The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 172 Dai Mubai: How about selling ditches

When the red light faded, Xiao Wu's figure disappeared, leaving only a palm-sized white rabbit lying quietly among the blue silver grass.

At the same time, a bloody light suddenly appeared above Ning Rongrong's head, and the red skull disappeared in a flash.

Seeing that the sacrifice ceremony of the hundred thousand year soul beast was over, Ning Fengzhi couldn't wait to walk up, without any trace of his usual elegant image, and asked his daughter nervously: "Rong Rong, what soul skills have you obtained? "

Ning Rongrong slowly opened her eyes. Yellow, yellow, purple, and red under her feet, five strange soul rings appeared one by one. She looked at the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda in her hand, which was shining brightly, and frowned slightly, "The name of my fifth soul skill is Called Soul Power Amplification, you can enhance the quality of your teammates' soul power, allowing them to use less soul power to release more powerful soul skills."

"Didn't a hundred thousand year old soul beast give you a second soul skill?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head, "The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, like the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, has a fixed combination of soul skills and a fixed amplification effect. The age of the soul ring will only affect the consumption of soul skills released. This hundred thousand-year-old soul The ring just makes the consumption of my soul skills unnoticeable..."

Ning Fengzhi nodded helplessly. The fixed skills of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and not choosing soul rings were an out-and-out advantage in normal times. However, when there are high-quality soul rings, they cannot obtain the same huge power as ordinary soul masters. Improvement. Fortunately, after absorbing two immortal grasses, the ratio of soul skills in the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has been optimized, and its auxiliary effects have also been significantly improved.

Ning Rongrong touched his head, as if he was not used to the extra soul bone on his body. After a moment of silence, he continued: "The skull left behind by Xiao Wu's sacrifice actually gave me two good soul skills. It can greatly improve my life-saving ability..."

"What soul skill does this hundred thousand year soul bone give you?"

"Invincible golden body and teleportation. One can be immune to any attack below the god level for 3 seconds, while the other can teleport within a hundred meters. It perfectly makes up for the shortcomings of me, an auxiliary soul master, who is easily attacked."

"Okay, okay, that's great, Rongrong. With this soul skill, you will be a perfect auxiliary soul master." Seeing Ning Rongrong receiving so many benefits, the smile on Ning Fengzhi's face never stopped. , as if he had a hundred thousand year soul bone.

Sword Douluo behind Ning Fengzhi also stroked his beard and kept nodding, "Rong Rong can try to use teleportation continuously during the time of the invincible golden body. You can advance and retreat. Even if the enemy wants to stop you, there is nothing they can do. …”

While several people were discussing the use of Ning Rongrong's soul bone, Yu Tianming suddenly held a piece of meat and brought it to Ning Rongrong's mouth.

Ning Rongrong swallowed it casually and asked with a smile: "Brother Tianming, what kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant? After eating, the soul power in my body became restless."

"Do you still remember the spicy rabbit meat that Ma Hongjun made with 4,000-year-old soft-bone rabbits on the way to Wuhun City? This is the stir-fried rabbit meat that I made with 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbits. I know you like the fresh and tender meat the most. rabbit face meat, so I specially gave this piece of rabbit meat to you.”

"Brother Tianming, you, you must have cooked Xiao Wu, right?" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but retched when she thought of her roommate who had just come alive and been eaten by her.

"Rongrong, don't worry. After Xiao Wu sacrificed all his soul, cultivation and vitality, the remaining body won't live long. We can't waste it. What's more, the body of the soft-bone rabbit is completely different from the little one you know. Wu is irrelevant. Even if you really cherish Xiao Wu's friendship, you can resurrect her in the future. After all, Xiao Wu's soul is still sleeping in your soul bone."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong stopped retching and asked doubtfully: "Why, Xiao Wu's body has disappeared, can the soul survive in the soul bone?"

"Of course, the soul bone is the essence of Xiao Wu's body. The day you no longer sympathize with Xiao Wu, you can use the soul bone skill frequently to drain away her soul."

"It turns out Xiao Wu can still be saved. Brother Tianming, I will definitely resurrect her in the future." Ning Rongrong's eyes gradually turned to the fried rabbit meat in Yu Tianming's hand, and continued: "I never expected that a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast and 4000 soul beasts makes such a big difference...can I still eat another piece?"



