The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 161 Snowy Night: Dowry Half the National Treasury

"The match begins." The referee announced, and the two people in the field moved almost at the same time.

The battle was about to break out, snakes and lightning surged, Yu Tianqing screamed, and his body soared into the air, rushing straight to Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai also narrowed his evil eyes slightly, and mobilized his whole body's soul power. With the sound of breaking through the air, two huge tiger claws faced Yu Tianqing.

In terms of fighting style, the attributes of the White Tiger Martial Soul are relatively average, while the top martial soul Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is a strong attack in the strong attack while having a strong defense. In comparison, the advantage of the White Tiger Martial Soul is that it consumes less.

Boom——, after a collision between a dragon and a tiger, the two figures flew back several meters at the same time.

At this time, Dai Mubai's body was surrounded by snakes and lightning, and his long golden hair fluttered without wind under the stimulation of lightning. The white tiger hair on his arms was stimulated to stand up. The lightning attached to the dragon claws caused a scorched black on the palm. Under the paralysis effect, Dai Mubai couldn't stop shaking like a Parkinson's patient.

Not far away from him, after Yu Tianqing completely transformed into a dragon, his hands covered by dragon scales were intact, and not even a single scale was broken.

Corresponding to the dark attributes of the Nether Spirit Cat, the White Tiger, the martial spirit of the Xingluo Empire, also has some light attributes, but these few light attributes are not even as powerful as some intermediate martial spirits, and can only be said to be better than nothing, not to mention causing damage to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

After one move, Dai Mubai had seen the strength of his opponent clearly. Feeling powerless, he turned his eyes to the Blue Tyrant Team watching the game below the stage, but what he received was Tang San's resolute gaze.

Dai Mubai couldn't help but curse in his heart: Little jerk, it's obviously an impossible game, but you have to let me consume the opponent's physical strength. Before, I was still Dai Boss, but now I have become Mubai in your mouth. If I hadn't expected you to defeat Davis, I would have turned against you long ago.

Although he cursed in his heart, Dai Mubai's hands did not stop. Facing Yu Tianqing's continuous attacks, he could only keep resisting. Not long after, the smell of cooked meat came from a pair of charred tiger claws.

Feeling that his soul power was running out, Dai Mubai retreated a few steps, looked at Yu Tianqing and said loudly: "Next, I will use my strongest skill. How about we decide the winner in one move?"

"That's what I mean!!" Yu Tianqing, who had long been impatient, shouted loudly.

In an instant, the soul power around the two people suddenly surged, and the purple fourth soul ring under their feet also flashed at the same time.

The faint golden light scattered on Dai Mubai's body gradually turned into white light, and white light balls began to condense around his body. The snake electricity around Yu Tianqing also condensed together, transforming into a blue dragon about one meter long, flying beside him like a fish.

The fourth soul skill of the evil-eyed white tiger, the white tiger meteor shower.

The fourth soul skill of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, Blue Lightning Dragon Speed.

As the Blue Lightning Dragon Speed ​​burst out, dozens of white light balls around Dai Mubai collided with it one by one, boom boom boom boom boom boom... The violent collision caused the competition venue to burst into wailing, and a large pile of mud was lifted into the air due to the strong explosion force, turning into thick dust that obscured everyone's vision.

When the smoke dissipated, the figure of Dai Mubai, who was charred all over and lying on his back, slowly appeared.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex was originally focused on attacking. Facing the single attack soul skill released by Yu Tianqing after the dragon transformation bonus, Dai Mubai had no room to resist. Fortunately, the opponent was not as cruel as the students who walked out of Shrek. At the last moment, the Thunder Dragon turned around and only scratched Dai Mubai's waist.

Under the paralyzing effect of thunder, Dai Mubai fell straight to the ground, unable to move at all.

At this time, Dai Mubai's eyes just met Zhu Zhuqing, who was not far away and looked indifferent. At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was wearing tight clothes, which outlined a perfect curve of her plump figure that was far beyond ordinary people, but her slightly chubby face was full of indifference, and there was no emotion in her eyes when she looked at Dai Mubai.

The successive failures made Dai Mubai secretly think: Zhu Zhuqing and I don't have martial soul fusion skills, and we only rely on Xiao San's weird blue silver grass. Will we really be Davis' opponent?


As Dai Mubai lost the battle, Tang San, the captain, immediately walked onto the field.

But to everyone's surprise, Yu Tianqing, who had no wounds, decisively left the range of the ring. Instead, the captain of the Thunder Team, Yu Tianheng, who had the strength of a soul king, walked onto the ring with an indifferent face.

