The Third Reich

Chapter 947: 20,000 tanks

In history, the German operation Barbarossa ultimately failed. They were the closest to Moscow, and it seemed that they would be able to get in as long as they worked so hard.

However, they ultimately failed. The war against the Soviet Union turned Germany from prosperity to decline, and finally ushered in the end of destruction.

This result made Cyric sigh, and at the same time, since he himself passed through, he must avoid this from happening.

Speaking of this period of history, there will always be countless brick makers who sum up: Germany's attack on the Soviet Union, which is far above it in terms of size, population, resources, etc., is bound to fail.

This is pure nonsense. Looking at every previous battle, doesn't Germany win more with less? If these conditions are not met, Germany will inevitably fail, and Germany is still a bullshit.

There is no war in the world. If there is a dispute between the two countries, then hurry up and compare. My area is larger than you, the population is more, and the resources are more than you. You can't beat me. This can really make the world full of love.

Boxers don't need to fight anymore, just have more muscles than anyone else.

War is definitely not the result of a historian's take it for granted. It is the result of the accumulation of countless factors. Later generations can be like prophets. Only those who are truly on the scene are truly qualified to speak. of.

Germany has the possibility of fighting the Soviet Union successfully. It has been in history, and it is even more now!

Historically, Germany’s failure and continuous revision of its combat objectives were a major problem. First, it had to hit Moscow and then the oil fields of the Caucasus, which caused the troops to be unable to concentrate.

At that time, Germany couldn't help it because he didn't have oil, and now, this problem no longer exists.

Libya’s oil is enough for the German war to consume, not to mention that Rommel has already occupied the Suez Canal and continues to march towards the Middle East. The vast oil fields there are enough to support all German wars.

So, Germany's strategic goal is to reach Moscow!

To destroy a country is to occupy their capital. When Moscow is occupied by Germany, the Soviets are destroyed! The blow to the Soviets is more importantly psychological. When the capital falls, they will accept this defeat!

Moreover, another factor is that Germany has already solved the problem on the western front, and there is no need to worry about fighting on the two fronts, and it can fully respond to the war on the eastern front.

"Head of State, I propose that we can attack in three areas." Keitel, who has been promoted to marshal, said: "The border between us and the Soviet Union is long, from north to south, divided into three armies."

Keitel walked to the front of the map on the wall, holding a control pole to indicate the situation above: "The army from the north, starting from East Prussia, passing through Devinsk and Ostrov, passing through the central and western regions of the Soviet Union to occupy or destroy Lenin Geller, this army can attack with the Finnish army."

"In the middle road, starting from the east of Warsaw, attacking Moscow via Brest, Minsk, and Smolensk, this is the main force for realizing our strategic intentions."

"On the southern road, we attacked the densely populated agricultural heartland-Ukraine, launched an attack on Kiev from Lublin to the mouth of the Danube, then attacked the Donbass, and then into the southern Russian steppes until the Volga River and the oil-rich Caucasus area."

After several years of command and strategic consideration, Keitel has been quite comprehensive. The three armies attacked together and divided their forces into three directions, and they were all the most important goals.

Leningrad, what hit the confidence of the Soviets, after all, was a city named after their founding leader, and the South Road hit Ukraine, where it was the Soviet granary. If it was defeated, the Soviets would lack food and there was no possibility of continuing the war.

The three-way armies complement each other and attack together. They can also take care of each other on the flanks. This is a perfect plan.

From an objective point of view, this plan is not too problematic. Although Cyric's goal is to attack Moscow, if a long dragon hits Moscow directly, the two wings are quite dangerous, and the Soviets may make dumplings at any time.

Cyric nodded: "This plan is feasible. In order to improve the maneuverability of our troops, each army in the middle and south roads needs about 10,000 tanks and 50,000 armored vehicles."

In the entire European battlefield, Germany is already proficient in the blitzkrieg, and they have applied them quite well, while the Soviet Union has a vast territory and is still the stage for tank troops to play.

Even so, the request made by Cyric made Speer frowned.

In the history of the Barbarossa plan, Germany only prepared more than 4,000 tanks. Now, Cyrek requires more than 20,000 tanks in total!

When Speer came to power, he began to promote the acceleration of the German military industry, especially now that the military industry of France and Britain have been integrated, and the German military production has reached a new level. Even so, until now, Germany The number of tanks equipped in the army is less than 10,000.

You know, in history, German tanks were mainly No. 3 and No. 4 tanks. Now, it is mainly Panther 3, and even Tiger tanks are being produced.

These tanks are complicated in technology, and the output is not so easy to increase.

In particular, if workers need to be transferred from the production line, it will take time for the new workers to run-in, and produce 10,000 more tanks at once? Where is it so easy!

There are about 50,000 armored vehicles!

In the past,, the main force of German equipment was the wheeled infantry fighting vehicle improved on Ford's ten-ton truck. This infantry fighting vehicle was simple in cost and shared a production line with cars, allowing large quantities of equipment to be produced.

However, it is not very suitable, especially on the muddy road. When Rommel's troops went to Dunkirk, he almost abandoned his wheeled infantry fighting vehicles due to the restrictions of the swamp.

In the Soviet Union, the road conditions are bad. Once the rainy season comes, it is simply a nightmare for wheeled infantry fighting vehicles. Therefore, almost all of the newly produced crawler infantry fighting vehicles are now time-consuming.

In this case, it is almost impossible to reach the number stated by the head of state. And Speer is serious and responsible, and he doesn't want to show his incompetence in front of the head of state.

As if he knew what Speer was thinking, Cyrek suddenly turned his gaze to Speer: "Speer, all the equipment for the troops will be in place by February next year, is it okay?"

Hearing this, Spelton breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the head of state needed it immediately. It turns out that there is still a year left!

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