Half an hour later, the group left the water world and walked slowly to the spectator seats where the Lanba team was.

At this time, the Lanba team, which had lost the qualification for this competition, suffered a sudden change, and everyone in the team was looking sad. Especially Dai Mubai, his expression was surprisingly similar to Xiao Wu before the sacrifice.

Seeing Ning Fengzhi and his entourage approaching, Oscar glanced at Ning Rongrong and summoned up the courage to ask, "Sect Master Ning, I wonder if I can join the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

Hearing what he said, Ning Rongrong's face suddenly became a little unnatural: She was obviously already with Yu Tianming, why did this Oscar still bother to get close to her, as if he was happy just being near her? It's really Annoying.

However, when Ning Fengzhi saw Oscar, a food soul master with innate soul power, volunteering to join the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly lit up, and he looked at the group of Lan Ba ​​Academy, happily He said: "Of course, any of you who want to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is welcome."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun.

Zhu Zhuqing looked tentatively at Yu Tianming aside. Seeing Yu Tianming nodding, she said happily: "Then I would like to thank Sect Master Ning for taking him in."

Ning Fengzhi nodded. He had already learned about Zhu Zhuqing from Ning Rongrong. Since he had Yu Tianming's approval, it was just a matter of course to protect Zhu Zhuqing. Then his eyes turned to Ma Hongjun, an elegant and easy-going man. Asked: "Little guy, what about you?"

Ma Hongjun chuckled and said: "Forget it, I prefer freedom. I have always wanted to travel around the mainland and increase my knowledge. Now that I have graduated, I hope to realize my wish."

Flanders, who knew Ma Hongjun well, was surprised. He looked at his only disciple and thought to himself: Ma Hongjun has never cared about anything except eating and women. Unexpectedly, he still had the idea of ​​traveling to the mainland in his heart.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and said: "In that case, I won't force it. Dean Flender, we have to say goodbye. Rongrong, Zhuqing, Oscar, let's go."

After that, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin led everyone out of the spectator seats of the Soul Master Competition.

At this time, Davis, who was standing aside and waiting quietly, looked at Yu Tianming who was gradually approaching and said slowly, "Brother Tianming, I didn't expect that after not seeing each other for several years, you could easily suppress Haotian Douluo. You hid it too deeply before..."

Yu Tianming smiled slightly, "Zhuqing will join the Qibao Glazed Sect from now on and will no longer participate in the battles of the Xingluo royal family... Thank you so much for letting her go."

"It's just a trivial matter. Only when the evil-eyed white tiger and the ghost civet cat are paired up can they compete for the royal heir. Only Zhuqing can't make any waves, so why should you and I see each other?" Davis faced Yu Tianming. When he was young, his usual unruliness was completely gone, and the purple light in his eyes became gentle, like the brother next door.

In the past, Davis wanted to win over Yu Tianming for the Blue Lightning Overlord clan's sake with a gentle attitude. Yu Tianming, who is now only twenty years old, can defeat Haotian Douluo who has been famous for many years. He must have the strength of a titled Douluo. For the sake of strength, we should also be gentle with him.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, although no girl from the Zhu family would marry outside, Zhu Zhuqing was Davis's prearranged concubine. But everything has to give way in the face of absolute strength. Even if Yu Tianming takes Zhu Zhuqing away by force, what can he do? What's more, the news of the marriage between the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect has spread across the mainland. For the sake of the stability of the imperial power, it is even more necessary to win over Yu Tianming.

Davis and Yu Tianming were chatting happily, but Dai Mubai, the down-and-out prince beside him, narrowed his eyes and started thinking.

As a prince who failed in the competition, Dai Mubai made bold statements in front of his brother not long ago. The tragic ending in the future can already be imagined. In the face of a life-and-death crisis, all kinds of crazy thoughts began to emerge one by one...

As a veteran of Huacong, Dai Mubai had noticed that Yu Tianming and Xue Qinghe had a close relationship as early as at Lanba Academy, and their eyes had a vague feeling that men should not have.