Tang San absorbed the vitality of countless people, and his soul power level had quietly reached level 47. It wouldn't take long for him to reach the threshold of a soul king.

But when he walked in front of Yu Tianheng, Tang San felt unprecedented pressure. A killer's intuition told him that the gap between the two was not just that between an ordinary Soul Sect and a Soul King. On his opponent, Tang San even felt the oppression comparable to that of a Soul Saint like Zhao Wuji.

Although Yu Tianheng had not obtained the sixth soul ring, he had absorbed a set of thunder attribute soul bones and had the strength of a Soul Emperor. He could even kill some Soul Saints with ordinary combat power easily.

Before the battle, Tang San's back was soaked with sweat. The full fighting spirit before going on stage had also dissipated. He couldn't stop cursing in his heart: What's wrong with these guys from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect? They are so strong at such a young age. Yu Tianming is like this, Yu Tianxin of the Royal Fighting Team is like this, and even Yu Tianheng of the Thunder Academy is so powerful.

Seeing that Tang San was reluctant to take action, Yu Tianheng smiled slightly and said slowly: "Tang San, since you are on stage, why can't you use one move? Use your strongest move."

He was just taking a leisurely stroll and didn't notice me at all? Looking at Yu Tianheng, who was five points similar to Yu Tianming, Tang San's eyes were gradually filled with anger, "Don't regret it..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang San flicked his right hand towards the Twenty-Four Bridge Moonlit Night on his waist. As the black light surged, an inconspicuous small hammer appeared in his right palm. At the same time, there was a sudden explosion under Tang San's feet, and centered on his legs that sank into the ground, a large pit suddenly burst out of the entire ground.

Tang San half turned his body, holding the hammer with both hands, exerting force on his calves, using his legs to carry his waist, his belt to carry his body, and his back to carry his arms. He spun half a circle and rushed towards Yu Tianheng like a cannonball.

Peng——, the Haotian Hammer hit Yu Tianheng's dragon-shaped palm, but Yu Tianheng didn't move a step, and the Haotian Hammer didn't cause any damage to his scales.

The palms of the Clear Sky Hammer and Yu Tianheng were separated as soon as they touched each other. With the force of the counter-shock, Tang San spun around again and hit Yu Tianheng with another hammer.

Next, Tang San kept swinging the Clear Sky Hammer, while Yu Tianheng stretched out his right hand, swung his front and backhand slightly, and caught all of Tang San's heavy hammer. In the eyes of everyone in the audience, Tang San was spinning like a top, and Yu Tianheng was like a top, hitting the Clear Sky Hammer with one slap after another.

Although Tang San didn't say it clearly, the ability he was using at this time was clearly the Haotian Sect's unique sect soul skill, the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique. It is said that after practicing the Luan Cloak Hammering Technique to the extreme, one can swing ninety-nine and eighty-one hammers without interruption, and the power of each hammer will be increased compared to the previous one. Even if his strength is a big level higher, he still cannot directly withstand the last blow of the eighty-one hammers.

Although only the direct disciples of the Haotian Sect are qualified to learn the complete Chaos Cloak Hammer technique, many blacksmiths in Douluo Continent can also learn the two-move Chaos Wind Hammer technique.

However, Tang San's identity could not be confirmed with the Chaos Splitting Wind move, but everyone present could recognize the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand. Salas at the VIP table gradually showed a strange expression - this Tang San actually dared to reveal the Clear Sky Hammer in public, was he confident? Or do you think that no one recognizes his martial spirit?

"Twin martial souls? If he can cultivate successfully, this guy's future achievements will definitely be limitless." Ning Fengzhi turned to look at his son-in-law Yu Tianming, with a strange light in his eyes flashing, as if to say: This son must not be kept. At dawn, you quickly looked for an opportunity to get rid of him.

A disdainful smile appeared on Yu Tianming's face, and he said slowly: "Even if there are two martial souls, you can only use one at a time. The biggest advantage of twin martial souls is to absorb higher-aged soul rings. Even if you have two martial souls, you can only use one at a time." Strong, there is no hope of defeating me."

Yu Tianming's words were extremely arrogant, attracting a burst of attention from the distinguished guests. Only Ning Fengzhi and Qian Renxue, who were aware of his strength, nodded.

Salas's eyes moved slightly again, and he thought to himself: Isn't Yu Tianming a mutated martial spirit with full innate soul power? Looking at Ning Fengzhi's expression, is it possible that he indeed has abilities far beyond those of his twin martial spirits? Tang San has twin martial spirits and the mysterious Yu Tianming. I have to write another secret letter to the Pope...

