The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 177 Titan Ape, Reunion

Under the influence of Yu Tianming, Dugu Bo absorbed different ninth soul rings and obtained the ninth soul skill similar to Tang San's hidden weapon 'Guanyin Tears'. Although this move did not give Poison Douluo a large-scale killing ability, it gave him extremely hidden burst damage. With the eighth soul skill Time Solidification, it can even take away ordinary Title Douluo in one set.

But Yu Tianming asked the powerful Dugu Bo to follow Qian Renxue, not to protect Qian Renxue, nor to let him eliminate the opposition forces in the empire, but to show the world the opinions of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan through the appearance of Dugu Bo.

With Poison Douluo from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan by her side and the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Clan, Qian Renxue didn't even need to open her mouth, and someone would support her to ascend to the position of Tiandou Emperor.

After arranging the path to steal the country, Yu Tianming's eyes turned to Dugu Yan next to Dugu Bo.

Because she had experienced two years of life in the City of Slaughter, Dugu Yan now habitually wears a black dress, and her black hair is simply tied into a ponytail behind her head.

However, Dugu Yan was born a beauty. At the age of six, she absorbed the Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bones, and at the age of 12, she absorbed the Black Jade Divine Bamboo. Under the nourishment of the two immortal herbs, one soft and one hard, not only did her appearance become more beautiful, but her skin became as moist and tough as jade. Although she was dressed simply, the simple clothes did not overshadow her, and highlighted her stunning beauty.

Dugu Yan originally held her chin with her hand, with a faint smile, silently watching Yu Tianming. Now, suddenly meeting Yu Tianming's gaze, she was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said, "Brother Tianming, what's wrong? Is there anything you want to find Yanyan for?"

"Let Senior Dugu Bo and the convoy go first, Yanyan, you and I will go to the Star Forest to hunt souls."

A few years ago, Dugu Yan absorbed the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger as the sixth soul ring, and when she was training in the Slaughter City, she also received a soul bone from Yu Tianming. Therefore, as soon as she walked out of the Slaughter City, she accumulated a lot of experience and rose all the way to level 70. It was only at Yu Tianming's strong request that he had not absorbed the seventh soul ring.

Dugu Yan smiled and looked at Yu Tianming opposite, his eyes never moving away, his jade-like crystal clear eyes full of happiness, "The seventh soul ring is the soul ring for awakening the martial soul's true body, which will greatly affect the development of the soul master. I wonder if Brother Tianming has made me wait for so long, did he prepare some powerful soul beast for me?"

"You will know later, this soul beast can definitely enhance your martial soul to a great extent, Yanyan, don't be surprised when you see it." Compared with Dugu Yan's undisguised love, Yu Tianming was much calmer and calmer.

Qian Renxue, who was standing aside, looked at Dugu Yan's heart and eyes full of love that could be expressed without concealment, and her heart couldn't help but sour. Disguised as the prince of Tiandou, he had to hide himself all the time. He could only call Yu Tianming his brother outside, and he had to be sneaky and cautious to show his true face.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's desire to seize the throne of Emperor Xue Ye became more and more urgent: only by returning to her original identity can she be with Yu Tianming openly.

"Rongrong and you, this time you and Yanyan go to get the soul ring together. After Yu Tianming and Dugu Yan finished talking, he turned and looked at Ning Rongrong not far away.

"Ah, me? There won't be any problem if I absorb soul rings continuously like this." Ning Rongrong asked in confusion.

On the way to Wuhun City to participate in the finals, Yu Tianming took Ning Rongrong to hunt the crystal soul beast in the cave and absorbed the purple fourth soul ring. Before the Soul Master Elite Tournament was over, Xiao Wu sacrificed herself to Ning Rongrong. Under the urging of the huge energy of the 100,000-year soul beast, Ning Rongrong, who had just become a soul master, immediately obtained the red fifth soul ring and rose all the way to level 60. As long as he absorbed a sixth soul ring, he could become a soul emperor, and his cultivation would be close to his father Ning Fengzhi.

