The Third Reich

Chapter 980: Successfully blown up

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The sound of heavy objects falling into the water came from below, which was not very loud in the dark.

This voice quickly disappeared into the night, as if nothing had appeared.

During the whole process, Peter did not make any sound. He fell like a big rock. Although Eric saw the despair in Peter's eyes, Peter did not call for help.

If he called for help, he would expose the whereabouts of this rock-climbing person. Although it is useless to call for help, it is after all a human instinct to survive.

At this time, Peter put the task first. Even if he fell and died, he couldn't expose his goal. This task would not be completed.

Peter, just an ordinary soldier, and his deeds, throughout World War II, I don’t know how many, every soldier is small, in the commander’s eyes, they are just cold numbers, but, They use their lives to interpret what is called loyalty.

No matter which side the soldier is, such a soldier is worthy of pride.

Peter fell, and the others just sighed in their hearts for a while. Next, they must be more careful and continue to perform the task!

Finally, Ainnar climbed up first, crouching on the edge of the cliff, looking at the railway above.

There is no one. Every two hours, a patrol team will pass by, and their time is still sufficient.

"Quick, quick!" Ronnie yelled quietly. Behind him, the other five people all climbed up. They packed their clothes and continued under the leadership of Ainnar, and rushed towards the back door of the factory. .

The three members of Yanzi's team followed. According to their pre-planned plan, after seeing the gate, they hid them and prepared to take cover.

The gate here is just an ordinary fence gate. It is locked by the railway. When the train comes, the gate will open. At this time, in the gatehouse, there is only one guard sentry.

Ronnie, who climbed up quietly, easily killed the dozing sentry from behind. Then, a few people quickly crawled under the fence gate. The land base of the railway was very high, and there was no problem drilling underneath.

Inside the factory, with dim street lights on, Ainnar continued to lead the way and headed to the target workshop. Along the way, Ainnar escaped two waves of people with him.

Finally, in front of a big pipe, Ainnar heaved a sigh of relief: "Here."

Ronnie also breathed a sigh of relief. The task was finally completed. He turned his head back and found that there were only three people left behind him!

He didn't speak, he just looked behind him and couldn't see anyone. It seemed that two men had fallen behind on the way just now.

Can't wait for them, Ronnie used his hands and feet together and climbed up the pipeline. This set of pipelines leads directly to the target workshop!

Together with Ainnar, the five people crawled forward with difficulty on the pipeline. The biggest advantage of being above is that they would not be discovered by the people below. They passed the three sets of sentries, and none of the sentries paid any attention.

Moreover, they didn't need to open the door, followed the pipeline, and directly entered the heavy water storage workshop, one by one stainless steel containers, finally appeared in front of Ronnie.

"Timely, it will explode in fifteen minutes," Ronnie said.

There is no one in this storage workshop at this time. Only when all the containers are full, will there be a special tank truck to pick them up.

Several people came down quickly, placed the explosives on their backs close to the container, and installed a small timer specially developed by the United States to set the detonation time.

With a sigh of relief, Ronnie made a gesture, and several people went out silently again.

The two subordinates were no longer to be found. They must have lost their way in the factory. When Ronnie reunited with the Yanzi team, he could only feel regret about it.

Those two men can only ask God to protect them from safety.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a huge explosion inside the factory. With the explosion, the alarm sounded.

The lights came on, and countless guards rushed past, even hearing the sound of the fire truck.

Too late!

When they arrived at the explosion site, all the heavy water tanks had been blown up. The precious heavy water flowed down the drain into the ditch, mixed with ordinary water, and could no longer be used!

There was chaos in the factory.


Wolf den.

With the construction of this place, Cyric found that he likes to stay here more and more. Looking at the tall mountains outside, it seems to be much better than the bustling Berlin. Here, his mind will be extremely clear.

Now, standing on the viewing platform, looking at the lush trees below, Cyric listened to Reinhardt's report.

"That is to say The British two times, finally successfully bombed our only heavy water plant?" Cyric could not help but ask after hearing the report.

This incident, of course, happened in history and had a significant impact on Germany, but now, for Cyrek, it has almost no impact.

German nuclear reactors don’t need heavy water at all. Under Cyreck’s suggestion, the most common graphite is used as a moderator, which has been operating safely for several years.

As for Heisenberg's treatises, of course they are meant to confuse the United States. After all, in the eyes of those nuclear physics experts in the United States, heavy water is definitely a good raw material for moderators.

"Yes, I am also responsible for this matter." Reinhardt said: "After all, after their first failed operation, I should have attracted attention, but it was a pity that I ignored it."

Cyric shook his head: "There is no need to talk about the issue of responsibility now. We can't completely protect Norway. The most important thing now is how to deal with it."

"The heavy water plant was bombed, but suffered partial damage. We can resume heavy water production within half a month," Reinhardt said.

In the end, only five people arrived at the workshop of the factory. The explosives they carried were too low in power and did not cause much damage to the factory. There were even two stainless steel tanks that could be reused after repair.

"No, I am not referring to this." Cyric said: "We want to let the Americans know that we have repeatedly loved peace and are unwilling to enter a state of war with the United States. However, it does not mean that we will always tolerate them. Since they Blow up our nuclear facilities, then we will also blow up their nuclear facilities! With the start of the Manhattan Project in the United States, it is also a threat to us. We will completely eliminate them in the bud."

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