The thousand-fold power transmission, all the disciples ascended

Chapter 511: The History of the Ancient Demon Kingdom

Feng Xi looked at Su Ming in disbelief. Just one day had passed, and Su Ming had broken through from the basic level of Tianji Realm to the high level.

Moreover, in these two days, the overall strength of the Emperor Immortal Sect has once again strengthened. Ling Zhiyu has entered the primary level of Tianji Realm, Xiao Yiyun has broken through to the Earth Level, and other disciples have also improved.

This kind of cultivation speed is unheard of in the entire Xuanhuang Continent and is extremely shocking. Even in the Tiandao Alliance, such a thing has never happened.

Feng Xi was so shocked that she had nothing to say. She had called Su Ming "boy" the day before yesterday. At this time, Feng Xi had to rethink the title.

"Master Su, have you been prepared in the past two days?"

Feng Xi said softly, without the arrogance of the past. After all, Su Ming's strength is now on par with hers. Coupled with his cultivation speed, Feng Xi dare not say whether Su Ming will break through to the heaven level in two days. , reaching a state that no one in Tianyun State has ever reached.

Sure enough, strength is the most important thing, and the little Lolita's tone changed... Su Ming cleared her throat and said to Zhou Ziruo:

"Go and invite all the other sects in Tianyun Province. I want to discuss something with them."

After hearing this, Feng Xi immediately slapped the chair angrily, stood up and asked angrily:

"Su Ming, what do you mean? Didn't you agree that we are the two forces? Why did you call them here? Could it be that you want to monopolize it!"

Feng Xi's tone was very angry, completely losing her previous respect.

She spent so long just to get that power to avenge her family. How could she allow someone else to interfere in this matter and increase the hidden dangers now?

In anger, Feng Xi unleashed the pressure of a strong person in the Tianji Realm. She didn't mind having a battle with Su Ming.

When the people around him saw this, they immediately entered a state of alert. Ling Zhiyu immediately used his spiritual power to resist the pressure. Xiao Yiyun was frightened and kept walking back, keeping a safe distance from Feng Xi.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the meeting hall was extremely tense.

Su Ming shook his head and said: "That's not the case. I just want to unify the power of Tianyun State. In this way, we can better protect ourselves when fighting against the Tiandao Alliance and the power in the secret realm, and our winning rate will be better. big."

"You must also know the power in the secret realm. It is impossible to win with the two of us. You definitely don't want to die in Tianyun State without taking revenge. Moreover, the Tiandao Alliance will definitely stop it. We simply don't want to win." There is no other force to compete with them, so we need more force."

"I can assure you that these people will not get involved in what is going on between us. They are just trying to better protect Tianyun State and their own home."

After hearing Su Ming's words, Feng Xi thought for a while and realized that what Su Ming said was indeed correct. They really needed strength at this moment.

Seeing Feng Xi's acquiescence, Su Ming gestured to Zhou Ziruo, who nodded and left the Emperor Immortal Sect with Ling Zhiyu and other disciples.

At this time, Su Ming looked at Tian Yangsheng who was standing aside and said, "It's just time to take this opportunity to tell you everything you know about the history of the Ancient Demon Kingdom, because the big events that will happen next will have nothing to do with you Ancient Demon Kingdom." The kingdom is closely related, and it may be related to the life and death of all sentient beings in Tianyun State."

Hearing this, Feng Xi's expression immediately became serious, staring closely at Tian Yangsheng, wanting to know the secrets of the Ancient Demon Kingdom from him.

Tian Yangsheng looked at Su Ming's serious expression and knew that now was the most tense moment. Tianyun State might be destroyed because of his words. This was a disaster.

Therefore, he did not hide anything and said slowly:

"I have lived in the Ancient Demon Kingdom since I was a child. As far as I know, the Ancient Demon Kingdom only existed in this recent era. As for what it was called before, I don't know."

"I have seen in the kingdom's history books that the name of the Ancient Demon Kingdom comes from the Sky Compass. The Ancient Power is hidden in the Sky Compass. The people of the Ancient Demon Kingdom are to protect the Sky Compass for generations. But because of the Sky Compass, The power is too powerful, so many people are trying to seize the Sky Compass. Today, it has evolved to the point where the prince who owns the Sky Compass can become the emperor. "

"In the past, the Ancient Demon Kingdom lived deep in the Ancient Demon Mountains, and was isolated by a barrier. People in the kingdom could not get out. But just recently, the barrier of the kingdom disappeared. This is why I was able to escape and meet the Master. Another important reason.”

"As for the others, I don't know."

After listening to Tian Yangsheng's words, both Su Ming and Feng Xi fell into silence.

Combining Tian Yangsheng's narrative and the information he had previously obtained, Su Ming deduced that the Ancient Demon Kingdom protected the Tian Compass to protect the power in the secret realm.

Although the barrier prevents people from the Ancient Demon Kingdom from leaving, it also protects the people from the Ancient Demon Kingdom on another level.

Now that the barrier is gone, as previously suspected, the things in the secret realm are about to emerge.

But why do people from the Ancient Demon Kingdom protect the things in the secret realm? As people from the Ancient Demon Kingdom after the last disaster, they should hate the things in the secret realm the most. After all, the things in the secret realm will bring great disaster to Tianyun State!

Su Ming shook his head, he couldn't figure it out.

Su Ming looked at Feng Xi and found that he was also frowning, as confused as himself.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. They knew in their hearts that only the people of the Tiandao Alliance and the emperor of the Ancient Demon Kingdom, who was Tian Yangsheng's father, knew the answer to this matter.

At this time, many figures gradually appeared in the sky in the distance of Emperor Immortal Sect. It was Zhou Ziruo and Ling Zhiyu who came here with people from various sects in Tianyun State.

Situ Haoran and Mu Jue were the first to bring their disciples to the Emperor Immortal Sect. When they entered the meeting hall, they saw Su Ming sitting on the stage and instantly showed the same look as Feng Xi.

When Ling Zhiyu invited them just now, they were already shocked, but they didn't expect that Su Ming here would shock them even more.

"Heavenly Extreme Realm... High Level!"

Mu Jue and Situ Haoran were stunned. They saw Su Ming at a low level the day before, but they didn't expect that Su Ming had reached a high level after two days.

This made the two wonder if these two days were two years.

Su Ming ordered the disciples of the Emperor Immortal Sect to find seats for the two. As soon as the two sat down, they found that there was a little loli next to them, who was also in the Heavenly Extreme Realm.

"This... Is the Heavenly Extreme Realm so worthless now? How come there is another one?"

Before the two of them finished being shocked, the next group of people from the sect came to the meeting hall. They repeated the situation that Mu Jue and the others had seen before, which made Mu Jue and the others feel like they were looking in the mirror.

They said in their hearts at the same time.

Emperor Immortal Sect! It's so scary!

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