Dai Mubai thought to himself: Davis has always been unscrupulous in doing things. Is it possible that it is because of Yu Tianming's kindness that the unruly Davis is so gentle? In order to gain the support of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, has Davis betrayed his appearance?

The enemy can go and I can go. For the sake of life and death, what does a little dignity mean? Thinking of this, most of the panic in Dai Mubai's eyes disappeared.

He walked upright in front of Yu Tianming, narrowed his evil eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Sir, how do you think my appearance compares to Davis?" Dai Mubai was very confident. He was born with double pupils and his appearance was also better than that of Davis. Davis is handsome and will definitely gain Yu Tianming's support.

Yu Tianming looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"Mubai is willing to follow you, sir, and serve you morning and night. I just ask for mercy from you..." Dai Mubai fell to his knees with a plop and said with a sincere expression. Today is his last chance. If Davis is brought back to the Star Luo Empire, he will never be able to turn over.

Yu Tianming took a few steps back, distanced himself from Dai Mubai, and said in a disgusted tone: "It seems that the rules of the Xingluo royal family are too cruel, Davis, your brother may be under too much pressure, and now his brain is gone." It's not normal. You have to take good care of him after you bring him back so that he doesn't affect everyone..."

After saying that, Yu Tianming left the spirit fighting arena without looking back, and Davis looked at Dai Mubai with a hint of coldness in his eyes.


Elder's Hall.

This is the largest building in the Pope's Palace, and it also represents the most powerful power of the entire Wuhun Palace.

In the tall domed building, you will see a wide hall as soon as you enter. The hollow dome is nearly thirty meters high. The dome is divided into three floors, and each floor has ten rooms. These are the daily routines of the elders of Wuhun Hall. A place of practice. The elders of Wuhun Palace must have at least the strength of a titled Douluo or above.

This is where the true highest power of Wuhun Palace lies, and even the Pope must be restricted by it.

At this time, the elder's hall was quiet. Not only was there no trace of the elder, not even a serving servant could be seen.

When Qian Renxue walked into the huge hall, her pupils suddenly shrank. Under the dome, in front of a seraph sculpture made of pure gold, which is more than ten meters high, a person is standing quietly, with his back to the direction of the door, looking up at the pure gold statue piously. .

He was a tall middle-aged man, wearing a plain grey robe, with neatly combed black hair draped smoothly behind his head. Although he was just standing there, the sunlight from the window seemed to be focused on him alone.


Qian Renxue fell to her knees at the door with a thud, and two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

Qian Daoliu slowly turned around and looked at Qian Renxue. Although he was more than two hundred years old, he still looked like he was in his thirties. Not only was he handsome, but he also had a sense of nobleness and perfection, as if he was the incarnation of the supreme god walking in the world, which made people feel an urge to get close to him.

The strangest thing was that he was like an ordinary person, without a trace of soul power fluctuations.

The gray-clothed man took a step forward lightly, and the next moment he was in front of Qian Renxue, and gently held Qian Renxue in his arms. In the arms of her grandfather whom she had not seen for ten years, Qian Renxue finally let go of all her defenses and burst into tears.

Even the strongest people have their weak sides. She had been pretending to be Xue Qinghe for more than ten years and had spent her entire adolescence as a spy in the unfamiliar Tiandou Palace. Only Qian Renxue herself knew the pressure she had endured in these ten years.

Qian Daoliu gently touched Qian Renxue's golden hair and said gently, "Xiaoxue has grown up..."

"It's been ten years. Xiaoxue hasn't seen grandpa for ten years... But my mission is about to be completed..."

Qian Renxue sobbed more and more violently. Before she was nine years old, Qian Renxue, who had no father and was hated by her mother, could only get real love from Qian Daoliu. If there was anyone in this world who was regarded as a real relative by her, it must be Qian Daoliu in front of her. How could she not be excited to meet again after ten years?

"Xiaoxue, this kind of thing can't be rushed." Qian Daoliu patted Qian Renxue's back comfortingly, and said in a gentle tone: "The power in the world is just a passing cloud. If you don't want to stay in Tiandou City, you can always return to Wuhun Hall. No matter what you do, Grandpa will always support you."

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