Qian Renxue thought of her mother, and then thought of Yu Tianming's terrifying soul ring ratio, and said calmly: "Tianming is right, with Tang San's current strength, even if both spirits are successfully cultivated, there is no chance to challenge you."

Emperor Xue Ye was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "Tianming, as early as ten years ago, when I first met you, I felt that the two of us were destined. At that time, I also wanted Xue Ke to make a baby with you. My dear, I didn’t expect that Sect Leader Ning would take the lead.”

He turned to look at Xue Qinghe behind Qian Renxue in disguise, and said happily: "Qinghe, you are with Tianming every day. When you have time, you can take Xue Ke to meet Tianming. If Tianming can like Ke'er, I am willing to give half of Tiandou’s treasury to Ke’er as a dowry.”

Qian Renxue looked at Xue Ye who was so generous, and thought to herself: When you die, the entire Tiandou Empire will be ours, and we still want Xue Ke to marry? You should live until that time first.

"Father, I understand." Qian Renxue still had an elegant and easy-going look on her face, as if she was a replica of Ning Fengzhi.

For a moment, the faces of Xue Xing and Xue Beng behind the VIP seats were extremely ugly, while Emperor Xue Ye had even forgotten about the soul fighting competition, and narrowed his eyes as if drinking wine, as if the Tiandou Empire would soon come. To thrive again.

While the VIPs were chatting and laughing, Tang San on the ring had already turned countless times. As the power he accumulated grew stronger, the Clear Sky Hammer turned faster and faster, becoming more and more difficult to control. As for it looked like Tang San was being rotated by the Clear Sky Hammer.

At this time, Tang San had reached his limit. Not only was it difficult to control the Clear Sky Hammer anymore, but in the previous attacks, the countershock force transmitted by the Clear Sky Hammer also exceeded the limit that Tang San could withstand. Now his His forearm was already full of cracks. If he continued to attack, he would not be far from being disabled.

Thinking of this, Tang San's expression became extremely solemn, and the next moment, the constantly rotating Clear Sky Hammer was quickly thrown towards Yu Tianheng by Tang San like a hidden weapon. Tang San himself was thrown away by the power of the Clear Sky Hammer and rolled dozens of times on the ground before he regained his balance.

Feeling the power of the Clear Sky Hammer at its strongest, Yu Tianheng's eyes became serious for the first time. He saw the soul rings under his feet jumping, blue light flashing on his body, and the blessed soul skills were instantly used, and his figure suddenly grew. A bit bigger.

Peng————, a huge sonic boom sounded. Although the ground under Yu Tianheng's feet instantly cracked into a large crater, he firmly caught the Clear Sky Hammer again.

"How can this be?"

Tang San looked at Yu Tianheng, who didn't waver at all, and his eyes were splitting with anger: The Clear Sky Hammer had been charged for so long and he had already used 500% of his strength. Why was Yu Tianheng still taking it so easily?

Bang -, Yu Tianheng let go of the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, and slowly walked up to the disgraced Tang San.

"It's just a soul sect, but he can actually unleash the power of the soul emperor. Yes, your technique of splitting the wind and hammer is quite good, but there are limits to this move of splitting the wind." Yu Tianheng was silent for a moment, and then slowly Xu said: "Its limit is your physical fitness, and as a weak weapon soul master, you are still a long way from breaking through my defense."

Seeing Tang San's silence, Yu Tianheng lost interest and directly released the martial spirit's possession, slowly leaving the arena beside Tang San who looked confused.

There are too many flaws in the random splitting wind hammer technique - the Haotian Hammer is already bulky, and when using the random splitting wind hammer technique, it must be drawn in an arc, which makes the movement even more restricted. This move is extremely easy to dodge, and in front of a soul master whose strength is not much different, the Haotian Sect soul master will completely expose his fragile body by wielding the Chaos Splitting Wind.

It is also because there are too many flaws, so most of the time the Haotian Sect only uses this technique as a blacksmithing technique, so the Haotian Sect is willing to teach the incomplete random splitting and wind hammering technique to other blacksmiths.

Feeling that his own strength was weak again, Tang San stood up and slowly walked down the broken ring following Yu Tianheng's footsteps.

When everyone was silent because of Yu Tianheng's powerful strength, Feng Xiaotian's eyes flashed with divine light, and he murmured: "The random splitting wind hammer technique? Maybe my thirty-six consecutive blows can be transformed into Seventy-two consecutive kills."

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