is simply a good opportunity for massacre!

Werner's plane dived down, and he pulled off the speed brakes so that his dive speed would not be too high. In his sight, the target was getting bigger and bigger.

At this point, it is clear that the target has not responded!

The target is still flying forward steadily, walking in a straight line. After entering the battle zone, even a straight flight for five seconds is fatal!

Lifting his nose slightly forward, preset the advance of the cannon, Werner pressed the launch button.

"Tom Tom Tom!" The 40mm cannon fired three shells and flew toward the opponent.

With the continuous advancement of technology, the weapons on the plane are also constantly evolving. The power of the machine gun is too small. In many cases, after a lot of bullets pass, the opponent is beaten into a hornet's nest, and as a result, it can still fly normally.

Therefore, in the Spanish experience, they began to equip the 20mm shaft gun, and then, with the continuous development, they have now begun to equip the cannon originally installed on the HS129.

In fact, if you consider all kinds of performance comprehensively, the 20mm cannon is almost the same, and this batch of fighters is equipped with 40mm cannon. Their mission is to intercept the opponent’s bomber and deal with the bomber. A 40mm shell is sufficient.

The problem with the large caliber is that the rate of fire is low, and the amount of ammunition is low. It is impossible to sway randomly like machine gun bullets. For each shot, you need to wait for the best opportunity. Moreover, at most three shots each time, absolutely I dare not shoot all the shells out at once.

"Boom!" The 40mm armor-piercing incendiary bomb accurately hit the rear fuselage of that Il-2. When the shell exploded, the entire rear fuselage was immediately torn apart!

This is the power of the large-caliber cannon!

If it was a machine gun bullet, and it hit the tail of the opponent's wooden plane, it would be just a few bullet holes, which is nothing at all, but now, a shell will tear the rear fuselage!

The rear fuselage is separated from the fuselage, and the front fuselage, instantly like a big rock, rotated downward and fell down!

During the roll, the pilot never had the opportunity to parachute.

At this time, the Soviet pilots' radios had been screaming.

"Attention, there is a German plane overhead!"

"where is it?"

"126, 126, behind you, turn around, hurry!"

"No, he has opened fire!"

The screams on the radio became a mess.

For Soviet pilots, this was a terrible and unforgettable moment.

According to the advance investigation, the Germans were at the nearest military airport here, which was more than 300 kilometers away. When they found their own invasion and took off in an emergency, it would take at least half an hour to fly over. By that time, their bombing had already been completed. The mission is back.

Who would have thought that the Germans were waiting for them overhead!

Although they are attack planes, not bombers, their mobility is definitely not enough to compete with light and flexible fighters, especially now, they still carry two 250 kg bombs!

How to do? Throw away the bomb?

Almost at the moment of being attacked, Varisi was stunned by the previous scene.

A few kilometers ahead, in a woods, a big fireball suddenly appeared in the air, accompanied by huge black smoke, covering the entire woods!

"Boom!" A few seconds later, the sound reached his plane. At this moment, he felt that his plane was shaking.

What size cannon is that? Even the Navy’s 406mm naval gun fired, there was no such movement! The Germans were able to carry this cannon ashore, and they were able to solve various problems in launching!

Blow it up!

Thinking of his mission, Varisi no longer hesitated: "Attention, the Fourth Aviation Regiment, found the target, right in front, ready to attack!"

In the noisy sound of the radio, Varisi's voice suppressed everything, and the pilots were dumbfounded. Of course they knew what it meant.

At all costs, even if you sacrifice yourself, you must complete the task!

At the same time, they all noticed the black smoke rising up, as if a demon came out of it, a scene they had never seen before, and inside it was a terrible German cannon.

Even if all the sacrifices are made, the terrible cannon must be blown up!

Recovered from the attack just now, as the Soviets, as the most determined old Maozi, they once again gathered their will.

If they say that their biggest failure this time is that they did not bring a fighter jet to escort, this is not their care. They have calculated the time, which was originally enough. At the same time, their Il-2 attack aircraft has a strong anti-strike ability. , General machine guns, machine guns, they are all immune.

Unfortunately, the sturdiness of the Germans exceeded their imagination.

Having dropped the bomb, the pilots who had planned to escape also calmed down. Instead of running back, they pushed the joystick to face the German fighter jets.

Fight with German fighters to create opportunities for your own aircraft to attack cannons!

An Il-2 attack plane flew in the direction of Werner. Just a second ago, Werner killed an Il-2 attack plane.

"Da da da da." The 20 mm cannon equipped on the Il-2 attack aircraft fired at this FW190!

The cannonballs flew, and Werner gently pulled the control lever, the fighter turned with a downward slope, and threw those cannonballs aside. Then, Werner didn't fight the opponent at all, but continued to climb sharply.

The two-thousand-horsepower air-cooled engine was roaring, driving the lightweight fighter to climb, and the Il-2 attack aircraft behind could only watch the German fighters leave their shooting range.

"Be careful, don't fight with the attack aircraft that has dropped the bomb, first intercept the Soviet attack aircraft flying towards the target." Werner yelled over the radio.

Their task is to intercept. Those who have dropped the bombs are no longer threatening. After climbing up a few hundred meters, he dived down again and attacked the Il-2 that flew in front. The plane dived down.

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