"With me here, Rongrong doesn't have to be afraid even if he absorbs three soul rings a day. "Yu Tianming smiled slightly, pulled Ning Rongrong to his side, and said jokingly: "Soul rings can be obtained at any time, but powerful and suitable soul beasts are not often available. The soul beast to be hunted this time is not ordinary, Rongrong, you have to seize it. "

As soon as Ning Rongrong approached, a strange fragrance mixed with Qiluo tulips and eight-petal fairy orchids filled Yu Tianming's side, making him intoxicated and closed his eyes. This pair of mandarin duck fairy grass, Ning Rongrong and Oscar ate separately, can fuse their two unrelated martial souls and produce the martial soul fusion skill to resurrect Tang San. Now that both plants have been eaten into Ning Rongrong's stomach, they immediately brought her earth-shaking changes. The strange fragrance lingering on her body is just the most obvious point.

Ning Rongrong is small and weak. Under Yu Tianming's pull, she stumbled and leaned on him without paying attention. Seeing her father's teasing eyes, she hurriedly hummed and blushed. He lowered his head. Although Ning Rongrong was called a little witch and sometimes spoke dirty words, she still regarded herself as a child in her heart. She couldn't help but feel shy when Ning Fengzhi looked at her like this.

Seeing Yu Tianming surrounded by two beauties, Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue couldn't help but twitch her lips, thinking sourly: I am Xue Qinghe, Tianming's good brother. Even if Tianming sits beside me and talks about love, I have to pretend that nothing has happened. This feeling... is a bit strange...

After teasing Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong for a few words, Yu Tianming turned to Qian Renxue and said, "Brother Xue, I'm going to take Yanyan and Rongrong to the depths of the Xingdou Great Forest to hunt souls. It may take some time. You don't have to worry about us, just take the team back to Tiandou City. If there is enough time, I will find you."

Qian Renxue smiled gently and said elegantly and casually: "Brother Tianming, my two sisters-in-law, I wish you a safe journey."

Yu Tianming nodded, and with a wave of space fluctuations, he, Dugu Yan, and Ning Rongrong disappeared into the small tavern.


Deep in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The noon sun shone directly on the ground through the gaps in the branches of the giant trees, leaving large patches of light on the land in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

The trees in the Star Dou Great Forest are extremely tall and dense, and each giant tree is hundreds of meters high. Their layers of green leaves can catch all the sunlight without any difference. But now, many of the giant trees' thick branches have been roughly broken, and the rays of sunlight also shine through the places without shade, shining on the ground in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest for thousands of years.

When Yu Tianming and the two women were teleported to the depths of this forest full of giant trees, Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong, who had never been to the core area, widened their eyes in surprise.

Ning Rongrong looked at the broken dead branches that were as tall as a six-story building in front of her, and said with shock on her face: "Is this the depths of the Xingdou Great Forest? The trees are so tall, and a broken branch alone is bigger than the entire tree outside the Xingdou Great Forest, right?"

Dugu Yan, who had trained in the Slaughter City for two years, was different from Ning Rongrong. After being surprised, she showed a cautious expression and asked Yu Tianming beside her softly: "Why are there so many broken branches here? And it stands to reason that there should be many more soul beasts in the depths of the forest than outside, but why can't we see any soul beasts?"

As soon as Dugu Yan finished speaking, without waiting for Yu Tianming to answer, a roar like thunder appeared not far away, accompanied by the roar, a burst of tree breaking sounds also sounded one after another, and countless birds and beasts began to fly away from that direction.

"Tianming, you are not the soul beast overlord in the Xingdou Great Forest, are you? This is the sound that soul beasts over 100,000 years old can make. You don't want me to make it the seventh soul ring, do you?" Feeling the powerful momentum in the roar, Dugu Yan swallowed his saliva and immediately thought of Yu Tianming's purpose.

"Yan Yan, do you still remember how old my seventh soul ring is?"

"Twenty or twenty years? But we are different. The strength of your body is far beyond that of ordinary martial spirits. It is reasonable to absorb more than 100,000 years. And what you absorbed back then was a divine soul ring, which is much easier to absorb than wild soul beasts... I am only level 70, how can I absorb a soul ring over 100,000 years old?"

Dugu Yan's cautious look is normal. The result of failing to absorb a soul ring is death. As a soul master who is superior to others, how could he risk his life to pursue that little increase in the age of the soul ring? Only Tang San would risk death for a little strength without the certainty of victory, and hastily choose a spirit ring that exceeds the age limit. It was just that he was lucky, otherwise he would die while absorbing the spirit ring before he could reach the Soul King.

Yu Tianming hugged her into his arms and comforted her softly: "Yanyan, you must be confident. You have so many spirit bones, and your physical body has surpassed many Title Douluo. And I am by your side, how can you not absorb a 100,000-year spirit ring?"

Dugu Yan seemed to realize the feasibility of absorbing a 100,000-year spirit ring. After thinking for a moment, he nodded heavily as if he was brave enough to die.

At this moment, the sound of trees breaking suddenly stopped, and then a huge sound of footsteps sounded. In just a few breaths, a giant beast covered with black hair and more than ten meters tall came to the three of them.

"Titan Giant Ape?"

Although the giant beast in front of him had red eyes, messy hair, and a thinner body, Ning Rongrong recognized the Titan Giant Ape at a glance. She had seen this giant beast when she and Shrek were hunting souls. At the same time, the Titan Giant Ape also recognized Ning Rongrong, who had been in a team with Xiao Wu. Its footsteps suddenly stagnated, and it immediately turned its head left and right to look for Xiao Wu's trace. After a few breaths, the search was fruitless, and the Titan Giant Ape turned its lantern-sized eyes back to Yu Tianming and the other two, and the murderous aura on its body gradually spread.

The Titan Giant Ape was born and raised in the Star Dou Great Forest for 100,000 years, and has always regarded humans as enemies and food. Since Xiao Wu is not here again, these humans who walked in front of them still want to leave? The murderous aura on its body suddenly surged in a bad mood, and it raised its hand and slapped the three people directly.

The Titan Giant Ape's palm was several meters long, and Yu Tianming hugged Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong on both sides, and was very close to them. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely be beaten into a pulp in an instant. The Titan Giant Ape left a concave palm print and slowly left. But the Titan Giant Ape, facing Yu Tianming's palm, stayed in the air above Yu Tianming's head, and it was difficult to fall.

"Gravity shield? Human, your martial soul is the same as mine, which is the earth attribute that controls gravity?" A huge voice came, and the Titan Giant Ape's eyes were full of surprise and greed that were very similar to humans. "Our attributes match, and your flesh and blood may help me get closer."

"No, I just like to absorb soul bones of different attributes. This earth attribute gravity is one of my soul bone skills..." Yu Tianming showed a weird smile on his face, and said to the Titan Giant Ape gently: "Titan Giant Ape, have you encountered any troubles? I have a good attack soul skill here. I wonder if you will be happy after seeing it?"

Before Yu Tianming could finish his words, the titan ape with 100,000 years of combat experience assumed a defensive posture, and its dark hair instantly turned into the color of yellow earth. Although it is not beautiful, in Yu Tianming's perception, the Titan ape has become a whole with the earth, and its defense power has increased several times in an instant.

But at this time, Yu Tianming was still unhurried. Looking at the defense of the Titan ape, the smile on his face gradually grew, his lips were slightly opened, and he slowly spit out four big words:

"Azure Divine Thunder."

The moment he heard the name, the Titan ape suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Yu Tianming with anger: "It's you! It turns out you, the bastard, killed Daming!"

Yu Tianming's Azure Divine Thunder was too fast, and the reaction of the Titan Giant Ape was too slow. As soon as it opened its mouth, a blue thunder and lightning completely drowned it, and the angry curses were also drowned in the roar of Flash Point.

The electric light went out and the body surface was charred. The Titan ape, which had not lost its fighting ability, slowly stood up and said hoarsely: "Human, you deserve to die..."

"Oh? I underestimated you. The Azure Divine Thunder I released casually did not make you lose your fighting power, but you have no chance." Yu Tianming retracted his finger and said in a joking tone: "But between you and your brother Before the reunion, I want to tell you a news, a news that will definitely interest you. "

"What's the news?" An unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in the Titan Ape's heart.

"I killed the azure bull python, and I also took its soul bone." Yu Tianming laughed unscrupulously: "I wonder if you know a hundred thousand-year-old flesh-and-bone charm rabbit? Coincidentally, she also died. As expected of a hundred thousand year soul beast, Rongrong was promoted to level 60 just after he was promoted to the Soul Sect..."

Yu Tianming looked at Dugu Yan beside him and said cheerfully: "Titan giant ape, it's your turn now... What a coincidence, Xiao Wu is with you two giant beasts, Rongrong, Yanyan and I are Together. You are three hundred thousand year soul beasts, and we are three people who need a hundred thousand year soul ring. Don't you think this is fate?"

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